Tamils - Introduction of the freedom movement
Introduction of the freedom movement
For the last two decades Sri Lanka has been a cauldron of political violence. The racial antagonism that surfaced between the Tamil and Sinhala nations since the independence of the island has evolved into a fully-fledged armed conflict. The parties in the conflict are the Sri Lankan state and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Both the parties command standing armies and are embroiled in a bloody war.
The consequences of the war are devastating. The Tamil civilians face the brunt of the conflict because the war is waged in the Tamil homeland. Already 50,000 Tamils have perished and hundreds of thousands have either fled the country or are internally displaced. Yet the war continues with unabating ferocity, destroying life and property with every passing day.
This political document attempts to clarify some of the misconceptions surrounding the armed struggle of the Tamils. While examining the historical conditions that gave rise to the armed resistance movement, we argue that the Tamils reserve the right to armed defence against the military repression and genocide. Countering Sri Lanka's false propaganda that the Tamil struggle is a mode of terrorism, we explain that the armed campaign is a form of legitimate political struggle for self-determination. In brief, the document Sets out the position of the Tamils based on their quest for political independence and self-government.
Why did the Tamils take up arms?
The birth and growth of the armed resistance movement should be analysed within the historical development of the Tamil struggle for self-determination. The Tamil struggle for self-determination has an evolutionary history of nearly half a century. It is a history characterized by state repression and resistance by the Tamils. The political struggles in the early periods were peaceful, democratic and non-violent but later assumed the form of armed resistance as the military repression of the state intensified into genocidal proportions.
Sinhala state repression against the Tamils began to manifest in concrete forms following the independence of the island in 1948, when the British colonial masters transferred the state's power to the Sinhala dominated parliamentary system. By discriminatory legislation and by other measures, successive Sinhala majority governments unleashed a systematic form of oppression that deprived the Tamils of their linguistic, educational and employment rights. Gradually and systematically, the thrust of state oppression affected the sphere of economic and social life of the Tamils. In the meantime, the state-aided aggressive colonization in the Tamil areas not only deprived them of their rights over their historical lands but also altered the ethnic composition of the population rendering the Tamils a minority in certain traditional Tamil regions. The features of Sinhala state oppression clearly indicated a devious plan calculated to destroy the national identity of the Tamil people.
As the Sinhala state oppression and discrimination unfolded in its ugly forms threatening the national identity, the Tamil parliamentary political leadership responded with mass political agitations. Adopting Gandhi's concept of 'ahimsa', the Tamil leadership organized non-violent campaigns demanding justice and fair play from Sinhala rulers. In the early sixties, the 'satyagraha' (peaceful picketing) campaigns attracted huge masses of people in massive demonstrations symbolizing a national uprising against the state. The Sinhala Government reacted with military violence and terror, brutally crushing the non-violent peaceful campaigns of the Tamils.
Instead of looking into the genuine grievances of an aggrieved people, Colombo Governments adopted a harsh policy of military repression. Such high-handed tactics of terror made the people realise the futility of the non-violent campaigns.They realized that a repressive racist state adopting the methods of brutal violence attached no respect to the moral and spiritual values underlying non violent struggles. The Tamil people became frustrated and lost hope in both the parliamentary system which functioned under the tyranny of the majority and the non-violent struggles which were systematically crushed by the tyranny of the military. In desperation, the Tamil leadership sought political negotiations to resolve the conflict. Sinhala leaders entered into agreements but soon abrogated the pacts when Sinhala chauvinistic forces opposed reconciliation with the Tamils. The event that climaxed the state oppression against the Tamils was the new Republican constitution of 1972 which was a blatant attempt to legalize and institutionalize Sinhala chauvinism at the cost of alienating the Tamil nation from unitary constitutional politics. This event brought about radical transformation in the nature and structure of the Tamil political struggle.
