Cablegate: Daily Summary of Japanese Press 10/20/08
DE RUEHKO #2920/01 2940818
P 200818Z OCT 08
E.O. 12958: N/A
(1) Aso eyes new legislation to dispatch MSDF ships to waters off
Somalia as anti-piracy measure (Nikkei)
(2) Prime Minister Aso to attend APEC summit starting on 22nd, may
meet with U.S. and Chinese presidents (Nikkei)
(3) Japan elected to nonpermanent UNSC seat, to accelerate effort
for bid for permanent seat (Nikkei)
(4) Foreign Minister Nakasone: No change in Japan's policy of giving
priority to abduction issue (Yomiuri)
(5) Financial, economic crisis -- what should be done now?: Kazumasa
Iwata calls for additional measures that will spur structural change
(6) State Minister Noda finding it difficult to show her face in
dealing with frozen green beans case; Her own comments supporting
multilevel marketing also hurt her (Sankei)
(7) Jiyu Rengo fails to return 7.2 billion yen in loan from
Tokushukai; Money might have been political donations in actuality
(8) Former secretary of LDP lawmaker Kurata involved in bringing in
300 Filipino women to worked in pubs in Japan (Tokyo Shimbun)
(9) GOJ to offer 450-billion yen loan to India, largest ever for
single project, to fund construction of freight railway (Nikkei)
(10) Japan Atomic Energy Agency estimates number of nuclear power
plants to increase to 231, degree of dependence on oil at 0 PERCENT
(13) Prime Minister's schedule, October 17 (Nikkei)
(1) Aso eyes new legislation to dispatch MSDF ships to waters off
Somalia as anti-piracy measure
NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
October 18, 2008
In a meeting of the Antiterrorism Special Committee in the House of
Representatives yesterday, Prime Minister Taro Aso said he would
like to study a proposal for the dispatch of Maritime Self-Defense
Force escort ships to pirate-infested waters off Somalia in Africa
to guard commercial freighters and other ships from possible attacks
by pirates. He also has new legislation in mind.
Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) member Akihisa Nagashima made the
proposal. In response, Aso expressed a positive view, saying: "The
act itself of armed warships cruising would have a deterrent effect.
The ruling coalition is ready to discuss the possibility with the
opposition camp." The possibility of maritime patrol action by P3C
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patrol planes may also be taken up as an agenda item.
As for the legal grounds for the dispatch of MSDF escort ships to
waters off Somalia, Japan will have no other way but to depend on a
provision under the Self-Defense Force Law pertaining to the
issuance of an order for maritime patrol action.
The issuance of such an order is limited only to special cases in
which some action must be taken to protect human lives or assets at
sea. The provision is premised on action in waters near Japan. A
government source said: "If MSDF vessels are dispatched overseas for
a long period of time to guard other countries' vessels, new
legislation will become necessary."
Aso replied to a question by reporter last night: "Assume that two
ships are attacked. If Japan helps only a Japanese ship without
reaching out a helping hand to the other ship, the international
community will not understand Japan's action." He thus indicated a
willingness to look into new legislation if necessary in order to
enable MSDF vessels to guard other countries' ships.
In the meeting, Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone also expressed
his eagerness about new legislation, saying: "We would like to
discuss a legal framework to control piracy." Even so, some point
out that Japan will have to ease its weapon-use standard in order to
enable MSDF members to counterattack pirates, so this issue may
trigger controversy.
(2) Prime Minister Aso to attend APEC summit starting on 22nd, may
meet with U.S. and Chinese presidents
NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
October 18, 2008
Prime Minister Taro Aso decided on Oct. 18 to attend the summit of
the Asia-Pacific Economic Conference (APEC), which will be held for
two days from Nov. 22. Aso plans to meet separately with the top
leaders of major countries, including the United States, China and
Russia, on the sidelines of the APEC meeting. He has judged that it
is necessary for him to take part in a positive manner in an
international meeting amid the global financial crisis.
Aso has looked into the possibility of dissolving the House of
Representatives in early November and calling a snap election on
Nov. 30. While closely watching the moves of the financial market,
he will make a final decision. If a general election is held on Nov.
30, the official campaign for the election should be kicked off on
Nov. 18. If so, it will be unusual for a prime minister to go
overseas during an election campaign.
