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Cablegate: Daily Summary of Japanese Press 09/10/07

DE RUEHKO #4196/01 2530230
P 100230Z SEP 07





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(1) Prime Minister Abe, President Bush shake hands before their
meeting in Sydney.

(2) Abe ready to step down if refueling mission in Indian Ocean not

(3) Defense chief, Okinawa differ on Futenma relocation

(4) Prime Minister Abe in meeting with President Bush expresses
resolve to make utmost efforts to extend Antiterrorism Law

(5) Main points of Japan-US summit

(6) Japan, US taking special pains to show close cooperation at
summit meeting

(7) Trilateral US, Japan, Australia summit: Three leaders stress
international contributions in war on terror, aiming partly at
softening up DPJ's stance toward extension of Antiterrorism Law

(8) US denies that MSDF fuel supplied in Indian Ocean being used for
Iraq operations

(9) Machimura promises Rice intelligence security; Rice expresses
hope for Japan's continuation of antiterrorism operations

(10) Political fund record-keeping error concerning 1 million yen in
donation made in 2003 also found in report filed by Internal Affairs
Minister Masuda's fund management body

(11) Government decides not to extend emergency aid to DPRK for
damage caused by floods, citing no progress on abduction issue

(12) Japanese government turns down request for port call by North
Korean cargo ship; Chongryon complains

(13) MSDF oil supplied in Indian Ocean was used in Iraq war


(1) Prime Minister Abe, President Bush shake hands before their
meeting in Sydney.

Photo only

(2) Abe ready to step down if refueling mission in Indian Ocean not

ASAHI (Online news) (Full)
September 9, 2007 (20:25)

Prime Minister Abe met the press at a Sydney hotel today, during
which he referred to the Maritime Self-Defense Force's refueling
activities in the Indian Ocean under the Antiterrorism Special
Measures Law, which is to expire Nov. 1. "The Diet is now in a very
difficult situation," Abe noted. "But," he said, "its extension has
now become an international commitment." He added: "So I bear a
heavy responsibility. I will make efforts at the risk of my
position." Furthermore, Abe also declared that his cabinet would
resign in a body to take political responsibility should he fail to

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get Diet approval to continue Japan's refueling mission, saying he
would not then cling to his duties as prime minister.

The government will introduce a bill extending the MSDF's refueling
activities. In this regard, Abe stressed that he would have to make
his utmost efforts particularly in order to get the leading
opposition Democratic Party of Japan's understanding. "I will do my
best," Abe said, "and I will stake my position on it." In addition,
he also said he would like to meet with DPJ President Ozawa as soon
as possible. With this, he indicated that he would ask Ozawa in a
meeting to support the legislation.

In the press conference, Abe was asked if his cabinet was ready to
resign in a body if Japan cannot continue its refueling mission. In
response to this question, Abe clarified his intention to step down
if Japan cannot extend its refueling activities. "I will have to
fulfill my duties as prime minister while making every possible
effort to do whatever I can," he said. "Of course," he added, "I
have no intention of clinging to my duties (if I fail)."

(3) Defense chief, Okinawa differ on Futenma relocation

TOKYO (Page 2) (Full)
September 9, 2007

Defense Minister Masahiko Komura yesterday made his first visit to
Okinawa Prefecture since assuming his post. During his Okinawa
visit, Komura met with Okinawa Gov. Hirokazu Nakaima and Nago Mayor
Yoshikazu Shimabukuro to talk about the pending issue of relocating
the US Marine Corps' Futenma Air Station in Ginowan to Camp Schwab,
a US military base in the island prefecture's northern coastal city
of Nago. However, they clearly differed in their respective
perceptions over an assessment of Futenma relocation's possible
impact on the local environment. Their meetings resulted in sparking
off their different standpoints.

Japan and the United States have now agreed on a plan to lay down a
V-shaped pair of airstrips in a coastal area of Camp Schwab as an
alternative for Futenma airfield. In his meeting with Nakaima,
Komura explained the relocation plan, saying it is a "balanced,
rational" plan from the perspectives of natural and living
environments and also from the aspect of feasibility.

Meanwhile, the government has now already asked Okinawa Prefecture
in written form for its consent to a plan to implement an
environmental impact assessment without obtaining local
understanding. The government is thus poised to enter into
procedures for Futenma relocation. "We'd like to hold rational talks
while taking a look at specific data that will come out of the
environmental assessment." With this, Komura sought Nakaima's
understanding while implying the possibility of retouching the
Futenma relocation plan.

