Transfer of medicines/money to Nablus
June 10 "convoy demonstration" postponed
Transfer of medicines/money for medicines to go through as planned
The June 10 "convoy demonstration" of a coalition of peace groups at Nablus checkpoint had to be postponed, but the transfer of medicines/money for medicines will go through as planned.
As the Palestinian schools are busy holding examinations this month, our Palestinian partners requested to postpone the demonstration part - to avoid a possible curfew punishment on the nearby villages.
So, no need to keep this Saturday free, but if you did not yet make your earmarked donation do it please asap - and let us know by email how much - so we can include it already.
(But also after this week donations are still welcome.)
If you live in America, Canada, UK, Netherlands, Germany there is for you a possibility of tax-exempt donation - tell us where you are and we will tell you how to do it.
Billboard of international action against the sanctions and starvation policy
- at request of Israeli groups (more being added still)