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The battle of the day after has already begun

The battle of the day after has already begun

TOI-Billboard - May 7, 2005

--The general situation: settlers calm down; worry among the doves
--Political prisoners monitoring municipal election campaigns

--Activism update
--Daily struggle in Bil'in continues to make headlines
--I am an American Jew, and I have something to say to you - letter to Minister Mofaz by Rita Corriel
--Academics, left-wing activists hold protest in Ariel college
---Hundreds rally in Tel-Aviv against IDF killing of two Palestinian boys
--ACRI: ICJ fence ruling correct, Dan Izenberg, Jerusalem Post
--Medical treatment conditional upon collaboration - PHRI intervenes
--Petition: Free Palestinian parliamentarian, Hussam Khader

--Various articles
---"Aren't You Ashamed?" Uri Avnery/on demonstrating on Holocaust Day
---Stuck in the throat - Editorial Ha'aretz on the declaring of a settlement university
---The Sharon Doctrine, Naomi Chazan, Jerusalem Post
---Is the Golan next? Eitan Haber, Ynet
---Alone on the barricades - Meron Rapoport interviews Ilan Pappe

The general situation
Settlers calm down; worry among the doves

While the ritual of anti-pullout demonstrations continues, negotiations between settlers and government are in full steam - about the amount of compensations; about the location of their settling inside the legal borders of the country.

The landscape of the day after starts to be discernable: reconciliation between Sharon and the far right for a joint effort as to resist pressures for any further pullout.

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As those in the peace camp who had embraced Sharon's Gaza Disengagement, start worrying, Peace Now invited this week the public to a lecture by Dror Etkes, its Settlement Watch coordinator, on the subject: 'What is Sharon hatching up on the West Bank?'
Also this week, Sharansky left the government, complaining that 'Sharon has not done enough to pressure the Palestinians into democracy' (/sic!/), and ... on the day after, Palestinians held multi-party municipal elections - whose vibrant campaign even shook up the many thousands Palestinian 'prisoners of Zion' (see next article)..

Political prisoners monitoring municipal election campaigns
Mustafa Sabre, Qalqiliya
In Qalqiliya City, prisoner’s families are receiving hundreds of calls per day from their sons in the prisons. The main subject is elections...

Activism update

Daily struggle in Bil'in continues to make headlines

Bil'in was also this week at the center of the struggle over the West Bank - with Palestinian villagers, Israeli and international activists daily confronting the army in acts of non-violent resistance. The footage of activists chained to the trees destined to be uprooted were prominently in the Israeli TV news. Daily there was mention of Israeli and Palestinian activists having been arrested.

For photos: and a written report of the most recent action, Friday May 6:

Meanwhile the aftermath of the events in Bil'in of April 28 were followed up with a protest letter campaign (see next item) and a press conference. The excessive behavior of the army undercover agents as well as a report of the press conference are on the Gush Shalom website
NB : you find there now also the evidence of the April 28 events on 2 video films!

I am an American Jew, and I have something to say to you - letter to Minister Mofaz by Rita Corriel
'Your actions do not create a safe or hopeful nation for Jews anywhere.'
I call on you to hold all needed action, in order to bring about the immediate release of Riad Mohamad Yassin and Alian Ibrahim Ahmad Abu Rachme. These men were arrested on 28.04.05, during a non-violent demonstration against the separation wall at their village. The two were arrested after trying to prevent disguised Israeli soldiers from throwing stones at the Israeli security forces. These undercover soldiers were attempting to initiate violent reactions from Israeli soldiers. The exposure of the Israeli undercover soldiers, led to the arrest of the two men who were actually trying to stop the stone throwing, and prevent the violence.

read the whole letter

Academics, left-wing activists hold protest in Ariel college
By Lilly Galili and Tamara Traubman, Haaretz Correspondents

A group of some 60 Tel-Aviv university academics and left-wing activists Wednesday morning held protest in front of the Judea and Samaria College of Ariel in the West Bank against a government decision to confer university status to the college.

read more:
Hundreds rally in TA against IDF killing of 2 Palestinian boys, 14 and 15 years old

MK Mohammed Barakeh addressed the rally and told them that "on the day of [remembrance for] the big Holocaust, we must make sure that there is no 'little holocaust' of Palestinians." He also said that the relatively large number of participants, given the short notice of the rally, proves that the "radical left is waking up."