The total gross domestic product of the APEC member countries
accounts for about 60 PERCENT of the entire world's GDP. It is
certain for the APEC to discuss the U.S.-originated global financial
crisis, in addition to economic integration, which is a major
conventional issue for the APEC. Therefore, Aso, who attaches
priority to economic measures, predicts that the APEC conference
would be a good opportunity for him to display his political
presence to the world.
(3) Japan elected to nonpermanent UNSC seat, to accelerate effort
for bid for permanent seat
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NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
October 18, 2008
Japan was elected before dawn on Oct. 18 to a nonpermanent seat on
the UN Security Council and will serve in that capacity from next
January. Five nonpermanent seats, the terms of which expire at the
end of this year, were up for reelection. With the election of
Japan, Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone released a statement
welcoming the victory: "This proves that Japan is highly regarded in
the international community for its many years of achievements and
stances in the United Nations. Further contributions are expected
from Japan by the international community."
Referring to government-to-government talks on reform of the UNSC,
which will start by next February, Nakasone expressed Japan's
determination to become a permanent UNSC member by fulfilling its
role as a nonpermanent member in a positive manner.
Judging that it would be necessary for it to win by a wide margin in
the UN election, Japan actively approached many countries to garner
their votes. Since Japan won the votes that largely exceeded the
number necessary for victory, Foreign Minister Nakasone expects this
will give momentum to Japan's bid for a permanent UNSC seat.
(4) Foreign Minister Nakasone: No change in Japan's policy of giving
priority to abduction issue
YOMIURI (Page 4) (Full)
October 17, 2008
The U.S. government's decision to delist North Korea as a state
sponsor of terrorism was not a total surprise. The United States had
said that it would remove the North from its list of states
sponsoring terrorism if Pyongyang cooperated on the verification of
its nuclear programs. I assumed that (the United States) would do so
soon or later.
The U.S State Department spokesman has explained the effect of the
delisting is a "symbolic thing." The reason is because the United
States will continue such measures on North Korea as the ban on
assistance and the control of exports and imports. Although some say
that North Korea will benefit in financial terms, the U.S.
government has decided to oppose financing North Korea by the World
Bank and other financial institutions. Japan, too, will probably
oppose it.
What's important from now on is to carry out effective verification
of North Korea's nuclear report and to move ahead with the
denuclearization of that country. To that end, it is necessary to
adopt a document on the verification at the Six-Party Talks. We must
deal with the issue in cooperation with the countries concerned.
Japan will not take part in an international effort to provide North
Korea with economic and energy assistance, including the supplying
of heavy oil, as long as there is no improvement in Japan-DPRK
relations, including the issue of abductions of Japanese nationals.
Relevant countries understand the fact that Japan has placed
importance on the abduction issue. President George W. Bush, too, is
very concerned about the abductees. He has said that Washington
continues to cooperate with Japan. The Japanese government will
negotiate with North Korea in a conventional manner.
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Japan is, however, aware of the importance of support for
Pyongyang's abandonment of its nuclear programs. Japan provided
500,000 dollars for surveillance activities that the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has conducted in North Korea. Japan will
consider how to contribute to the North's abandonment of its nuclear
ambitions, while consulting with other countries.
(5) Financial, economic crisis -- what should be done now?: Kazumasa
Iwata calls for additional measures that will spur structural
NIKKEI (Page 1) (Full)
October 20, 2008
-- The financial crisis gripping the U.S. and Europe will likely
work as downward pressure on the global economy. What is your view
on that?
"The economies of Japan, the U.S. and European countries will slow
down after the July-September quarter this year. The economies of
China and Brazil are solid. Some say that this is the G-3 recession
involving the U.S., Europe and Japan."
Deflationary risk
"The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in its July report
pointed out that though the domestic economy is facing an
inflationary risk, there will appear an inflationary risk, if the
economy takes a downturn due to the protracted turmoil on the
financial market. Should that occur, demand would sharply drop,
causing a deflationary risk. Crude oil prices have fallen recently.
In my view, a deflationary risk has emerged after the collapse of
Lehman Brothers."
-- The dominant view is that the Japanese economy has entered a
recessionary phase.
"According to the Bank of Japan's (BOJ) 'Tankan' survey of business
confidence, the confidence index for major manufacturing companies
moved into the negative column for the first time in five years and
three months. The margin of the decline is smaller than that in past
recessionary phases. The supply and demand index on the labor market
is not excessive. However, it does not fully reflect the situation
after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. There is fear that the
Japanese economy will remain in a slump for a long period of time."
