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Cablegate: Guide to Official Religious Restrictions in Southwest

DE RUEHCN #0272/01 3311123
R 271123Z NOV 07





E.O. 12958: N/A

CHENGDU 00000272 001.3 OF 009

REF: A) CPP200412200000193

1. (SBU) Summary: The religious activities of the official
350,000 Muslims - , Protestants, Buddhists and Catholics in
Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province in Southwest China, are
organized according to both national and local religious affairs
regulations. While the 2004 State Council regulations enunciate
principles and provide general guidance, local religious affairs
regulations give more specific guidance and thus a sharper
picture of the restrictions that believers can face on a
day-to-day basis. A 2003 report from the Kunming City Religious
Affairs Bureau and local religious affairs regulations
illustrate "religious crime and punishment" and the special
concerns of implementing authorities. End summary.

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2. (U) This is the first of three reports on religion in
Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province in southwestern China.

Local Rules, Bureau Report Depict Religious Restrictions and

3. (SBU) Local guidance for religious affairs regulations
enforcement officials, although varying somewhat from place to
place, give us a more detailed picture of both the system of
control and the actual restrictions which local believers in
Kunming face than do national regulations. When combined with
the 2003 report of the Kunming Religious Affairs Bureau,
(translated by Congen in full below) on its enforcement
activities and priorities, a picture emerges of an official
system that can severely circumscribe religious activities,
while also accommodating to a certain extent the needs of
religious believers.

4. (U) Chinese Communist Party overall policy on religion is
stated frankly in the 2003 Red Flag Publishing House book
"Practical Handbook for Party Propaganda Work, New Edition" :
"As Lenin said, poverty and ignorance are the roots of
religion~. We can only implement a policy of religious freedom
and not a policy of compulsion. Under the policy of religious
freedom, through scientific education of the people and
ideological and political work, we will gradually weaken the
roots of religion."

Provincial and Local Religious Rules Define Restrictions on

5. (SBU) The PRC national "Religious Affairs Regulations"
published by the State Council in 2004 (ref A) and a variety of
local regulations which vary according to the presence of
different religious communities and local concerns. In Kunming,
capital of the southern border province of Yunnan, the Kunming
Religious Affairs Bureau in 2003 counted in Kunming and adjacent
counties subordinate to Kunming "more than 350,000 religious
believers or about 7.2% of Kunming's population. These people
include believers in Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Protestant
Christianity, and Catholicism. About 60 percent of the
believers belong to national minorities." (Note: according to
local contacts, it is likely that official statistics
underestimate the number of religious believers in Kunming and
other areas of Yunnan Province. Official statistics, of course,
would not be inclusive of underground churches. End Note). The
Kunming Religious Affairs Bureau is guided in its religious law
enforcement work by the 2004 PRC Religious Affairs Regulations,
other national regulations such as the 1994 State Council
"Regulations on the Religious Activities of Foreigners in the
PRC Mainland," and local regulations such as the 1998 "Kunming
City Regulations on the Management of Religious Venues".

Kunming 1998 Religious Venue Management Regulations

6. (U) PRC national religious affairs regulations are general
and provide guidance to local religious affairs bureaus. Local
regulations are more specific and give guidance to officials
carrying out religious law enforcement work.

7. (U) For example, the 1998 "Kunming City Regulations on the
Management of Religious Venues" provide that the democratic
management committees of religious venues shall:

--Teach the congregation about government religious policy, to
support the leadership of the Communist Party and the socialist
-- Oppose preaching without prior official permission,
-- Oppose private convening of religious meetings, and
-- Oppose foreign infiltration of religious activities.
-- Ensure that religious workers or believers may not give money
or do good works in the community to win a good reputation for
their faith or accept foreign contributions.
In addition, the regulations state that:
-- Nobody other than the democratic management committee
personnel or a religious worker may give a speech or give out

CHENGDU 00000272 002.3 OF 009

leaflets or put up posters in a religious venue.
--Violations are punishable by fines of up to RMB 30,000 and
removal of unauthorized facilities.

