ISM Updates
ISM Updates
Jayyous 20 Sep 03 Tracie
Hi all.. --i am now writing to send out what occurred in the village of jayyous yesterday, September 19, 5:00 PM, i received a phone call from one of the people in the south side of the village...there are two in the west and one in the south of jayyous..the south gate is the one that is used primarily for the Bedouin family to come in and out of the village (for school, to day life, etc) and is sometimes also used by the farmers who have land on the south side...the gate on the south side has been considered the more \"dangerous\" of the two in that the soldiers and border police have fired their guns at both Palestinians and internationals at times and the soldiers come into the village almost nightly on the south side of the village to intimidate and harass the villagers who live there. this gate is also the one that, prior to the start of school
No one was hurt, but the people of the village become afraid when this happens. our role was to document with photography and to write and keep track of what jeep # and then to report to human rights organizations... today, so far, in is quiet. We will see.........