However, Nakaima expressed concern, saying: "The government should
go ahead with an environmental assessment after we have reached
agreement. If the government goes ahead, the plan will only fall
behind schedule for a couple of years." Furthermore, Nakaima asked
Komura to move the planned site of Futenma relocation to an offshore
point that is as far as possible from the coast. With this, Nakaima
urged the government to make changes in the current Futenma
relocation plan before going ahead with an environmental assessment,
citing aircraft noise and other factors that could deteriorate the

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living environment of local residents. In the end, Komura and
Nakaima reached no agreement.

However, Komura remained tough in his press meeting. "The governor
didn't say we must not go ahead with the environmental assessment."

Komura is in a hurry to go through procedures for an environmental
assessment. That is because Komura is aware of a time limit set to
complete Futenma relocation by 2014.

Furthermore, both Tokyo and Okinawa want to relocate Futenma
airfield as early as possible. Komura therefore deems it possible to
get local understanding in the end even after going ahead with the
environmental assessment without obtaining local consent, according
to a senior official of the Defense Ministry.

However, the government is legally required to ask for the
governor's authorization to reclaim land from the sea in public
waters to build a new airfield.

"We've yet to agree," Nakaima said. He added, "If they do so as they
like, I can't say that's okay." There is no knowing if the
government can go ahead with its Futenma relocation plan as expected
by Komura.

(4) Prime Minister Abe in meeting with President Bush expresses
resolve to make utmost efforts to extend Antiterrorism Law

NIKKEI (Top Play) (Full0
Evening, September 8, 2007

Makoto Nakayama, Sydney

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a bilateral meeting with United
States President Bush at a Sydney hotel on the morning of Sept. 8.
In reference to the ongoing refueling operations by the Maritime
Self-Defense Force (MSDF) in the Indian Ocean based on the
Antiterrorism Special Measures Law, which is to expire on Nov. 1,
Abe said: "Since the law must be extended without fail, I will make
utmost efforts to that end." Bush replied: "We expect Japan will
continue to offer assistance." The two leaders also agreed to take
joint steps to urge North Korea to give up on its all nuclear

This was the fourth meeting between the Japanese and US leaders
since Abe assumed office, following the one in June in Heiligendamm,
Germany, and the first meeting since the ruling coalition suffered a
crushing defeat in the earlier House of Councillors election.

At the outset of the meeting, the prime minister emphasized: "There
has been no change in the Abe administration's basic diplomatic and
security policies even after the Upper House election." He then said
he would work to strengthen the "irreplaceable Japan-US alliance" in
the security, economic and many other areas.

The prime minister promised to make utmost efforts in the upcoming
extraordinary Diet session to start Sept. 10 to enable the MSDF to
continue its refueling operations by extending the Antiterrorism
Law. Abe told Bush that he would continue to persuade the Democratic
Party of Japan to make a policy switch to agree to extend the law.
Bush welcomed the prime minister's commitment, remarking: "(The
continuation of Japan's refueling operations) is absolutely

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necessary for all the members in the international community
participating in the war on terrorism, including the US."

Regarding North Korea's nuclear problem, the leaders of Japan and
the US shared the need to swiftly translate into action the
agreements reached between the US and North Korea, including
disabling North Korea's nuclear facilities by the end of the year
and having the North declare its nuclear development programs. The
prime minister spelled out the outcome of the working group meeting
held in Ulan Bator between Japan and North Korea on normalizing
diplomatic ties, expressing his resolve to continue negotiations
with the North in a bid to resolve such pending issues as North
Korea's past abductions of Japanese nationals. The president stated:
"I understand the abduction problem is an issue of sensitivity in
Japan. We will never let the issue be forgetten."

In discussing the issue of global warming, both leaders agreed on
the need for Japan and the US to cooperate each other to produce
specific results at the international conference sponsored by the US
in late September and the major industrialized countries' summit
meeting (Late Toya Summit) next year. As for a post-Kyoto framework
for combating global warming beyond the 2012 framework set under the
Kyoto Protocol, they shared the view that the new framework should
be an effective one that would include all major emitters of global
warming gases.

On Japan's setting of the age limit of cattle whose meat is eligible
for import at 20 months as a BSE safeguard measure, the president
renewed a call on Japan to remove this import condition. Abe just
replied: "We will conduct studies based on scientific knowledge, on
the great premise of giving priority to securing food safety for the

The prime minister indicated that the government would steadily
carry out the reorganization of the US forces in Japan as agreed on
between the governments of the two countries. He then called for US
cooperation in realizing the proposed joint use of Yokota Air Base
by the US military and Japanese commercial planes.