8. (U) Throughout southwest China over the last several years
lists of laws justifying each type of enforcement action and
penalties have been posted in public and put on official
websites in increasing numbers. Several 2007 guides for Kunming
City religious affairs bureau enforcement officials give a
close-up view of the specific religious affairs rules being
enforced and their basis in national, provincial and city laws,
regulations and ordinances.

2007 Enforcement Guide for Religious Affairs Enforcement

9. (U) A 2007 Kunming Religious Affairs Bureau guide entitled
"Types of Enforcement Actions and the Offices Responsible" lists
national, provincial and local laws and regulations applicable
to various types of violations religious regulations and the
office in the Bureau responsible for their enforcement. These
rules include:

-- Incidents that disrupt public order during large religious
activities can, in serious instances, result in the cancellation
of the registration of the religious venue. Up to three times
the amount of contributions made at an illegal religious meeting
at an unregistered venue or for unauthorized religious
activities at an authorized venue may be confiscated.
-- A religious venue that organized a pilgrimage abroad without
authorization may have its registration revoked and pay a fine
of up to three times the amount of money collected for that
illegal purpose.
-- Receiving contributions from foreigners in violation of
regulations can result in serious cases of the removal of the
director of the religious venue, as well as cancellation of the
venue registration and confiscation of the illegal
-- Failure to make a timely report of a serious incident at a
religious venue
-- Unauthorized alteration in the registration of a religious
venue or failure to organize the religious venue according to
the requirements of the Religious Affairs Bureau.

Other potential offenses include:
-- Failure to abide by the principle that religious activities
are autonomous and self-supporting. Unauthorized foreign
support or influence is punishable according to the seriousness
by a warning, cessation of religious activities, or cancellation
of registration. In serious cases, the local people's
government will be asked to handle the matter according to law.
-- Repairing or building large religious statues outdoors
without authorization.
-- Failure to accept supervision by the Religious Affairs Bureau
-- Establishing an unauthorized religious venue, or continuing
to operation a venue for which the registration has been
-- Violating the rule against unauthorized outdoor religious

10. (U) The Panlong District of Kunming, in which many Muslims
live, pays special attention to enforcement of the "Kunming City
Muslim Food Products Regulations". Fines are imposed on Halal
products not properly labeled or not produced or animal
slaughtered according to Muslim religious rules. Other Kunming
City regulations also address religious sensitivities. For
example, Kunming City regulations provide that a pig
slaughtering site shall be at least 500 meters from the nearest
mosque and that anyone who desecrates a mosque by bringing pork
into the mosque will be fined 800 RMB.

A View from the Kunming Religious Affairs Bureau (2003)

11. (U) The most revealing account of official attitudes and
problems in religious affairs comes from a 2003 report of the
Kunming Religious Affairs Bureau to the Kunming City People's
Congress. The 2003 report is available online; more recent
reports are not. A full translation of the report is appended
below. The report reflects concerns about the work of foreign
missionaries, the growth of Christian congregations,
disagreements with certain Muslim and Protestant congregations,
and Catholic underground and Protestant house churches. The
report below also mentions Kunming City Religious Affairs Bureau
efforts to accommodate some requests from believers such as
establishing new religious venues as the distribution of members
of various faiths in Kunming City changes.

12. (U) Begin text of Consulate General Chengdu Translation of
Kunming City Religious Affairs Bureau 2003 Report to the Kunming
City People's Congress on Religious Affairs Enforcement Work and

CHENGDU 00000272 003.3 OF 009


Report on the Implementation of the "Kunming City Regulations
for Management of Religious Venues"

-- July 23, 2003 in Kunming the 15th session of the 11th NPC
Standing Committee, a report by Jin Taming of the Kunming
Religious Affairs Bureau

Director and Deputy Director, the Secretary-General and Members:
I was asked by the Kunming Municipal government Committee to
report on the implementation and enforcement of the "Kunming
City Regulations for Management of Places where Religious
Activities are Held" (referred to below as "the Regulations").

Kunming is a multi-religious provincial capital near China's
international border. There are more that 350,000 religious
believers or about 7.2% of Kunming's population. These people
include believers in Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Protestant
Christianity, and Catholicism. About 60 percent of the
believers belong to national minorities.

