Cablegate: Daily Summary of Japanese Press 09/18/09
DE RUEHKO #2194/01 2642126
P 212126Z SEP 09
E.O. 12958: N/A
(1) U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Campbell: Washington will
discuss U.S. force realignment with Hatoyama administration;
Emphasizes flexible stance (Yomiuri)
(2) Campbell in interview: "U.S. is ready to hold talks on Futenma
issue" (Asahi)
(3) Okada asks U.S. to cooperate in investigating secret pact
(4) Interview with Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada - I will not
penalize bureaucrats over secret pact (Asahi)
(5) Foreign minister's statement on nuclear weapons show he lacks
perception of reality (Sankei)
(6) Editorial: New Hatoyama cabinet should give priority to national
interests (Sankei)
(7) Government adopts new rules on relations between lawmakers and
bureaucrats (Nikkei)
(8) Kan to become "chief strategist" for macroeconomy (Nikkei)
(9) New Lower House committee chairs (Nikkei)
(10) Poll: Hatoyama cabinet, political parties (Asahi)
(11) Poll on Hatoyama cabinet, political parties (Nikkei)
(1) U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Campbell: Washington will
discuss U.S. force realignment with Hatoyama administration;
Emphasizes flexible stance
YOMIURI (Page 1) (Full)
September 18, 2009 Evening Edition
Visiting U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell gave an
exclusive interview to the Yomiuri Shimbun at the U.S. Embassy in
Tokyo earlier today. "I am aware that the new Japanese
administration wants to make some changes to what was agreed upon,"
Campbell said regarding the realignment of U.S. bases in Japan. "As
Japan's close ally, it is the United States' duty to come to the
negotiating table and lend an ear."
Washington has indicated in the past that it will not renegotiate
with Tokyo a plan to relocate Futenma Air Station within Okinawa or
other matters. Campbell indicated that the U.S. government will
shift to a "firm yet flexible" response, while describing the
Japan-U.S. relationship as an "equal partnership." He also stressed
that the United States will "respect" the Hatoyama administration's
wishes, saying, "It is unproductive for the United States to tell
(Japan) what it should do."
At the same time, Campbell warned against seeking a hasty review of
the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement and other matters, saying,
"Continuity is vital in several sectors, and that has been the
foundation for the bilateral alliance that has functioned
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effectively over the last 50 years."
(2) Campbell in interview: "U.S. is ready to hold talks on Futenma
ASAHI (Page 1) (Full)
September 18, 2009, Evening Edition
By Yoichi Kato, senior staff writer
In an interview this morning with the Asahi Shimbun at the U.S.
Embassy in Akasaka, Tokyo, visiting U.S. Assistant Secretary of
State Kurt Campbell said with regard to the relocation of the U.S.
Marine Corps' Futenma Air Station, "If the Hatoyama administration
says it wants to hold talks, we are obligated to respond to the
request," indicating the U.S.'s readiness to start talks with
The assistant secretary said, "The U.S. government strongly hopes to
continue to implement those agreements already concluded with the
Japanese government." But he added, "A stance in which we give
orders or press Japan to accept our conclusions will inevitably
result in undermining what we are going to build, which is an equal
and firm partnership." Campbell also said: "I am fully aware that
the Japanese government is willing to hold talks. We must agree to
hold such talks. That is why I am visiting Japan." He thus indicated
a flexible stance at least with respect to sitting at the table for
talks on reviewing the Futenma relocation plan.
The Hatoyama administration has said that it would not simply extend
the Maritime Self-Defense Force's refueling mission in the Indian
Ocean. On this issue, Campbell remarked: "We are facing a crucial
situation (in Afghanistan and Pakistan). We will now welcome any
form of aid from Japan." He indicated a strong hope that if Japan
halts its refueling mission, Japan will take some alternative
Prime Minister Hatoyama has come up with the mid-term goal of
cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 25 PERCENT from 1990 levels.
Campbell said, "The goal is welcome at the global level." But he
added, "The form it will assume in negotiations (on creating an
international framework) is another matter."