It was during this specific historical juncture, that the armed resistance movement was born on Tamil soil with the determination to fight for political independence from alien domination. The armed struggle emerged as a historical development of the Tamil struggle in response to the determined efforts of the Sinhala Government to subjugate the Tamils. <>http://www.eelam.com/pic_docs/riots83_01.html>The Tamils took up arms when they were presented with no alternative other than to defend themselves against a savage form of genocidal oppression, when peaceful forms of democratic political agitations were violently repressed, when constitutional paths and parliamentary doors were effectively closed, when Sinhala ruling elites callously rejected the demands for justice and equality. Therefore, the Tamil armed struggle for political independence and self-government is the historical product of decades of racist oppression and injustice. Armed struggle for self-determination
The LTTE's
armed struggle is based on a clearly defined political
programme. This political project aims at securing the right
to self-determination of the Tamil people. The right to
self determination is the cardinal principle upon which the
Tamil struggle for political independence is based. International
Recognition Against the background of a powerful Sri
lankan diplomatic lobby, reinforced by misrepresentation of
facts and falsehood, the Tamils have been making every
effort in the international arena to seek legitimacy for
the claim of self-determination and the right to armed
defence against genocidal oppression. The international
campaign for the recognition and realization of the Tamil
right to self-determination was raised at the United
Nations Human Rights Commission. International NGOs
sympathetic to the Tamil cause have been pleading with the
UN Commission to recognize the legitimate claim of the
Tamil people for self-determination. A joint statement by
several international NGOs at the 49th session of the UN
Human Right Commission held on February 1993 under the
theme 'The right of peoples to self-determination and its
application to peoples under colonial or alien domination or
foreign occupation' called for the recognition of Tamils as
a people with the right to self-determination. The joint
statement observed that: "The Tamil population in the
North and East, who have lived for many centuries within
relatively well defined geographical boundaries, share an
ancient heritage, a vibrant culture, and a living language
which traces its origins to more than 2500 years ago. A
social group, which shares objective elements such as a
common language and which has acquired a subjective
consciousness of togetherness by its life within a
relatively well defined territory, and its struggle against
alien domination, clearly constitutes a "people" with the
right to self-determination. Today, there is an urgent need
for the international community to recognize that the
Tamil population in the North and East of the Island of Sri
Lanka are such a "people" with the right to freely choose
their political status". This joint statement, by the
international NGO's with U.N consultative status, calling
for the recognition of the north-eastern region of Sri
Lanka as the Tamil homeland and the Tamils as a people with
the right to self-determination, was a significant
development in the campaign to win international support
for the Tamil liberation struggle. Though, so far, the U.N
Commission on Human Rights has not taken any serious action
with regard to the Tamil national question, it has been
under constant pressure over the last decade to initiate
steps to satisfy the legitimate aspirations of the Tamils
within the framework of human rights and the right to
self-determination. Every year, as the situation in the
Tamil homeland becomes more grave and dangerous with the
aggravation of the war of aggression and occupation
unleashed against the Tamils by Sri Lanka, the Tamil claim
is gaining momentum in this UN forum. The Tamil
people are oppressed by the Sinhala racist state. They are
subjected to military domination and occupation by the alien
Sinhala nation. It is a well documented fact that Sinhala
Governments have been making determined effort by the use
of military force to subjugate and assimilate the Tamil
people within the Sinhala dominated state. LTTE as a freedom movement In defence of the
inalienable rights of the Tamil people, the LTTE has been
fighting an armed struggle against the alien domination of
the Sinhala state. As an organization committed to the
principle of self-determination and engaged in a
politico-military struggle over a lengthy period, the LTTE
has earned the status of a national liberation movement.
Having emerged in the early seventies and having struggled
for over two decades to win the political rights of the
Tamil people, the LTTE enjoys widespread popular support in
Tamil Eelam and among the international Tamil community. It
is an undeniable fact that the LTTE 's liberation struggle
to assert the right to self-determination of the Tamil
people has been instrumental for the internationalization of
the Tamil problem . Sri lanka's often repeated thesis
that the Tamil Tigers are a small band of armed rebels
engaging in terrorism and are alienated from the people is
baseless propaganda. The very fact that the LTTE has a
military and political history extending over a period of 25
years provides ample evidence that the organization enjoys
mass support. History has noted that guerrilla movements
committed to armed liberation struggles could not have
survived without the support and sustenance of the people.
The longevity of its existence, its ability to conduct a
consistent and sustained armed struggle against formidable
military forces (including the Indian army), its capacity
to mobilize and organize popular masses for political
action, demonstrate the fact that the LTTE enjoys the
status of a national freedom movement, with massive popular
backing. The LTTE has a standing army, a national liberation
force consisting of several thousands of freedom fighters, a
capable and responsible command structure, military
training facilities, modern weapon systems, vast
territories under its administrative control and has the
potential and efficiency to engage the Sri lanka armed
forces in conventional mode of warfare. The LTTE has a
political section with social, economic, educational and
cultural organizations and civil administrative units and a
law and order system. The structure of the LTTE is complex
and multi-faceted and orientated towards conducting an
effective armed resistance and political struggle and at the
sametime, maintaining a well organized administrative
system. Furthermore, the LTTE has a massive international
networks operating in several world capitals. Sri Lanka
has consistently refused to recognize the fact that the LTTE
is a liberation movement involved in the freedom struggle of
the Tamils. Such a recognition would entail the acceptance
of the Tamil struggle as a national liberation struggle.