According to 2003 annual inspection statistics, the county level
and above people's governments had approved 567 legally
registered religious venues. These include:
-- 92 Buddhist monasteries and temples,
-- 3 Daoist temples,
-- 123 mosques,
-- 346 Protestant churches [Note this includes small gathering
places in rural areas. The 2007 figure is 360. End note] and
-- 3 Catholic Churches.

There are five religious groups organized at the city level in
Kunming City:
-- The Buddhist Association of Kunming,
-- The Kunming Islamic Association,
-- The Kunming City of the Three-Selfs Patriotic Association,
[Note: The Three Selfs are Self-administration, Self-support and
Self-propagation. End note]
-- The Protestant Christian Association of Kunming,
-- The Kunming Patriotic Catholic Association

As well as seven county-level religious organizations:
-- The Three Selfs Protestant Patriotic Associations of Luquan
County, of Xundian County, of Fumin County, and of Kunming's
Xishan District;
-- The County Islamic Associations of Sundial County and of
Singing County; and
-- The Buddhist Association of Sundial County.

The places of religious activities of Kunming City and its
subordinate counties are about one-tenth of the total for Yunnan
Province and are the religious focus of one-sixth of Yunnan's

Religious affairs work is by nature, long-term, complex,
group-oriented, and connected to both domestic ethnic and
international matters. This makes handling religious affairs
properly very important.

Managing religious affairs according to law is an important part
of governing the country according to law and is an objective
requirement of modern social development.

On July 29, 1999 the Kunming City People's Congress approved and
implemented the "Kunming City Regulations for Management of
Places where Religious Activities are Held". These regulations
provided an important legal basis for the management of
religious affairs in the city.

Several years of experience since then have demonstrated that
the "regulations" created a legal framework for managing
religious venues and promoted the protection of the legal rights
of the religious parties, the adjustment of the various
relationships between the religious parties and society, the
maintenance of the unity and stability of the religious parties,
and helped religious parties and socialist society adjust to one

Here is the report:

Part One: Implementation of the Regulations

(I) In a variety of ways propaganda and educational activities
were done so that the regulations would become known. The
Kunming city government immediately ordered that the regulations
become a priority for propaganda and education priority
throughout the city.

In accordance with the city ordinance, in the city and in

CHENGDU 00000272 004.3 OF 009

counties subordinate to the city, news media propagandized the
regulations; the Municipal Bureau of Religious Affairs published
the "Regulations" in poster form which were posted at all the
legally registered religious places in the city. The
regulations were printed in booklets and distributed to groups
of believers and to the appropriate departments, units, groups
and individuals. Every level of each organization involved in
religious work held training sessions for cadres and religious
personnel of religion on policy and rule by law, focusing on the
Regulations. Classes focused on religion policy and
regulations. Religious organizations and places of religious
activities organized study sessions in various ways for their
team members, staff and religious personnel and believers.

In order that the regulations could be implemented in grassroots
religious activity places, a responsibility system based on
management by objectives was implemented in each locality.

Between each level of religious work departments at all levels
as well as between the religious work departments of each
religious work department in key counties and cities and the
townships, responsibility agreements were signed for each of the
religious venues in the areas that they cover. The
responsibility agreement for management by objectives laid out
the different areas and provided for giving a quantitative score
for checking on actual implementation.

Through this work, city religious work cadres, religious
personnel, members of organizations managing religious activity
places, and believers studied in depth the Regulations.

Religious work cadres by acquiring a deeper understanding of the
contents and spirit of the Regulations come to better understand
their responsibilities. They also acquire both political
responsibility as well as responsibility for their work.

(II) Making reasonable arrangements for venues for religious
activities and continually improve the self-management capacity
of management organizations in order to implement the Party's
religious policy are essential to the normal conduct of
religious activities.

The "Regulations" stipulate that "the establishment of venues
for religious activities is subject to the approval of the
people's governments at or above the county level, registration
is done in accordance with the relevant provisions of the
religious affairs departments and annual inspections."