full article
photos and description
Adam Keller report

ACRI: ICJ fence ruling correct, Dan Izenberg, Jerusalem Post
The International Court of Justice in Hague was correct in declaring that the separation fence was a gross violation of international law and should be moved back to the Green Line, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel said on Thursday. (...) ACRI attorney Limor Yehuda wrote that the ICJ was the most authoritative international court for interpreting international law and therefore its opinions were binding. She added that even after the changes made by the army in the route of the fence after the landmark Beit Sourik ruling on June 30, 2004, most of the fence was still being inside the West Bank, 9.5 percent of the territory of the West Bank would end up on the Israeli side of the fence, 24,000 Palestinians would be living on the Israeli side of the fence, and 230,000 Palestinians would be living in enclaves surrounded on three sides by the fence.

In a related development, the High Court heard arguments against and in favor of lifting the temporary injunction preventing the army from building small sections of a security fence around the settlements of Ariel and Emmanuel. (...) At the end of the hearing, Barak said the court would hand down its decision on whether or not to lift the temporary injunctions at a later time. Meanwhile, the court has scheduled a hearing before a panel of nine High Court justices on June 9 to discuss the main body of these same petitions.

Full article
See also:ACRI: Separation fence clear violation of int'l law,Ha'aretz, 6/5/2005_

Medical treatment conditional upon collaboration - PHRI intervenes
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel Press release, May 1
Muhammad Radad, a 38 year old cardiac patient and father of five, discovered that the road to medical care passes by the Israeli Secret Service.
More Updates/Press Releases of PHRI
Petition: Free Palestinian parliamentarian, Hussam Khader


"Aren't You Ashamed?" Uri Avnery on demonstrating on Holocaust Day

How can one demonstrate for Arabs, especially on Holocaust Day?
Well, it's a good question. And there is a good answer.

The answer expresses one of the lessons to be drawn from the Holocaust, a lesson that should be raised like a banner on Holocaust Day:
That decent persons must come to the aid of a persecuted minority.

That loyalty to your country does not justify agreement with the occupation of another country and the oppression of another people.

That you must not accept an ideology telling you that you belong to a master nation, to a superior race, to a chosen people - and that other people are inferior and subhuman.

Stuck in the throat - Editorial Ha'aretz on the declaring of a settlement university
May 4, 2005
The government decision to turn the college in Ariel into a university is one of those decisions meant to demonstrate the kind of political determination that eventually turns out to be a stupid provocation and ends up being costly and damaging for future generations. That distinction is also true regarding the establishment of Ariel itself and its neighboring settlements. The government intended to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state next to Israel. Now, after even the political right has recognized the need to divide the country between the two nations, the government is trying to use subterfuge to make the illogical situation that has been created in the territories permanent, acting against the interests of both the State of Israel and its own policies.

read more

The Sharon Doctrine, Naomi Chazan, Jerusalem Post
Disengagement from Gaza is the first step in Ariel Sharon's grand scheme
to permanently alter the political map of the region. The next phase is
the unilateral imposition of a Palestinian state with provisional
boundaries - PSPB - in scattered enclaves on the West Bank and Gaza.

read more

Is the Golan next? Eitan Haber, Ynet

"After dealing with Syria, Bush may turn his attention to Golan Heights!"

[if already have expectations from Bush, then maybe let him also once and for all end the occupation of the West Bank - TOI-ed]

read more,7340,L-3079669,00.html

Alone on the barricades - Meron Rapoport interviews Ilan Pappe

So you're deeply disappointed with Israeli academia?

"Very deeply - with academia and with the media. I think that academia and the media are supposed to be the most sensitive organs in the society, the parts with the most conscience. In secular society, they fill the role that belonged to the rabbis, to the clergy, in religious society. But in Israel, these are the people with the least conscience - I'm generalizing, of course. Instead of being the watchdogs of democracy they're turning into the rubber stamps of the ruling ideology. I travel a lot in the territories and I'm appalled by what I see. How is it possible to live with the horror of guard towers around cities like Tul Karm and Qalqilyah? How is it possible to see a soldier giving elderly Palestinian women a hard time day in and day out, sometimes the same old woman? How is it possible to ignore this when it's being done in your name? Can you just keep teaching about France in the Middle Ages when your job is to be an intellectual?

Full interview _html_

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