-- How do you assess international cooperative steps?
"It was good that the meeting of finance ministers and central bank
governors from the Group of Seven Nations has mapped out the action
program and proposed increasing capital injection into financial
institutions using public money, in the sense that they made clear
their sense of crisis. It is also praiseworthy that Japan proposed
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) provide fund aid to emerging
countries. However, the procedures for capital injections into
financial institutions using public money are left up to each
country to work out. The U.S. is lagging behind European countries
in terms of providing financial assistance to banks."
-- When do you think the financial turmoil in the U.S. end?
"The U.S. housing market has triggered the turmoil. Excessive
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financing amounting to the 20 PERCENT -30 PERCENT of the GDP have
given rise to bad loans. S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indexes, a
representative housing price index, have fallen 21 PERCENT from the
level of the peak period of the summer in 2006. Given futures
indexes, those indexes will drop another 15 PERCENT by early 2010.
The housing market will not recover before fiscal 2009."
-- Will the long-term slump like Japan experienced after the
collapse of the asset-inflated bubble economy continue in the U.S.?
"Japan's land prices continued dropping for 15 years. If what is
suggested by the Case-Shiller Home Price Indexes is correct, the
decline of the housing market in the U.S. will continue for a fairly
shorter period than in Japan.
"However, unlike Japan, asset-inflated bubble economies have kept
occurring in the U.S. In 2000, the IT-inflated bubble economy
collapsed. And yet, housing prices rose between 1997 and 2006.
Commodity prices, mainly crude oil prices, kept dropping, even after
housing prices took a downward turn. Even now, you never know where
a bubble economy might occur. It is very difficult to deal with this
Strict asset assessment needed
-- What is important in containing the financial crisis?
"It is necessary to strictly examine assets held by financial
institutions before injecting public money. If public money is
injected into troubled financial institutions without full
examination of the size of losses caused by deterioration in asset
value, losses would continue to snowball. As a result, it becomes
uncertain whether financial institutions that received public money
can start on a recovery track.
"In Japan, the Resolution and Collection Corporation purchased bad
loans. It in the end, it purchased more than 90 PERCENT of bad
loans. In purchasing assets from banks, it is most important to do
so, based on appropriate prices that can gain tax payers'
-- What policy will Japan need?
"It is important for the government to change the economic structure
from the mid- to long-term perspective, instead of coming up with
short-term demand-boosting measures. It is also imperative for it to
introduce a tax system that can boost workers' incentive to work and
encourage companies and households to make efforts to save energy
and resources.
"Regarding monetary policy, it is important for the government to
find the most appropriate level of policy interest rate, while
carefully determining the rate of price increases and economic
growth for the next one to two years, in particular, one year's
ahead. The BOJ is urged to make a clear-cut decision."
Kazumasa Iwata, executive director of Cabinet Office Socioeconomic
Research Center: Entered the former Economic Planning Agency in
1970. After entering academia, he once served as a professor at
Tokyo University. He served as deputy Bank of Japan governor in
2003, after serving as a Cabinet Office director general. Once voted
against then BOJ Governor Toshihiko Fukui's proposal for hiking an
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interest rate. 62 years old.
(6) State Minister Noda finding it difficult to show her face in
dealing with frozen green beans case; Her own comments supporting
multilevel marketing also hurt her
SANKEI (Page 5) (Full)
October 20, 2008
Questions in favor of the multilevel marketing industry (pyramid
sales) supposedly raised at a Diet session by Seiko Noda, the State
Minister in charge of Consumer Affairs, who is supposed to take the
lead in consumer administration, will likely have an unavoidable
impact on the outcome of proposed legislation to establish a
consumer affairs agency. Noda has failed to make known her presence
as a state minister in dealing with issue of tainted frozen green
beans from China. It has also been revealed that a multilevel
marketing company bought fundraising party tickets from her. Her
own vow made immediately after her reappointment in the Aso cabinet
to "tackle such matters as food safety and consumer administration"
appears to have got off to a bad start.
