Cablegate: Demarche Request: France's Contribution to The
DE RUEHC #4821 2891919
P 161910Z OCT 07
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. This is an action request. See paragraph 5.
2. SUMMARY. In 2006 there were serious setbacks in the
global fight to end polio with the increased numbers of polio
cases in Nigeria and India, continuing challenges in
Afghanistan and Pakistan, and imported cases appearing in
countries previously declared polio-free. There is a critical
$60 million funding gap for 2007 and $355 million for 2008
for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). France
contributed a total of USD $23.8 million during the period
2003-2005 and $12.8 million in 2006. Please slug responses
for OES/IHB (Tierra Copeland and Patricia Murphy). END SUMMARY
3. BACKGROUND: Substantial progress has been made since the
launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in
1988, when polio was endemic in more than 125 countries,
paralyzing 350,000 children each year. The GPEI partnership
includes the World Health Organization (WHO), the United
Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Rotary International, and
U.S. Government agencies (USAID and the Department of Health
and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention HHS/CDC). The U.S. Government has been the
leading financial donor to the effort providing over $1.3
billion since 1988 and representing nearly thirty percent of
the global contributions.
4. As noted by U/S Dobriansky in a policy speech on polio,
significant progress has been made globally; however, there
have been recent setbacks that put eradication efforts at
risk. In 2006, 1,998 people were paralyzed by polio and now
only four countries (Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, and
Pakistan) still suffer from endemic polio transmission.
Global polio eradication is feasible. However, donor
enthusiasm and financial contributions in the global polio
eradication efforts are waning, even in the face of
re-emerging infections and increasing risk for polio to
regain a global foothold. Challenges facing the polio
eradication effort include:
-- There is a major global funding gap of $60 million for
GPEI to support vaccination campaigns and emergency
operations in outbreak areas for the remainder of 2007. A
shortage of polio funds needed for 2007 will result in a
negative cash flow which would potentially produce an
immediate reduction of polio eradication activities in the
remaining infected countries: Nigeria, India, Pakistan, and
Afghanistan. In addition, temporary cutbacks will result in
re-infection of polio- free areas, an increase in polio
paralyzed children, delays in outbreak response, and an
increase in overall costs. It is estimated that there is a
shortfall of pledges of, at least, $355 million for
eradication activities projected for 2008.
-- During the 2004-2005 period, polio spread from Northern
Nigeria and India to 21 previously polio-free across the
Middle East and as far east as Indonesia.
-- Spread of polio has increased in 2006, with twice as many
polio cases in five states in Northern Nigeria, and five
times as many cases in India compared to the same period in
-- The remaining areas and populations of polio infections
and transmission are among the poorest of the poor and are
the most difficult to reach.
-- Socio-political issues have complicated vaccination
efforts. For example, in the critical areas of India and
Nigeria, there is great distrust of government and government
programs, and resistance to vaccination, particularly among
Muslim communities.
-- Political will on the part of the governments of
Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, and Pakistan is being severely
tested to follow through on commitments to polio eradication
in their respective countries.
5. ACTION: Embassy is requested to urge senior Foreign
Affairs, Health, and Finance Ministry officials that France
consider increasing its support for the WHO and UNICEF-led
Polio Eradication Initiative, including an additional
contribution for 2008-2009. Embassy may draw on the following
talking points:
Begin Talking Points
-- The United States is very concerned that given the
continued endemic transmission of polio in Nigeria, India,
Afghanistan, and Pakistan, a threat remains for importation
to polio-free countries.
-- We are at a critical point in global efforts to eradicate
polio. We are urging the four endemic countries to strengthen
their efforts to eradicate polio and close gaps that have
allowed the number of cases to expand.
-- The United States acknowledges and appreciates France's
exemplary past contributions to the Global Polio Eradication
Initiative. There is an urgent $60 million funding gap for
the remainder of 2007 and $355 million for 2008 for the
Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI).
-- The United States has given generously -- $132 million in
2007 alone and we are urging our partners to help close the
funding gap.
End Talking Points