Gush Shalom ad salutes International Court judges
Gush Shalom ad salutes judges of the International
[ad in Haaretz - tomorrow, Feb.23]
"Have we not all one father? Hath not one God created us? Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother? …An abomination is committed in Israel and Jerusalem!" (Malachia, 2, 10-11) [Graffiti painted in Hebrew on the Separation Wall at Abu Dis.]
Judgement Day at The Hague
Gush Shalom salutes the judges of the International Court at The Hague as they start their deliberations today about the Wall that is being built inside the occupied territories.
Gush Shalom opposes this wall and demands the demolition of the part already built.
Gush Shalom strives for peace and reconciliation between the two peoples of this country, for a life of equality, cooperation and mutual respect between two states, Israel and Palestine. We are consequently opposed in principle to any barrier of separation between us.
A wall might be acceptable if it were built on the Green Line, as a temporary security measure until peace is achieved.
However, the Separation Wall that is now snaking through the West Bank is not being built for security reasons. The Sharon government is abusing the demand for security as a pretext for annexing territories, confining the Palestinians in isolated enclaves and expanding the settlements.
This wall will not bring security to the State of Israel and its citizens. It is creating more hatred, reducing still further the prospects for peace and perpetuating the interminable cycle of bloodshed.
This is a monstrous wall, inhuman and illegal. Anyone who supports it is not serving the cause of Israel's security, but the destructive tendencies of extreme elements that threaten our future.
We, Israelis who care about peace, the future and the security of our state, call upon the citizens of Israel and the international community to raise their voices for peace and against this wall.