Regarding President Barack Obama's planned visit to Japan, Campbell
said, "The White House has high expectations for the visit." He then
disclosed that it has been decided that senior U.S. government
officials will hold discussions with Japanese officials at the rate
of almost once a week.
(3) Okada asks U.S. to cooperate in investigating secret pact
NIKKEI (Online) (Full)
September 18, 2009 (14:28)
Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada met with visiting U.S. Assistant
Secretary of State Campbell at the Foreign Ministry this morning.
Okada told Campbell that the Foreign Ministry would begin an
in-house investigation into the issue of a secret pact allowing the
United States to bring nuclear weapons into Japan. Okada asked
Campbell for the United States' cooperation on this issue.
In the meeting, Campbell first conveyed U.S. President Obama's
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"heartfelt congratulations" on the new government's inauguration.
"In the months and weeks ahead, we would like to consult closely and
work together on issues facing Japan and the United States." Okada
stressed. "There are various issues between Japan and the United
States, but our alliance is sustainable for 30 or 50 years." He
added, "I will make efforts to deepen it."
(4) Interview with Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada - I will not
penalize bureaucrats over secret pact
ASAHI (Page 3) (Full)
September 18, 2009
-- Why are you going to investigate the Japan-U.S. secret agreement
Okada: To restore public trust in foreign policy. Foreign policy
rests on public support and trust. There is no doubt that the secret
pact issue has damaged that.
-- In response to questions in the Diet, senior government or
Foreign Ministry officials have consistently denied the existence of
such. Are you going to penalize them?
Okada: If the (foreign) minister or the prime minister says such
does not exist, (government officials) cannot make replies that
conflict with their statements. In that sense, I think the foreign
minister and the prime minister are to blame. I don't think it's
right to blame the government officials.
-- You have indicated that you will not 'make a simple extension' of
the (Maritime) Self-Defense Force's refueling mission in the Indian
Ocean. Does that mean you will approve an extension on certain
conditions, such as Diet approval?
Okada: The lack of additional explanation adds to the significance
of what exactly the 'simple extension' means. I have repeatedly
said, 'Nothing more, nothing less.' Basically it all depends on
talks with the United States.
-- Are you aiming to reach an agreement with the United States on
the relocation of Futenma Air Station in Okinawa before the end of
the year?
Okada: No specific deadline is set, but once the environmental
impact assessment is over, the next question will be whether or not
to earmark a budget for it. In that context, we will probably have
to reach a conclusion by the end of the year.
-- Do you support recent moves between the United States and North
Korea to enter into dialogue?
Okada: It is not bad for the United States and North Korea to open
dialogue. The United States, too, has indicated that it will conduct
dialogue within the framework of the Six-Party Talks and that the
dialogue will not conflict with the Six-Party Talks. I agree. Then
again, Japan and the United States must fully communicate with one
another on the matter.
North Korea promised to reinvestigate the fate of the Japanese
abductees, but it has yet to launch the reinvestigation. Given North
Korea's missile and nuclear tests, Japan will never take a
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reconciliatory stance. This means we will wait for North Korea's
policy shift while increasing our sanctions against the North in
compliance with United Nations Security Council resolutions.
-- What is your deadline for starting talks on a free trade
agreement (FTA) with the United States?
Okada: I have to watch what I say because there are people who are
just waiting to jump on me. As is specified in our manifesto
(campaign pledges), we will make every effort to prevent a
Japan-U.S. FTA from adversely affecting the Japanese agricultural
market. We want to advance discussions in line with that direction.
(5) Foreign minister's statement on nuclear weapons show he lacks
perception of reality
SANKEI (Page 2) (Full)
September 18, 2009
Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada in his first press conference since
taking office said, "In the capacity of cabinet minister, I will
issue an order to thoroughly investigate the Japan-U.S. secret pact
concerning the three nonnuclear principles. He also stressed that
there has been no change in his pet argument of calling on the U.S.
to abandon the preemptive use nuclear weapons.