One cannot expect an admission of truth from a racist state
which has for decades continued to violate, abuse, and
prevent the course of justice to the Tamils; a repressive
state that has always used its powerful propaganda
machinery to distort, misrepresent and belittle the Tamil
freedom movement. In the racist perception of Sri lanka,
the LTTE has always been a terrorist organization and the
liberation war of the Tamils a terrorist war. Though Sri
Lanka has taken such an extremist stand and condemned the
LTTE in unholy terms, there have been several occasions when
the Sinhala leadership had no choice but to enter into a
negotiations process with the Tamil Tigers recognizing the
fact that the LTTE is the dominant politico-military force
of the Tamils. Sri Lanka entered into negotiations with the
LTTE in Thimphu, Delhi, Bangalore, Colombo and more
recently in Jaffna. Entering into negotiations with the LTTE
entails implicit recognition that the Tamil Tigers
constituted a representative organization of the Tamils.
motives behind Sri Lanka's approach Ever since the violent
racial holocaust of 1983, in which thousands of Tamils
perished as a consequence of communal massacres, the Tamil
struggle assumed international importance. The
international community showed deep concern over the gross
violations of human rights by Sri Lanka. Furthermore, the
massive influx of Tamil refugees into Western Europe,
North America and Australia following the riots compelled
the industrialized countries to take serious note about the
political developments in the Island. Some of the
concerned European nations attempted to relate developmental
aid with improvements in the human rights situation in Sri
Lanka. Though Sri Lanka is beset by the turbulence of war
and civil unrest and the human right situation has
worsened, the developmental aid from donor countries
continues to pour into the country in a big way and a
substantial portion of it is drained by the so-called 'war
for peace'. The reluctance to exert aid-related pressure by
the affluent countries has encouraged the Kumaratunga
government to persist on a policy of repression and
tyranny. Impervious to humanitarian concerns and
insensitive to the monumental human tragedy caused by the
war, some international countries continue to supply lethal
weapons to Sri Lanka. The assured supply of unrestricted
funds and unrestrained supply of arms have encouraged Sri
Lanka to close the doors for peace and to embark on the
ruthless policy of military domination against the Tamil
people. Nevertheless some foreign nations are concerned
over the escalation of the war and the intensification of
the Tamil conflict and have proposed negotiated political
settlement between the parties in conflict, i.e. Sri Lanka
and the LTTE. Because of the mutual distrust and hostility
between the combatants and the continuous failure of direct
negotiations, some of these countries have volunteered to
offer mediation or facilitation. Norway, Sweden, Canada,
Switzerland, Australia and Britain have expressed their
willingness either to mediate or to facilitate for peace
talks between the LTTE and the Sri Lanka government. Though
the LTTE leadership has responded positively to offers of
international mediation, Sri Lanka has persistently rejected
such offers of third party mediation claiming that the Tamil
problem is an internal conflict. Sri Lanka has spurned
international mediation for specific reasons. Firstly, the
Kumaratunga Government does not want the Tamil national
question to be raised in the global arena as an
international conflict. Secondly, it does not want the LTTE
to be accorded the status of main player in the Tamil
struggle or rather the party in conflict. Thirdly, Sri
Lanka fears that the Tamil aspiration for autonomy and
self-government may receive a sympathetic hearing as a
reasonable demand in the civilized political world.
Fourthly, Sri Lanka wants to continue with the military
option in favour of a peace process because the conquest
and domination of the Tamil homeland is a strategy that
would appease the passions of Sinhala Buddhist
chauvinism. It is true that the armed liberation struggle
with the history of more than two decades has created
mutual animosity, mistrust and a great deal of
misunderstanding between the LTTE and the Sinhala state.
Sri Lanka is not prepared even to discuss
these issues that form the very basis of the Tamil national
conflict. Contrary to Tamil perceptions and aspirations,
Sri Lanka has postulated the problem in a different
ideological universe, situating the Tamils as a minor ethnic
group in a multi-ethnic social formation and denying their
right to a homeland and national identity. It is precisely
because of this approach, that the Sinhala regime refuses
to enter into any meaningful dialogue with the LTTE, either
directly or with the facilitation or mediation of the
international community. The current military campaign is
primarily aimed at the political marginalisation to the
LTTE. The military occupation and subjugation of the
historical homeland of the Tamils, the Sinhala rulers
assume, will bring an end to the Tamil aspirations for
autonomy and homeland and to the political struggle of the
LTTE based on those aspirations. These are the real
intentions behind the current political and military
approach of the Kumaratunga Government. But the Sri Lankan
propaganda machinery tells a different story to the world,
a concocted story that camouflages the hidden agenda; The
international community should not be misled by the
misrepresentations made by Sri Lankan propaganda but
carefully examine the real story behind the just cause of
the Tamil people and their struggle for freedom and