Greens plan: political donations online in 2 weeks
Greens plan - political donations online within two weeks of receipt
Greens MP Lee Rhiannon is calling on the major parties to agree to disclose all donations within a fortnight of receiving them so the public can keep up to date with how big donors are buying access and influence with the major parties.
"It's not good enough for the public to have to wait up to 18 months to see how much big corporations have donated, especially during an election year," Ms Rhiannon said.
"Political parties can spend their donations the same day they receive them so they should be required to disclose them as soon as practicable too.
"People should have access to this kind of information before they vote, not years after the donation is given.
"Today the Greens will be analysing data
released by the Australian
Electoral Commission on who
gave what to the major parties so we can update our
Democracy4Sale website.
"Our Democracy4Sale website shows that swift disclosure is technologically possible. It is time for the major parties to make it happen, working with the Australian Electoral Commission.
"Rapid disclosure would restore the balance in the public's favour by revealing how and when these cash inducements are being used to distort our democracy.
"The public is sick and tired of seeing big corporations and lobbyists line the pockets of Labor and the Liberals.
"It is time the major parties made the system more transparent by agreeing to disclose donations within two weeks of receiving them," Ms Rhiannon said.
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