Air Force Orion Photos From Toothfish Patrol
Air Force Orion Photos From Toothfish Patrol

Yantar and Volna are Russian long-liner vessels targeting Antarctic Toothfish and Patagonian Toothfish. Both vessels are licensed to fish in the CCAMLR Ross Sea area.

San Aotea II
San Aotea II is a New Zealand registered long-line vessel targeting Antarctic Toothfish and Patagonian Toothfish. The vessel is licensed to fish in the CCAMLR Ross Sea Area.
(Note: CCAMLR = Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.)

Shonan Maru
Shonan Maru is a Japanese registered research vessel targeting whales in the Southern Ocean.
All photos were taken from a Royal New Zealand Air Force Orion Aircraft flying 65 metres above the sea-ice.
Vessels pictured in the Ross Sea sea-ice were approximately 3000km south of Dunedin. The Orion aircraft departed Dunedin at 8am this morning (Friday 17 Jan) and returned to Dunedin at night.
“The Antarctic environment and wildlife are beautiful and well worth protecting” FLTLT Scott Williams – Aircraft Captain (Wanganui)
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