Both issues involve the very foundations of the Japan-U.S. alliance.
We are concerned that the foreign minister's statement is idealistic
and lacks any perception of reality. What is important is for him to
properly grasp the fact that (the nuclear umbrella) for prevention
of nuclear proliferation provided the U.S. is Japan's ultimate
security measure and it is ensured under the Japan-U.S. security
We would like to support the foreign minister's eagerness to deepen
the alliance. However, in order for us to do so, we would like him
to keep reality in mind as he tackles the challenges facing Japan
and the U.S.
The so-called secret pact indicates an understanding reached between
Japan and the U.S. during the Cold War age - U.S. vessels carrying
nuclear arms making port calls in Japan or passing its territorial
waters will not be subject to prior consultation. One could say that
this is a political solution for making nonnuclear ideals and the
reality of security policy, which has to rely on nuclear deterrence,
compatible. The pact has lost its practical meaning since 1992, when
the U.S. changed its nuclear policy.
The foreign minister ordered a thorough investigation
retrospectively back through that date. We do not mean to say that
the investigation will be meaningless. However, there are many
pressing challenges between Japan and the U.S., including the U.S.
Forces Japan realignment and support for action against terrorists.
These should be the matters to which the foreign minister should
devote himself, before spending immense time and manpower on the
work of digging up the past.
Referring to the issue of the preemptive use of nuclear weapons,
too, the foreign minister said, "I wonder whether a country that
categorically said that it will use nuclear weapons preemptively is
entitled to speak of nuclear disarmament or nonproliferation." The
U.S. is in fact making diplomatic efforts for nuclear arms reduction
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and nonproliferation. President Obama will preside over the UNSC
summit on nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament next
week. In order to press ahead with nuclear reduction while
protecting national security, the ideals and the reality must be
compatible. What is important is not immature idealism but a
flexible sense of balance.
The foreign minister might have had China's principle of the
abandonment of the preemptive use of nuclear weapons in mind when he
made that statement. However, this was just a political statement
that is not legally binding. We should not forget that a senior
Chinese military officer in 2005 made a statement that indicated
that China would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons preemptively.
He said, "If the U.S. interferes in the China-Taiwan dispute, China
will launch a nuclear attack on the continental U.S."
Foreign Minister Okada has been insisting that Japan should be
half-covered by the nuclear umbrella, by making Japan and South and
North Koreas nonnuclear zones in combination with the abandonment of
preemptive use of nuclear weapons by the U.S. Is it possible to cope
with a nuclear threat from North Korea and China's military buildup
with such an approach? We are concerned that the foreign minister's
policy could result in pleasing only North Korea and China,
undermining the nuclear umbrella and the Japan-U.S. alliance.
(6) Editorial: New Hatoyama cabinet should give priority to national
SANKEI (Page 2) (Full)
September 17, 2009
Yesterday Democratic Party of Japan President Yukio Hatoyama was
elected to lead the 93rd administration and later launched his
cabinet with the Social Democratic Party and the People's New Party.
Given high public expectations that the new administration might be
able to break the current impasse in politics, Prime Minister
Hatoyama bears an extremely heavy responsibility. In a press
conference, Hatoyama said: "I am shouldering a very heavy
responsibility." We expect Hatoyama to run his government with the
determination to protect Japan's safety and prosperity.
For the sake of the national and public interest, the new government
will unavoidably have to reconsider the promises the DPJ has made
until now. After giving a proper explanation, the party should make
a policy switch without hesitation. The top leader's decisiveness
and courage will set the nation's course in the right direction.
Hatoyama included in his cabinet junior, mid-ranking and veteran
lawmakers, with past party presidents as its core members. The
lineup shows that he struggled to achieve a sense of stability. The
lineup gives the impression he is determined through the united
efforts of his cabinet to change the trend of Japanese politics.
Take over basic security policy
The new administration is expected to take a scalpel to wasteful
spending and the bloated bureaucracy, which is described as a
"bureaucratic cabinet system."