After the meeting, President Bush said: "Japan's operations are
significant not only for the US but also for other countries." Prime
Minister Abe said: "We agreed on the importance of Japan's refueling

(5) Main points of Japan-US summit

NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
Eve., September 8, 2007

The following is a gist of the summit meeting between Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe and US President Bush.

Antiterrorism Special Measures Law

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: I think it is necessary to continue the
Maritime Self-Defense Force's (MSDF) refueling mission in the Indian
Ocean. I'll make my utmost effort to continue the mission.

President George W. Bush: We appreciate Japan's contributions.
Refueling activities are essential for the United States and other
members of the international community participating in the war on
terror. I hope to see continued assistance.

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North Korea

The prime minister and the US president agreed to seek through the
six-party talks North Korea's swift action to materialize the
complete abandonment of its nuclear programs.

Bush: I understand Japan's sensitivity to the abduction issue. We
will never let the abduction issue be forgotten.

Abe: We will continue talks in order to achieve substantive results,
including on the abduction issue.

Measures against global warming

The two leaders agreed to create an effective framework that would
involve all major greenhouse-gas emitters in order to make next
year's Group of Eight (G-8) summit conference in Lake Toya,
Hokkaido, a success.

Beef imports

Bush: We hope to see a removal of the current limit on the age of

Abe: We will examine the issue based on scientific knowledge, while
giving the highest consideration to the food safety of the Japanese

(6) Japan, US taking special pains to show close cooperation at
summit meeting

NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
Eve., September 8, 2007

Hideo Kato, Makoto Nakayama, Sydney

At their first Japan-US summit meeting on Sept. 8 since Japan's
Upper House election, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Bush
took special pains to show they were closely cooperating in the war
on terror and on the North Korean nuclear issue. The motivations of
both leaders were driven by their desires to use diplomacy in order
to boost their respective weakened political base at home due to
domestic circumstances. The Upper House of the Japanese Diet is now
under the opposition bloc's control, while in the Democratic Party
holds a majority in the US Congress. However, concern is growing
that bilateral cooperation is not necessarily going well on the
North Korean nuclear issue, the lead of which has been taken by
talks between the US and North Korea.

Bush: "The role played by Japan is important. I'd like to express
appreciation to the Japanese people."

Abe: "I think it is important for the international community to
keep united on the war on terror."

After the summit, the two leaders made these remarks to reporters
regarding the Maritime Self-Defense Force' (MSDF) refueling of
vessels in the Indian Ocean from the US and other countries. They
emphasized the importance of Japan's contributions to the war on
terror led mainly by the US and Britain in Afghanistan.

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The legal basis for Japan's refueling operations is the
Antiterrorism Special Measures Law, but it expires on Nov. 1. The
government is considering submitting a bill extending the law to an
upcoming extraordinary session of the Diet to be convened on Sept.
10, but the main opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), now the
largest party in the Upper House, is taking a confrontational stance
against the ruling parties.

The Abe administration believes the Japan-US alliance could be
rocked by the ending of the MSDF's mission in the Indian Ocean. If
that were to happen, it would also affect the Abe administration's
main slogan, "assertive diplomacy" through international
contributions. Bolstered by a direct call from Bush for an extension
of the mission, Abe intends to push back against the opposition bloc
at the upcoming extraordinary Diet session.

The MSDF's withdrawal from its refueling operations now going on in
the Indian Ocean would affect US troops' operations in military
terms, and it would also lead to shaking the "international
coalition" on the war against terrorism, including the Iraq war.

Growing calls in the US for a withdrawal of its troops from Iraq are
attributable mainly to the discontent that "only the US forces are
forced to make a lot of sacrifices." In the presidential campaign
for the next year, Democratic candidates are intensifying their
criticism that "the Bush administration has been isolated from the
international community." Given that Bush diplomacy has been marked
by fraying at its edges, Japan's cooperation by extending the
refueling mission may be the "last line to which he cannot
compromise on the diplomatic front.

The two leaders agreed to urge North Korea to implement steps for
denuclearization, but it is obvious that there are gaps between
Japan and the US when it comes to approaches to the North. The US
has shifted to a dialogue line with the North, while Japan's
position is not to offer any assistance if there is no progress on
the abduction issue. On the issue of whether to remove North Korea
from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, Bush indicated he
would take into account the abduction issue, but some people doubt
the US, arguing it is questionable how far the US will act together
with Japan.