Since the "Regulations" were enacted, religious work departments
at all levels have investigated the reasonable distribution of
religious venues and determined that they were established
according to law. They have according to circumstances changed
religious activities places that had been moved less suitable
locations to more suitable locations.

For example, as a result of the Zhangjiuhe River water diversion
project some of the people who had to move were Christians and
seven Christian religious venues were removed. Therefore,
according to the distribution of the migrants, new Christian
religious venues were approved in Sayingpan Town, Luquan County;
Dabanqiao Township, Guandu District; and Yanglin Township,
Sangming County. In order to solve the problem of their being
too few Buddhist temples and monasteries for Kunming Buddhists,
the opening of over 20 monasteries was approved. Owing to the
renovation of the city, many Muslims have moved to new
residences that are far from their old mosques. Accordingly,
provisional Muslim activity centers were established at
Wangqiying Subdistrict and Fengning Subdistrict.

In order to solve the religious life difficulties of foreign
Christians working in Kunming, a Christian religious activity
venue for foreigners was established.

The rational distribution of religious venues makes the life of
believers more convenient and satisfies their normal need for
religious life. This also helps reduce the private
establishment of Protestant Christian gathering places and the
unauthorized establishment of small temples and shrines.

Several petitions from Daoist believers have requested the
restoration of the Daoist Association and the opening of places
for Daoist religious activities. The history and situation of
Daoism have been examined and a proposal for the restoration of
the Daoist Religion Association and the appropriate opening of
places for Daoist religious activities has been submitted.

According to the law on the establishment of religious venues,
religious work departments at all levels in accordance with the
"Regulations" handle strictly all registrations and approvals.
Moreover, according to the stipulations of the "Regulations"

CHENGDU 00000272 005.3 OF 009

they also strengthen education of the management personnel of
religious venues on the organization and ideological
construction of places for religious activities. The conduct
training classes and seminars that study the Party's policy on
religion, the applicable national laws and regulations, daily
management, helps them set up a charter and system for their
place of religious activities and to conduct democratic

Thus far, throughout the city legally registered religious
venues have established democratic management organizations,
developed a relatively complete system for handling including
religious affairs, financial affairs, allocation of
responsibilities, meetings and procedures as well as management
systems including fire safety management. Thus religious venues
are run according both the law and their own charters. In this
way, the responsibilities of staff are clarified and everyone
has a greater sense of responsibility for their work. Their
work style in handling religious matters democratically and
their autonomy also increases as a result.

Annual inspections for religious venues are an important way to
institutionalize the self-management and norms. In order to
perform the annual inspections well, the entire city government
from top to bottom designated people to take the lead in various
areas. Appropriate leaders took part in the annual inspection
leading groups. Each religious work department according to the
requirements and procedure for the annual inspection and the
actual situation in each locality uses its creativity to handle
matters. They combine the annual inspection with education and
propaganda about the Party's religious policy and applicable
laws. The results of ordinary inspections, the annual
inspection, daily management and the annual evaluation as well
as selection of the "Five Best" religious activity venues are
all combined so that the annual inspection is an occasion for
additional study of laws and regulations, more education, and
for remarking on what is good and correcting mistakes.

Annual inspections promote adherence to law by managers of
religious venues, their conduct of normal religious activities
and their self-awareness about opposing illegal religious

The pass rate for the religious activities venues through the
city has for several years reached the standard. This promotes
the improvement in the self management of the religious venues
and their operation according to norms.

Although the focus on venues for religious activities has been
on building compliance to rules and procedures, infrastructure
has also been improved.

Religious work departments at all levels in accordance with the
"Regulations" actively help organize and coordinate the
management of places and raise funds to improve housing,
renovate dilapidated houses, put in greenery and do landscaping
work, and protect ancient cultural relics.

The renovation of the 500 Lohan Palace at the Qiongzhu Temple,
the renovation of the basilica of the Shun City mosque, Manjusri
Temple Luquan County annex, the new Cloud Village Christian
Church, etc. have all improved the city's religious venues and
improved the quality of religious life of believers, and
furthered social development and improved coordination with the
surrounding environment.

