DoD Images: Pentagon Spokespeople
Putting faces to names, Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, Gen. Richard B. Myers, Assistant Secretary Victoria Clarke, Rear Adm. John D. Stufflebeem & Maj. Gen. Henry Osman

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld (right) explains to reporters that there is no single coalition of nations in this war on terrorism during a press briefing at the Pentagon on Oct. 18, 2001, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Richard B. Myers (left), U.S. Air Force, briefed reporters on some of the previous day's operational details. DoD photo by R. D. Ward. (Released)
Assistant Secretary of Defense
for Public Affairs Victoria Clarke briefs reporters at the
Pentagon on Oct. 17, 2001, on the progress of the U.S.
military action against the forces of the al Qaeda terrorist
organization and the ruling Taliban regime in Afghanistan.
DoD photo by R. D. Ward. (Released)
Rear Adm. John D. Stufflebeem,
U.S. Navy, briefs reporters on the latest round of air
strikes in Afghanistan at the Pentagon on Oct. 17, 2001.
Stufflebeem is the deputy director of Operations for Current
Readiness and Capabilities, Joint Staff. DoD photo by R. D.
Ward. (Released)
Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Henry
Osman briefs reporters in the Pentagon on Oct. 11, 2001,
about the on-going air campaign being directed against the
al Qaeda terrorist organization and the military capability
of Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Osman is the director of
Operational Plans and Joint Force Development on the Joint
Staff. DoD photo by R. D. Ward. (Released)