At a press conference on October 17, Noda ruled out stepping down
over the issue of having ties to with the multilevel marketing
industry, Noda said she raised questions only once (at a Diet
session) and has not received donation, stressing the difference
from the lawmaker Yukichi Maeda who left the DPJ. In addition, Noda
disclosed the fact that the Amway Japan, Ltd., representatives of
whom she met before raising questions (at the Diet session) in 1996,
had purchased her fundraising party tickets worth 160,000 yen three
times since 2002. Noda indicated she will return the money to the
However, Noda can hardly escape being criticized for her questions
in favor of the industry. Her question posed an objection to
tightening control over the multilevel marketing by saying that it
was regrettable that a growing market of good quality products was
shrinking. The opposition parties are expected to severely grill
her on the issue, once deliberations on the Consumers Agency-related
bills begins.
Meanwhile, Noda has not made any remarkable comment on the frozen
green beans issue to which the MHLW and the MFA are mainly
responding. Entrusted by the then PM Fukuda, Noda devised
countermeasures against the illegal resale of contaminated rice in
September after making a fuss, holding a meeting after meeting every
consecutive day. This time, however, she is sitting by and
watching, as she herself has been affected by the multilevel
marketing issue.
(7) Jiyu Rengo fails to return 7.2 billion yen in loan from
Tokushukai; Money might have been political donations in actuality
ASAHI (Top play) (Abridged slightly)
October 20, 2008
It has become clear that the political group Jiyu Rengo (Liberal
League) led by former Lower House lawmaker Torao Tokuda, 70, is 7.26
billion yen in debt to the medical corporation Tokushukai group, for
which Tokuda also serves as chairman of board of directors. Chances
are slim for Jiyu Rengo, which has lost its status as a political
party and has no special assets, to return the money to the
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Tokushukai group. As such, the loans to the political group are
likely to become political donations. The Tokushukai group and Jiyu
Rengo share not only Tokuda but also many other executives. Such an
approach is possible because the Political Funds Control Law has no
regulations on borrowing.
Quantitative restrictions toothless
Jiyu Rengo's failure to return the huge amount of money to the
Tokushukai group would eventually be tantamount to political
donations. Formal political donations are subject to various
restrictions, such as ceilings on amounts. Money provided in the
pretext of loans is free from such restrictions, however. The
approach of turning loans into donations would effectively make the
quantitative restrictions toothless.
Jiyu Rengo is in debt to two companies in the Tokushukai group --
one of the largest medical groups in the nation based in Kita Ward,
Osaka City, with over 260 hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes --
and their board members. The two companies in question are
International Medical Lease (IML), a medical equipment leasing
company based in Osaka City, and International Hospital Services
(IHS), a real-estate leasing company in Osaka City. Both of them do
business mainly with hospitals affiliated with Tokushukai.
According to its political funding report for fiscal 2007, Jiyu
Rengo borrowed a total of 7.065 billion yen from IML, head and local
offices combined. It also borrowed 88 million yen from IHS and 110
million yen from their board directors.
Jiyu Rengo's predecessor was an independent lawmakers' policy group
established in 1990. It became a political party in 1994. During
Tokuda's four terms as a Lower House lawmaker and as its head, Jiyu
Rengo fielded many celebrity candidates for elections. The group
temporarily lost all its Diet seats, but it became eligible to
receive political subsidies as a result of garnering over 2 PERCENT
of votes nationwide in the 1998 and 2001 Upper House elections.
Torao Tokuda retired as party head in September 2005 because of
illness, handing the post to his second son, Takeshi Tokuda, 37,
representing Lower House Kagoshima Constituency No. 2. Takeshi
Tokuda left the party and joined the Liberal Democratic Party in
November 2006. Although Torao Tokuda, who was still recuperating,
came back to head the group, it failed to field any candidates for
the July 2007 Upper House election, thereby becoming ineligible to
receive political subsidies. At present, the group is unable to
receive either corporate donations or political subsidies.
Jiyu Rengo treasurer and Tokushukai group secretary general
Katsuyuki Noso gave this account: The borrowed money was used for
election campaigns to disseminate Jiyu Rengo policy. Liking it to a
corporation, it is true that (Jiyu Rengo) has become unable to raise
funds, but the practice is not illegal. (Jiyu Rengo) would not have
been able to conduct such election campaigns if it weren't for Torao
Tokuda. The Tokushukai group has been generating earnings
independently and spending reserve capabilities for political
activities. Political activities are necessary in order to
disseminate the importance of what the state does not do, such as
medical services at remote areas and isolated islands. In terms of a
company, the funds correspond to advertisement expenses, and in
light of the size of Tokushukai's earnings, the amount cannot said
to be huge.