(III) Protect the legitimate rights and interests of religious
parties according to law; deter and combat the use of religion
to engage in illegal and criminal activities

Protect the legitimate rights and interests of religious
circles, quickly and appropriately deal with difficult and
passionate religious matters, preserve social order where
difficult problems and emergencies arise. This is an important
part of the Regulations.

This work is carried out generally in the following way:

First, regularly check on unstable factors, and insist on a
quarterly investigation and analysis system, grasp the situation
quickly, defusing conflicts, and take the initiative in order to
ensure religious unity and stability.

Second, through publicity and studying and implementing the
"Regulations" encourage and help the venues for religious
activities to strengthen their internal management, enhance
solidarity and co-ordination, and promptly resolve and deal with
some internal religious conflicts, controversies and difficult

CHENGDU 00000272 006.3 OF 009

For example:
-- Properly resolving the internal conflicts in a small number
of mosques in the Huadong District and the Dongchuan District;
-- Making changes in the personnel managing some religious
venues that do not have a well functioning management system and
have been criticized relatively frequently by the masses.
-- Settling the problem of lack of unity among some Protestant
Christian faiths;
-- According to the spirit of the Central Committee's guidance,
strengthen our guidance work with the Catholics;
-- Changing and bringing up to full strength the membership of
the management committee of the Catholic Church on Beijing Road;
-- Establishing a Catholic Affairs Management organization in
Shilin County,
-- Strengthening efforts to change the views of some of the
people who are relatively influential in the Catholic
underground, so as to ensure stability in Catholic circles
throughout the city.

-- Effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of
religious circles,
-- Promptly resolve the offended feelings of religious people,
and potential problems that could affect normal religious
-- Do not allow external factors to affect the unity and
stability of religious circles.

For example:
-- In thoroughly exposing "Falungong", quickly help a small
minority in the Buddhist community resolve their
misunderstanding about the "wheel of the law" [falun] symbol;
-- Appropriately resolving the appearance in some publications
of materials that offend the Muslim community;
-- Coordinating efforts to solve problems in urban renovation
that involve the demolition and moving of some religious venues,
providing for compensation and reconstruction.
-- In these and other matters, for example, considering the
requests of believers in Daoism for the restoration of the
Daoist Religion Association and Daoist religious places;
-- Considering the request of Christian believers in Kunyang,
Jinning County people for implementing the religious properties
policy and returning to them the Christ Church;
-- Complaints of believers of the Haiyuan Temple about
incursions onto temple land by the temple's neighbors. A
patient and careful investigation was made in order to resolve
the matters within the framework of religious affairs policy.

Actively support work to meet the needs of believers who were
moved because of the Chengyunlong Zhangjiuhe River Luquan
reservoir waterworks project. Make arrangements for religious
venues for the migrants in order to dispel their concerns so
that they will go along with the relocation plan.

Fourthly, combat the illegal use of religion to engage in
various kinds of criminal activities. Oppose the efforts of
enemy forces both inside and outside the PRC mainland to use
religion to infiltrate China.

-- In Luquan County, does persuasion work with followers of the
"xiaozhong religion" [Translator's note: a Christian millenarian
breakaway sect that originated in Yunnan in the 1970s that
rejects Party guidance and so is suppressed. End note.] And
prevent the hardcore followers of "xiaozhong religion" from
holding illegal meetings.
-- Act swiftly to stop the bad influence of South Korean
Protestants infiltrate Luquan and carrying on illegal training.
-- In Suning County, two foreigners established illegal
Christian religious venues: a South Korean in a garden and a
Singaporean in the home of an urban resident.
-- The illegal activities of three Americans and eight foreign
Christians in a mountain vacation resort in Fu County were

This work, not only contributes to Kunming's religious unity and
stability and its social stability have been maintained for the
city's social stability but also to economic construction.

(IV) Focus on religious work, build the "Two Teams" and ensure
that the Regulations are carried out.