State Minister for National Strategy Bureau Naoto Kan and Health,
Labor and Welfare Minister Akira Nagatsuma got to the truth about
AIDS contracted from contaminated blood products and the pension
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record-keeping fiasco through heated debate with government
officials and bureaucrats. Land, Infrastructure, Transport & Tourism
Minister Seiji Maehara will fight to review wasteful spending in
public works projects.
They are expected to demonstrate not only their capabilities to
break the bureaucracy's monopoly but also capabilities to work out
effective measures to resolve such issues.
But we cannot help feeling concerned about the new administration's
diplomatic and security policies. Will the administration be able to
make responses realistically and flexibly while maintaining an
alliance with the SDP, which considers the Self-Defense Force as
unconstitutional and takes an anti-U.S. stance? The people did not
pin their hopes on the SDP (in the Lower House election). The DPJ
should consider cooperating with the Liberal Democratic Party and
other parties if necessary.
Concern also remains about Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada. While
stating that the Japan-U.S. alliance is the cornerstone of Japan's
diplomacy, he stresses "an equal partnership" with the U.S. His
statement contains no specific vision that explains exactly what his
idea means.
Okada expressed his intention to call on the U.S. to adopt a policy
of no-first use of nuclear weapons. We should not forget that
Japan's peace and safety are being protected by the U.S. nuclear
umbrella. Diplomacy that just plays around with words could
undermine the Japan-U.S. alliance.
In order to erase such concerns, Prime Minister Hatoyama should take
a pragmatic approach and demonstrate his leadership and identity. He
is scheduled to visit the U.S. immediately after assuming the
premiership. He said, "I want to establish a relationship of trust
with America during my visit to the U.S." We expect Hatoyama to
confirm the solid Japan-U.S. relationship and also to reconsider
whether it is appropriate to halt the ongoing Maritime Self-Defense
Force's refueling mission in the Indian Ocean even though the U.S.
has expressed hope for its continuation.
The new government also needs to urgently start compiling next
fiscal year's budget. The Japanese economy, seriously hit by the
global economic recession, is said to have bottomed out, but some
observers are concerned that the economy might lose steam again.
Under such a situation, the government is required to speed up
budget-compilation work.
Don't delay budget compilation
DPJ officials have said that the new government plans to have
agencies redo their budget requests and resubmit them later this
month. The new government will also drastically revise this fiscal
year's supplementary budget for covering economic stimulus measures
and compile a second supplementary budget. Since the new government
will start compiling the budget from scratch, the work will
inevitably face difficulties, but any delay is unacceptable.
The DPJ has promised to offer child-raising allowances and to
introduce income subsidies for all farming households. To implement
these measures, 16.8 trillion yen will be needed. The party has said
that it will be able to come up with most of the money by
reallocating the budget. Specifically, it intends to reallocate the
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general account and special accounts, as well as to erase wasteful
spending. But the party has not revealed how much money can be
collected by such means.
It is also difficult to depend on the unused funds in the
supplementary budget. Certainly, there are wasteful projects linked
to vested interests that were worked out in the days of LDP
administration. But since many local governments and companies have
also been involved in such projects, the new government's policy
might result in slowing down the economy, depending on
Steady economic recovery and a growth strategy are indispensable in
order to secure tax revenues, but the new administration seems
oblivious of this. The DPJ has also closed the door on a consumption
tax hike. If securing tax revenues is impossible despite an increase
in spending, there will be no other means but to depend on issuing
government bonds. Japan's economy - now in the worst shape among
those of industrialized countries - might deteriorate further.
State Minister for Financial Affairs and Postal Reform Shizuka Kamei
flatly opposed the ongoing process of privatizing postal services
and also advocated a debt-moratorium plan for loans to small
businesses and for housing loans. A sort of "debt cancellation
order" might shake the foundation of the market economy. The new
government has also said that it will abandon reform efforts. The
government's policy coordination capability is now being called into
There is also the question of whether the DPJ will be able to carry
out drastic reforms, because the party received support from
government and public workers' unions, including the All Japan
Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union, in the last Lower House
election. In education as well, it is also necessary to carefully
watch whether the new government will not carry out politics that
reflect only the interests of specific groups such as the Japan
Teachers' Union.