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(8) Former secretary of LDP lawmaker Kurata involved in bringing in
300 Filipino women to worked in pubs in Japan
TOKYO SHIMBUN (Page 25) (Full)
October 20, 2008
A former secretary of Senior Vice Minister of Internal Affairs and
Communications Masatoshi Kurata (LDP member elected in the Tokai
region proportional representation bloc) was found to have allegedly
been involved in making arrangements for Filipino women to illegally
work in Japan. In this scandal, Shizuoka Prefectural Police has
found that the secretary and others had dispatched such women to
five shady bars across the nation. Upon denying an interview with
the Tokyo Shimbun the allegation that his deeds were illegal, the
former secretary said: "I made arrangements to enable about 300
Filipinos to visit Japan over the past two years as of this
According to an investigation by the prefectural police, the women
worked in bars in Aoi-ku, Shizuoka City, in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,
Toyohashi City, and in Utsunomiya City, in addition to one called
Class-Metz in Hamamatsu City. In that bar, the owner and four
employees were arrested on suspicion of violating the Immigration
Control and Refugee Recognition Law (encouraging illegal work) and
another law.
The former secretary and others dispatched the Filipino women who
had entered Japan on short-term visas to the five bars through two
organizations in which the former secretary serves as director
general - Mirai Charity Organization and MIRAI - both located in
Aoiku, Shizuoka Prefecture. The two organizations started
dispatching Filipino women to pubs around October 2006. The women
worked in the bars for several months on average.
The women performed dances in shows which the organizers called
charity concerts designed to support disaster reconstruction and
chatted with customers during intermissions. The women were supplied
with 1,500 yen as daily food allowance. They also received tips from
The Shizuoka Police charges that the women' performances were not
for charity but came under the category of working illegally.
(9) GOJ to offer 450-billion yen loan to India, largest ever for
single project, to fund construction of freight railway
NIKKEI (Page 1) (Full)
October 18, 2008
The Japanese government has firmed up its policy intention to grant
an approximately 450-billion yen loan to India for the construction
of a freight railway connecting New Delhi, the capital of India, and
Mumbai, a commercial city. This would be the largest yen loan ever
granted by Japan for a single project. The project will be agreed on
at a summit meeting between prime ministers Aso and Singh on October
22. The loan aims at backing Japanese companies advancing into a
major market (of India) with a population of 1.1 billion through the
construction of railway infrastructure.
India is planning on the construction of a dedicated freight railway
between New Delhi and Mumbai (1,468 km) with an expected opening in
2015. The yen loan is to cover an about 918-km section between
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Rewari in the suburbs of New Delhi and Vadodara about 300 km north
of Mumbai.
Japan is to provide about 450 billion yen of the project's total
cost for the section, which amounts to 518 billion yen. The largest
loan so far was an approximately 260 billion yen loan for the
construction of an already-opened subway in New Delhi. The first
portion of the loan of 2.6 billion yen is to be granted for a
business consultant to work out details of the project plan over the
next three years and the remaining amount will be provided in
(10) Japan Atomic Energy Agency estimates number of nuclear power
plants to increase to 231, degree of dependence on oil at 0 PERCENT
MAINICHI (Page 2) (Full)
October 17, 2008
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency predicts in its report released
yesterday that the ratio of electricity demanded in the nation to
all energy would increase from the current 24 PERCENT to 62 PERCENT
due to the spread of electric cars and that the degree of
dependence on fossil fuel would decrease from the current 75 PERCENT
to 28 PERCENT . The agency unveiled its first report, "The vision
on nuclear power in 2100," on energy supply and demand in this
century and the role of nuclear power plants.
Estimating the population in 2100 at 64.07 million, the report
predicts the volume of domestic energy consumption would shrink 42
PERCENT below the level in 2000, given such factors as a decrease
in the population and energy-conservation efforts.
The report calculates the ratio of dependence on nuclear fission by
light water reactors and other means to all domestic demand in 2100
at 53 PERCENT but the ratio of oil at zero percent. The agency
expects the number of nuclear power plants to increase to 231, with
33 fusion reactors, 120 high-temperature gas reactors, and light
water reactors. The report says that about five times more
high-level waste disposal sites will be needed than the number of
those now on the drawing board. A member of the agency said: "The
report does not cite suitable construction sites but show technical
Meanwhile, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) also released its first report the same day, in which it
calculated that the generating capacity of nuclear power plants in
the world in 2050 would increase 3.8 times more than the current
level if all construction plans across the world are implemented.