Strengthening religious work and building the Two Teams - the
ranks of religious affairs cadres and religious personnel -- are
key to implementation of the Regulations. In order to build up
these two teams, religious affairs cadres need to improve their
ideological character and so conscientiously study
Marxist-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and
the "Three Represents" important thinking. We need to develop
an in-depth understanding of the Marxist perspective on religion
and the principles and policies on religious affairs work of the

CHENGDU 00000272 007.3 OF 009

Communist Party in the socialist period. Secondly, cadres need
to focus on study and training on policies, laws and regulations
to guide their practical work. Thirdly, develop and raise the
capacity of cadres to do their administrative work according to
the law.

Through training and assessments, the city's religious affairs
work department staff becomes qualified to do administrative law
enforcement work throughout Kunming. The departments typically
set up a responsibility system for administrative work. The
responsibility for mistakes is determined and penalties are
assessed accordingly. This ensures that the work of the
religious affairs cadres is performed strictly according to
norms and so the general capacity to enforce administrative law
is raised. Fourth, cadres need to master general religious
knowledge, and become skilled at using Marxist perspectives to
understand and resolve problems in religious affairs work.

Training sessions, meetings at which situation reports are
presented, and regular visits are among the methods of
educating religious workers on policy, law, political and
current affairs and the duties required of them in their current
situation. This aims at raising their understanding of
"Patriotic Education", "Administering Religious Affairs
According to Law", and "Administering Religious Affairs

Continually improving the quality of the religious affairs
cadres and of religious workers improves the implementation of
the "Regulations".

Although we have already done a lot of work on the
implementation of the "Regulations", there are still some

In brief, the depth and breadth of propaganda and education is
inadequate. The dialogue on the reasonable distribution of
religious venues to meet changes in the situation is still not
satisfactory. There are still some leftover problems on the
implementation of the return to religious properties. We also
need to strengthen work on stopping and combating illegal
activities carried out under the guise of religion and oppose
infiltration efforts by those by within and without the China

We will work to remedy these deficiencies in the future.

Part Two: Suggestions on Future Work.

Religious work is an important part of work for the Party and
the country. It has an important place in the work of the Party
and the country to transform the overall situation.

Religious work affects the flesh-and-blood ties between the
Party and the masses, the construction of material and spiritual
civilization, strengthening national unity, maintaining social
order, and maintaining national security and national unity.

In future work, we have to conscientiously make use of the
"Three Represents" important thinking. Close political
monitoring and proper handling of religious affairs is essential
to the long and peaceful rule of the Party and the state and
maintaining the stable development of reform. We need to better
appreciate the importance of religious work and improve our
awareness and feelings of responsibility for implementing the
Regulations. We need to continually improve our work, overcome
our shortcomings and make the proper links between various
aspects of our work.

We need to better implement the Regulations, strengthen the
government's management of religious affairs, and ensure the
unity and stability of the leadership of religious circles.
Therefore we need to unify and educate the masses of believers
and focus their strength on our common goal of building a new
Kunming. In this way we can make a positive contribution to the
construction of spiritual and material civilization in our city.

(I) Continually carry out propaganda and education on the
Regulations, and improve the laws and regulations.

With regards to the deficiencies in propaganda and education
mentioned above, we need to improve the breadth and depth of
propaganda and educational work among religious affairs cadres
and religious workers, at religious venues and among the masses
of believers. We need to educate cadres working in other areas
as well as to broaden the scope of education about the

As new circumstances and new situations arise, we will study and
resolve new problems and devise new rules and charters based on

CHENGDU 00000272 008.3 OF 009

these new circumstances. This will make the Regulations more
specific and help implement them on a deeper level.

On this basis, in accordance with the requirements of the
Central Committee and the guidance of the relevant state
departments, combined with the actual situation in Kunming, we
will study and draft other rules for regulating religious
affairs and other areas of society in line with the National
People's Congress Standing Committee guidance on strengthening
legislative work on the regulation of religious venues. This
will strengthen the basis for our management of religious
affairs so that norms and a legal system is well established for
managing religious affairs in our city

(II) Continue implementing the Party's religious affairs policy
and devise new solutions as circumstances change.

