Five New Non-Permanent Security Cl Members Elected
Five new non-permanent members elected to Security Council
Algeria, Benin, Brazil, the Philippines and Romania were elected today to become the next five non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.
The quintet will take up their seats on 1 January, replacing Bulgaria, Cameroon, Guinea, Mexico and Syria, which step down as scheduled at the end of their two-year terms. The new group will serve on the Council until the end of 2005.
The five were elected according to a pre-arranged geographical distribution, which allocated three seats to African and Asian countries, one seat to an Eastern European nation and one seat to a Latin American or Caribbean state.
terms of the other five non-permanent members – Angola,
Chile, Germany, Pakistan and Spain – are due to run out on
31 December 2004, when five new members will replace them.
China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom
and the United States are the Council’s five permanent