Political group Jiyu Rengo fails to return 7.2 billion yen in loans
from medical corporation
Cabinet support rate drops 9 points to 36 PERCENT
Yomiuri, Sankei & Tokyo Shimbun:
Financial summit to be held in U.S. next month
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Corporate job offers to new graduates decrease for first time in
five years
Poverty-eradication rally held in Tokyo
(1) Revamped JICA expected to offer effective aid with loans, grant
aid and technical assistance
(2) Disability pension: Amending relevant law urgently needed
(1) Strictly punish shoplifting
(2) Two major political parties should present visions on what Japan
should be in 21st century
(1) Education boards should weed out inadequate teachers
(2) Bank transfer scams: Society must strengthen preventive system
(1) International cooperation imperative to prevent economic crisis
in emerging, developing countries
(1) Quickly prepare effective, specific measures to resolve
abduction issue
(2) Clarify actual state of inadequate teachers
Tokyo Shimbun:
(1) Extra economic measures: Pork-barrel largesse eyeing Lower House
election unacceptable
(2) NHK must discuss vision and mission as public broadcasting
(1) Bill extending New Antiterrorism Special Measures Law: Hasty
vote outrageous
(13) Prime Minister's schedule, October 17
NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
October 18, 2008
Met Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsumoto at the Kantei.
Attended a cabinet meeting. MLIT Minister Kaneko stayed on.
Afterward met Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Uruma.
Attended a Lower House antiterrorism special committee meeting.
Met at the Kantei Taro Aso No. 8 supporter association chairman
Hamanaka and others, followed by LDP Policy Research Council
Chairman Hori and Economic and Fiscal Policy Minister Yosano.
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Attended a Lower House antiterrorism special committee meeting.
Handed letters of appointment to Council on Economic and Fiscal
Policy private-sector members, including Toyota Motor Chairman Fujio
Cho, in the presence of finance ministers. Afterward, attended a
CEFP meeting. METI Minister Nikai stayed on.
Arrived at LDP headquarters.
Dined at a French restaurant in Yurakucho with his wife Chikako.
Returned to his private residence in Kamiyama.
Prime Minister's schedule, October 18
NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
October 19, 2008
Took a walk around his private residence in Kamiyama.
Attended an annual ceremony at the Defense Ministry dedicated to SDF
members killed in line of duty.
Had his hair trimmed at a barber in the Hotel Pacific in Takanawa.
Visited a tailor and an acupuncture clinic in Kita-aoyama.
Met at his private residence Foreign Ministry Asian and Oceanian
Affairs Bureau Director-General Saiki, joined in by Economic Affairs
Bureau Director-General Otabe. Afterward had a telephone
conversation with Australian Prime Minister Rudd.
Met the French Cinema Agency Director-General Veronique Cayla at the
Toho Cinemas Roppongi Hills, in the presence of METI Minister Nikai.
Afterward attended the Tokyo International Cinema Festival opening
Watched the movie Red Cliff with the METI minister, Administrative
Reform Minister Amari, Japan Business Federation Chairman Mitarai
and others.
Had drinks with secretary at a bar in Roppongi.
Returned to his private residence.
Prime Minister's schedule, October 19
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NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
October 20, 2008
Took a walk around his private residence in Kamiyama.
Departed from Defense Ministry on a GSDF helicopter.
Met at ASDF Hyakuri Base with Defense Minister Hamada, ASDF Chief of
Staff Tamogami, ASDF Air Defense Commander Nagata, and base
commander Shigehisa. Afterward, attended the ASDF review ceremony.
Met Hamada, Senior Vice Defense Minister Kitamura, Vice Defense
Minister Masuda, SDF Joint Staff Chief Saito, and others.
Departed from the base on a GSDF helicopter, accompanied by Masuda.
Met Hamada and Masuda at the Defense Ministry.
Visited the supermarket Santoku in Nishi-waseda.
Conversed with a tax driver in front of JR Takadanobaba Station.
Arrived at his private office in Nagatacho.
Met his secretary at the Imperial Hotel.
Met again his secretary at a bar in the hotel.
Returned to his private residence.