(7) Government adopts new rules on relations between lawmakers and
NIKKEI (Page 3) (Excerpts)
September 17, 2009
The government adopted yesterday a set of new rules on relations
between lawmakers and bureaucrats, including a decision to terminate
the regular press conference held by the administrative
vice-minister at each ministry, with the aim of realizing the
Democratic Party of Japan's goal of politician-led policymaking. How
the government will harmonize its ideals with practical affairs
remains to be seen.
The new guidelines require government officials to report to the
ministers and prohibit the concealment of information or the
provision of biased information. They also require records be kept
of contacts between lawmakers and government officials as per the
Basic Law for Reform of the Civil Servant System.
The guidelines read: "Lawmakers are to plan, coordinate, and
determine policies and to directly control and oversee government
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Budget compilation for fiscal 2010 will be the first test for
"politician-controlled policymaking." The budget will be jointly
compiled by the National Strategy Bureau - a body to be placed
directly under the Prime Minister -- the Administrative Renewal
Council, and the Finance Ministry, which has always played the
central role in budget compilation. The National Strategy Bureau
cannot be established without an amendment to the Cabinet Law. As
such, the National Strategy Office will first be established to pave
the way for the National Strategy Bureau.
The National Strategy Office will determine the budget's framework,
and the Finance Ministry will compile the budget in line with that
framework. The new cabinet aims at producing budget-compilation
guidelines before the end of the month to implement the DPJ's unique
campaign pledges, such as child allowances, in fiscal 2010.
The implementation of such policies requires 7 trillion yen in
fiscal 2010. In addition to putting part of the fiscal 2009
supplementary budget on hold, the government will set up the
Administrative Renewal Council, which will play an important role in
exploring funding sources, such as the elimination of wasteful
Prime Minister Hatoyama has named his close friend, Naoto Kan,
national strategy minister. Kan doubles as deputy prime minister.
Hatoyama has also appointed Yoshito Sengoku, a policy expert, as
state minister for administrative reform. The prime minister has
apparently formed a cabinet comprising lawmakers capable of
promoting DPJ policies in consultation with bureaucrats.
Administrative vice-minister meetings, which have functioned as
"coordinators" between government agencies, will be replaced with
theme-specific cabinet committees. There is skepticism about
creating a system that does not involve prior adjustment of views by
administrative authorities.
The presence of Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa is another challenge.
The Hatoyama administration's attempt to centralize policy-making
under the cabinet is likely to be affected by the degree to which
the Prime Minister can maintain his honeymoon-like relationship with
Ozawa. It can be said that bills' fate in a sense is in the hands of
Review of postal services
The new administration intends to freeze sales of Japan Post shares
and to review the group's four-company system with the aim of
rebuilding a system providing three postal services -- mail
delivery, savings, and insurance -- under a single entity.
At a press conference yesterday, State Minister for Financial
Affairs and Postal Reform Shizuka Kamei expressed eagerness for
reviewing the system.
Meanwhile, Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Kazuhiro
Haraguchi indicated at a press meeting before dawn today that he
will seek the resignation of Japan Post Holdings Co. President
Yoshifumi Nishikawa, as was requested by Prime Minister Hatoyama.
"We will freeze the sale of Japan Post shares first and then present
a bill to reform postal services," Haraguchi said. A bill freezing
the sale of Japan Post shares might be able to clear the Diet in the
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extraordinary session this fall. At the same time, the move faces
criticism for running counter to the reform drive. "I want to adopt
an innovative idea that can make the postal service networks serve
like economic capillaries," Kamei said about the postal financial
services. Some private financial institutions are concerned whether
the competitive conditions will be maintained.
Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada held his inaugural press conference
after midnight today. In reference to the Maritime Self-Defense
Force's refueling mission in the Indian Ocean, which is to expire
next January, he said, "My view is that we will not make a simple
extension. Nothing more, nothing less."