(7) Trilateral US, Japan, Australia summit: Three leaders stress
international contributions in war on terror, aiming partly at
softening up DPJ's stance toward extension of Antiterrorism Law

YOMIURI (Page 2) (Abridged slightly)
Evening, September 8, 2007

Hiroaki Matsunaga, Sydney

The question of extending Japan's Antiterrorism Special Measures Law
for the Maritime Self-Defense Force's continued refueling mission in
the Indian Ocean took center stage at a Japan-US summit and a
trilateral Japan-US-Australia summit on September 8. Although
President George W. Bush, expressing his strong hope for Japan's
contributions, effectively pressed Japan for continued MSDF
operations, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe failed to present any specific
means to break the impasse, simply pledging maximum efforts.

In the Japan-US summit, the US side clearly expressed its hope for
Japan's continued refueling mission. In a press interview held late

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last month, President Bush had also expressed his hope that Japan's
proactive influence would be maintained.

America's strong call for Japan's continued commitment comes from
the high evaluation of the MSDF mission by other countries taking
part in the maritime interdiction operations (MIO) in the northern
Indian Ocean. MIO was initiated by the United States and Britain as
part of the war on terrorism following 9/11.

To support MIO, Japan has dispatched an MSDF destroyer and two
supply vessels on a four-month rotation under the Antiterrorism Law.
As of August 20, the MSDF provided a total of 480,000 kiloliters of
fuel on 774 occasions to naval vessels of such countries as the
United States, Pakistan, and France.

But now that the ruling bloc no longer holds its control of the
House of the Councillors due to its defeat in the July election, the
government finds it difficult to extend the Antiterrorism Law beyond
November 1. The government and ruling coalition is considering a new
law that takes in the major opposition Democratic Party of Japan's
demands. But the DPJ leadership, including President Ichiro Ozawa,
remains opposed to an extension. Japan, the United States, and
Australia confirmed the need to extend the MSDF mission partly with
the aim of softening up the DPJ's stance by sending a message that
Japan's continued international contribution is consistent with
Ozawa's view that Japan should actively take part in collective

Main points from Japan-US-Australia summit

? Agreement reached to make greater efforts in dealing with
Asia-Pacific and global issues.
? The United States and Australia gave high marks to Japan's
contribution to the war on terrorism. Prime Minister Abe pledged
maximum efforts for an extension of the MSDF refueling mission in
the Indian Ocean.
? Agreement reached on the need to become constructively involved
with China.
? Agreement reached on the need to denuclearize North Korea.
? Agreement reached to aim for results at the APEC forum on climate

(8) US denies that MSDF fuel supplied in Indian Ocean being used for
Iraq operations

ASAHI (Page 2) (Full)
Evening, September 8, 2007

Yoichi Kato, Washington

The US Navy's website at one point carried an explanation on the
Maritime Self-Defense Force's mission in the Indian Ocean being
carried out under the Antiterrorism Special Measures Law. Although
the US Defense Department has eliminated the description before it
escalated into a political problem in Japan, it is still busy
offering an explanation.

Under the title Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), the US Fifth Fleet
website said at one point that the Japanese government has provided
over 86,629,675 gallons of fuel worth 76 million dollars. Although
the text also indicated that the figures were since Operation
Enduring Freedom signifying the war in Afghanistan started, it could

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be interrelated to mean that the MSDF also provided fuel to naval
vessels taking part in the Iraq war.

Because the Antiterrorism Law is strictly based on the war in
Afghanistan, House of Representatives member Kenji Eda, an
independent who took notice of this description, raised the
suspicion that the MSDF might have fueled vessels taking part in the
Iraq war as well. It has created a sensation, as seen the Democratic
Party of Japan's move to pursue the issue in the Diet.

The government is desperately trying to extend the law beyond
November 1 despite stiff resistance from the opposition. However,
the next regular Diet session is set to convene on September 10 with
no bright prospect for the government.

Given the situation, the Japanese government asked the US side to
make a proper response, saying that what appeared on the US Navy's
website would make matters more difficult for Tokyo. As a result,
the US has decided to offer a new explanation in addition to
eliminating the description.

To an inquiry by the Asahi Shimbun, the US Department of Defense
replied on September 7: "The page in question has been revised so as
not to give any misconception. Japan has provided fuel only for
vessels supporting OEF."

(9) Machimura promises Rice intelligence security; Rice expresses
hope for Japan's continuation of antiterrorism operations

ASAHI (Page 4) (Full)
September 8, 2007

Chikara Ishiai, Sydney

Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura and US Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice held talks on Sept. 7 in Sydney. According to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Machimura, referring to
information leakage regarding the Aegis defense system, revealed
that Japan would take measures for intelligence security. He told
Rice: "We will take measures to reform the entire government

Touching also on the issue of joint use of Yokota Air Force Base by
the military and private sectors, Machimura stated: "The Japanese
government as a whole wants to bring it to fruition. I would like
the US State Department to support the plan." Rice reportedly
responded: "We want to consider it in a serious manner."