In this area, we need to focus on adapting to changing
circumstances, taking a practical approach, and solve the
problem of the reasonable distribution of religious venues.

Our key problem is solving the problem of religious venues for
the religious believers who have moved because of urban renewal
in Kunming. This includes choosing a new location for religious
venues that were torn down. .

Second, we should continue to pay close attention to resolving
religious property including remaining issues concerning
religious venues.

When working on studying these issues with related departments,
hold to the principles of "Respect history, address realities,
reasonable consultation, properly resolves difficulties".

(III) Continually strengthen management of religious affairs
according to law, maintain the unity and stability religious

The heart of the matter is upholding the law and fighting
illegality, resisting infiltration and fighting crime.

In combining the realities of Kunming with the implementation of
the "Regulations", we will need to focus on some difficult

These include illegal gatherings by Christians, preaching
without getting permission, indiscriminate development of the
numbers of believers, the rise of separatist forces, building of
small Buddhist temples without permission, the casting of large
numbers of plastic images of the Buddha. As China continues
it's opening to the outside world, forces both within and
without mainland China are using religion to infiltrate China.

As the "Regulations" call for, we established an organization
for enforcing the law, strengthening law enforcement methods,
and for stopping and fighting illegal activities.

At the same time we need to guarantee freedom of religion and
belief, guarantee that normal religious activities can be
conducted, and the legal rights of religious venues.

We need to help organizations managing religious venues do their
work properly. We need to boost their self-management capacity,
to interact positively with socialism, and effectively stop
infiltration from the outside and illegal activities.

(D) We need to continually strengthen the ranks of religious
affairs cadres and of religious workers in order to ensure the
implementation of the "Regulations".

Setting out from the specific needs of Kunming, we must attain
the goal of "doing religious work according to the needs of the
new situation and keeping close watch on the political and
overall situation and be able to work at a fairly high
theoretical and policy level. We need to enrich specialized
knowledge of religion and the attention to detail of religious
affairs cadres". Through continual training and practical
experience we will greatly improve the quality of the ranks of
religious affairs workers. By choosing outstanding young people
to join the ranks of religious affairs cadres, and appropriately
hiring highly qualified, specialized personnel we will gradually
improve the quality of the religious affairs cadres and a fine
religious affairs law enforcement organization. This
organization will link up effectively with other law enforcement
organizations, clarify responsibilities and so by working
together strengthen management overall.

In response to the shortage of qualified religious personnel, we
need to increase training. Assist religious groups in a planned
and step-by-step manner, at different levels and in various ways

CHENGDU 00000272 009.3 OF 009

cultivate young and middle-aged patriotic and law-abiding
religious workers with higher religious attainments. These
people will be the backbone of the new generation of patriotic
education. In order to make full use of this increased
training, strengthen education and guidance to grassroots
religious venues; improve both the quality and the management of
religious activities. This will ensure that the leadership
authority over religious venues is in the hands of patriotic
people. This will ensure the healthy and stable development of
the various religious activities that take place in Kunming.

Please give consider and accept this report.

End translated text

Source Texts Mentioned Above:

Text of PRC Religious Affairs Regulations (English translation
from the Open Source Center: CPP20041220000193)
Chinese language texts:
-- 1998 "Kunming City Regulations on the Management of Religious
Venues" online on PRC website with URL abbreviated as
-- 2003 Kunming City Religious Affairs Bureau Report to the
Kunming City People's Congress "Report on the Implementation of
the "Kunming City Regulations for Management of Religious
-- (2005 or later) Kunming City Pan long District National
Minorities and Religious Affairs Bureau Enforcement
-- (2005 or later) Fumin County National Minorities and
Religious Affair Bureau Enforcement Responsibilities
-- 2007 Kunming City Religious Affairs Bureau "Types of
Enforcement Actions and Office Responsible for Enforcement"
-- Zhao Guoliang and Zheng Yuyan, editors, "Practical Handbook
for Party Propaganda Work, New Edition" [Xinbian dangde
xuanchuan gongzuo shiyong shouce], Beijing, 2003, Red Flag
Publishing House, p. 125.

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