The DPJ presented the same position during the recent House of
Representatives election. The refueling mission is a form of
logistical support for the war against terrorism in Afghanistan and
a symbol of Japan-U.S. security cooperation. If Japan decides to
terminate the refueling mission, the United States is expected to
ask (from Japan) for an alternative contribution to Afghanistan.
The Hatoyama administration is set to study the option of civilian
support in place of refueling activities. Nevertheless, with the
security situation in Afghanistan deteriorating, many observers
opine Japan has few options. "He has hinted at the possibility of
continuing the refueling mission with conditions, such as Diet
approval," said a DPJ lawmaker in explaining Okada's remarks.
(8) Kan to become "chief strategist" for macroeconomy
NIKKEI (Page 7) (Full)
September 17, 2009
Deputy Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who has been appointed to the
concurrent posts of state minister for national strategy and state
minister for economic and fiscal policy in the new administration,
will exercise his abilities as "chief strategist" in managing the
economy for the Hatoyama administration. The Japanese economy has
been facing difficult times due to unemployment rates continuously
surpassing the previous record for the worst rate ever. In
government economic agencies, officials feel a mixture of
anticipation for and anxiety about Kan, who has advocated the
importance of political leadership.
A senior official of the Cabinet Office made no bones about the
sense of alarm, saying, "The economic recovery is slowing down. So,
we cannot let our guard down on economic management." The real
economic growth rate showed positive growth in the April-June
period. The positive growth was mostly due to stimulus measures
pushed forward by the Aso administration. If the Democratic Party of
Japan (DPJ) suspends the implementation of the supplementary budget
for fiscal 2009, "the possibility of an economic downturn will
become stronger," according to Taro Saito of NLI Research Institute.
Despite economic reconstruction being the top priority issue for the
Hatoyama administration, the DPJ did not allow cabinet ministers to
make contact with senior bureaucrats on Sept. 16. "We are not
allowed to have a chance to inform (the new minister) about the
severe economic situation," said a senior bureaucrat. Government
economic agencies see Kan as a leader of the advocates of political
leadership. However, he did not make any significant remarks on the
economic situation at a press conference after the cabinet meeting.
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"I wonder if he is really interested in macroeconomy," said a
The state minister of economic and fiscal policy has a wide-range of
duties, including attending monthly economic report-connected
cabinet ministers' meetings, in which economic assessments are
reexamined, as well as the Bank of Japan's Monetary Policy Meetings.
The BOJ is now holding a two-day Monetary Policy Meeting that
started on Sept. 16. The Cabinet Office is having a senior official
attend the meeting on behalf of the minister. However, one
bureaucrat said, "I wonder if it is appropriate to have a bureaucrat
take part in the meeting even though the new administration
advocates political leadership."
(9) New Lower House committee chairs
NIKKEI (Page 5) (Full)
September 18, 2009
All House of Representatives standing and special committee chairmen
were informally picked yesterday. The 17 standing committees will be
chaired by 14 Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) members, two Liberal
Democratic Party (LDP) members and one New Party Daichi member. The
seven special committees will be headed by five DPJ members and one
member each from the LDP and New Komeito. The expectation is that
the appointments of the new Lower House committee chairs will be
formally adopted at a plenary session on Sept. 18.
? Standing Committee Chairs
(Committee on the Cabinet)
Keishu Tanaka (DPJ)
Graduated from Tokai University, former labor committee chairman,
Lower House member representing Kanagawa No. 5 district, 6th term,
71 years old
(Committee on General Affairs)
Shoichi Kondo (DPJ)
Sophia University, former chairman of special committee on youth
problems, Aichi No. 3 district, 5th term, 51
(Committee on Judicial Affairs)
Makoto Taki (DPJ)
University of Tokyo, former senior vice justice minister, Nara No. 2
district, 5th term, 71
(Committee on Foreign Affairs)
Muneo Suzuki (New Party Daichi)
Takushoku University, former Hokkaido/Okinawa development agency
chief, proportional representation Hokkaido bloc, 8th term, 61
(Committee on Financial Affairs)
Koichiro Genba (DPJ)
Sophia University, former DPJ deputy secretary general, Fukushima
No. 3 district, 6th term, 45
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(Committee on Education, Culture and Science)
Makiko Tanaka (DPJ)
Waseda University, former foreign minister, Niigata No. 5 district,
6th term, 65
(Committee on Health, Labor and Welfare)
Osamu Fujimura (DPJ)
Hiroshima University, former chairman of special committee on youth
problems, Osaka No. 7 district, 6th term, 59
(Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)
Nobutaka Tsutsui (DPJ)
Waseda University, former audit, and oversight of administration
committee chairman, Niigata No. 6 district, 5th term, 64
(Committee on Economy and Industry)
Shozo Azuma (DPJ)
Soka University Graduate School, former parliamentary secretary for
foreign affairs, Tokyo No. 15 district, 5th term, 58
(Committee on Land and Transport)
Hiroshi Kawauchi (DPJ)
Waseda University, former DPJ Diet affairs vice chairman, Kagoshima
No. 1 district, 5th term, 47
(Committee on Environment)
Shinji Tarutoko (DPJ)
Osaka University, former DPJ Diet affairs deputy chairman, Osaka No.
12 district, 5th term, 50
(Committee on Security)
Jun Azumi (DPJ)
Waseda University, DPJ Diet affairs committee deputy chair, Miyagi
No. 5 district, 47
(Committee on National Basic Policy)
Akihiro Ohata (DPJ)
Musashi Institute of Technology Graduate School, former cabinet
committee chairman, Ibaraki No. 5 district, 7th term, 61
(Committee on the Budget)
Michihiko Kano (DPJ)
Gakushuin University, former agriculture, forestry and fisheries
minister, Yamagata No. 1 district, 11th term, 67
(Committee on Audit and Oversight of Administration)
Masahiro Imamura (LDP)
University of Tokyo, former senior vice minister for agriculture,
forestry and fisheries, proportional representation Kyushu bloc, 5th
term, 62
(Committee on Rules and Administration)
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Takeaki Matsumoto (DPJ)
University of Tokyo, former DPJ policy chief, Hyogo No. 11 district,
4th term, 50
(Committee on Discipline)
Takeo Kawamura (LDP)
Keio University, former chief cabinet secretary, Yamaguchi No. 3
district, 7th term, 66
? Special Committee Chairs
(Special Committee on Disasters)
Fumihiko Igarashi (DPJ)
University of Tokyo, former DPJ policy research committee deputy
chief, Saitama No. 9 district, 4th term, 60
(Special Committee on Political Ethics/Public Offices Election Law)
Seishu Makino (DPJ)
Chuo University, former justice parliamentary secretary, Shizuoka
No. 1 district, 4th term, 64
(Special Committee on Okinawa/Northern Territories)
Koichi Yamamoto (LDP)
Keio University, former senior vice minister for internal affairs,
Ehime No. 4 district, 6th term, 62
(Special Committee on Youth Problems)
Yasuko Ikenobo (New Komeito)
Entered but did not graduate from Gakushuin University, senior vice
education minister, proportional representation Kinki bloc, 5th
term, 67
(Special Committee on Antipiracy)
Katsuyuki Ishida (DPJ)
Nihon University, former chairman of special committee on youth
problems, Saitama No. 2 district, 54
(Special Committee on Abduction Issue)
Koriki Jojima (DPJ)
University of Tokyo, former budget committee director, Kanagawa No.
10 district, 4th term, 62
(Special Committee on Consumer Affairs)
Yoshinori Suematsu (DPJ)
Hitotsubashi University, former chairman of special committee on
youth problems, Tokyo No. 19 district, 5th term, 52
(Chairman of Deliberative Council on Political Ethics)
Kansei Nakano (DPJ)
Kansai University, former Lower House vice speaker, Osaka No. 8
district, 11th term, 68
TOKYO 00002194 013 OF 015
(10) Poll: Hatoyama cabinet, political parties
ASAHI (Page 37) (Abridged)
September 18, 2009
Questions & Answers
(Figures shown in percentage, rounded off. Bracketed figures denote
proportions to all respondents. Figures in parentheses denote the
results of the last survey conducted Aug. 31 through Sept. 1.)
Q: Do you support the Hatoyama cabinet?
Yes 71
No 14
Q: Why? (One reason only. Left column for those marking "yes" on
previous question, and right for those marking "no.")
The prime minister is Mr. Hatoyama 8(6) 4(1)
It's a DPJ-led cabinet 27(19) 27(4)
Policy 46(33) 41(6)
Action 13(9) 23(3)
Q: Which political party do you support now?
Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ or Minshuto) 46 (39)
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) 15 (22)
New Komeito (NK) 3 (6)
Japanese Communist Party (JCP) 3 (3)
Social Democratic Party (SDP or Shaminto) 1 (1)
Your Party (YP or Minna no To) 1 (1)
People's New Party (PNP or Kokumin Shinto) 0 (0)
New Party Nippon (NPN or Shinto Nippon) 0 (0)
Other political parties 0 (1)
None 29 (22)
No answer (N/A) + don't know (D/K) 2 (5)
Q: When you look at the Hatoyama cabinet's lineup, do you appreciate
Prime Minister Hatoyama's selections?
Yes 52
No 14
Q: The DPJ-led government has now come into office. Do you think the
initiative of politicians will be stronger than the bureaucrats?
Yes 49
No 32
Q: The DPJ is now in office. Do you think the coalition government
will be able to reduce the state's fiscal waste?
Yes 61
No 26
Q: How do you think Japan's relations with the U.S. will change
under the DPJ-led government?
Change for the better 8
Change for the worse 14
Remain unchanged 71
TOKYO 00002194 014 OF 015
Q: Do you appreciate Mr. Hatoyama's appointment of Mr. Ichiro Ozawa
as DPJ secretary general?
Yes 45
No 40
Q: The Hatoyama cabinet is a tripartite coalition government of the
DPJ, SDP, and PNP. Do you think Prime Minister Hatoyama should
accept the SDP's and PNP's viewpoints to the extent possible to run
the government?
Yes 61
No 31
Polling methodology: The survey was conducted from the late
afternoon of Sept. 16 through the evening of Sept. 17 over the
telephone on a computer-aided random digit dialing (RDD) basis.
Respondents were chosen from among the nation's voting population on
a three-stage random-sampling basis. Households with one or more
eligible voters totaled 1,812. Valid answers were obtained from
1,054 persons (58 PERCENT ).
(11) Poll on Hatoyama cabinet, political parties
NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
September 18, 2009
Questions & Answers
(Figures shown in percentage. Parentheses denote results for the Aso
cabinet in the last survey conducted in July.)
Q: Do you support the Hatoyama cabinet?
Yes 75 (20)
No 17 (62)
Can't say (C/S) + don't know (D/K) 8 (18)
Q: Which political party do you support or prefer?
Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ or Minshuto) 58 (38)
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) 22 (29)
New Komeito (NK) 2 (5)
Japanese Communist Party (JCP) 2 (3)
Social Democratic Party (SDP or Shaminto) 2 (2)
People's New Party (PNP or Kokumin Shinto) 0 (0)
Your Party (YP or Minna no To) 1 (1)
New Party Nippon (NPN or Shinto Nippon) 0 (0)
Other political parties 1 (0)
None 8 (10)
C/S+D/K 3 (10)
(Note) Percentages may not add up to 100 PERCENT in some cases due
to rounding.
Polling methodology: The survey was taken Sept. 16-17 by Nikkei
Research Inc. by telephone on a random digit dialing (RDD) basis.
For the survey, samples were chosen from among men and women aged 20
and over across the nation. A total of 1,397 households with one or
more eligible voters were sampled, and answers were obtained from
857 persons (61.3 PERCENT ).
TOKYO 00002194 015 OF 015