Machimura explained the Japanese government's position of doing its
utmost to extend the Antiterrorism Special Measures Law. He said:
"We will do our best to obtain understanding from the opposition
camp for the continuation of the MSDF's refueling mission (in the
Indian Ocean)." He reportedly did not mention a new law, which the
government is now mulling. Rice reportedly expressed her
expectations for the continuation of MSDF's mission, saying,
"Japan's operations are indispensable for the international
community's fight against terrorism."

Machimura stated also on Japan's support for Iraq:

"Japan will carry out assistance as much as possible through
transport support by the Air Self-Defense Force, as well as the

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government's official development assistance (ODA)."

(10) Political fund record-keeping error concerning 1 million yen in
donation made in 2003 also found in report filed by Internal Affairs
Minister Masuda's fund management body

MAINICHI (Page 31) (Full)
September 8, 2007

It was learned that Internal Affairs and Communication Minister
(MIAC) Hiroya Masuda's political organization (disbanded in December
2006) when he was a governor of Iwate Prefecture entered 1 million
yen as a donation made to Masuda's fund management body (also
disbanded in Dec. 2006), and yet the body's political fund report
did not record the receipt of that money. The body explained that
although the donation was made to Masuda himself, his fund
management body issued a receipt in confusion, causing the political
organization to record an erroneous name as the recipient of the
donation. The top person of MIAC, which is tasked with controlling
payment reports filed by political parties and political
organizations straddling more than on prefecture, was found to have
been involved in the sloppy filing of a fund report.

According to the claim made in the political fund report filed by
the Iwate 21 Kai, Masuda's political organization, the organization
donated 1 million yen to the Yumekendo Iwate 21, Masuda's fund
management body. The report was attached with a receipt of the 1
million yen issued by the fund management body. However, the
Yumekendo Iwate 21's payment report had no record of the receipt of
the donation worth 1 million yen. Masuda was elected governor for
the third term in the gubernatorial election held in April the same
year right after this donation was made.

Toshiyuki Hayashi, secretary to Masuda, said, "The donation was
received as a mid-election-campaign contribution." He explained that
the receipt of that money was entered into the political campaign
expenditure report filed right after the gubernatorial election.
Regarding the fact that the receipt was issued under the name of the
political fund management body, Hayashi said, "I do not know why
this has happened. However, there is no discrepancy, because
Masuda's name is also mentioned,"

The head of the administrative office of the Yumekendo Iwate 21 at
the time noted, "I believe the donation was made to Masuda himself,
but it was received as a donation to his fund management body,
because the election was close at hand." Regarding the issuance of
the receipt by the fund management body, he said, "I cannot recall
correctly. It might have issued it by mistake."

Masuda, former bureaucrat of the now defunct construction ministry,
was for the first time elected Iwate governor fully backed by the
New Frontier Party led by Ichiro Ozawa, now president of the
Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ or Minshuto). Though he has kept his
distance from Ozawa after that, he was elected for the third time,
adopting a local manifesto for the first time in domestic elections.
He was known as a reformist at the Association of Prefectural
Governors. He has proposed adopting decentralization and a doshu
(province) system.

(11) Government decides not to extend emergency aid to DPRK for
damage caused by floods, citing no progress on abduction issue

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MAINICHI (Page 2) (Full)
September 10, 2007

The government yesterday decided not to respond to the United
Nations' call to the international community to extend emergency aid
(totaling approximately 1.6 trillion yen) to North Korea, which has
suffered from flood damage. It has judged that hasty provision of
aid to that nation would not be able to obtain public understanding,
because a Japan-DPRK working group meeting held Sept 5-6 in Mongolia
to discuss normalization achieved no progress.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Kaoru Yosano on Sept. 4 told a news
conference, "There is a possibility of humanitarian assistance being
put before political difficulties." He thus had indicated a positive
stance to aid to the DPRK, noting that extending humanitarian
assistance can be considered independent of the government policy of
not extending economic and energy aid as agreed on at the six-nation
talks, without progress of the abduction issue.

However, the DPRK during the working group meeting remained
unchanged on its stance toward the abduction issue, claiming that
the issue had been settled. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the 6th
revealed his perception that it could not be said that an
achievement had been made. A senior Foreign Ministry official noted
on the 7th, "The government stance has taken the stand that there
could be no humanitarian assistance without a settlement of the
human right issue. It would be impossible for it to extend aid to
that nation, if national sentiments on this issue are taken into

(12) Japanese government turns down request for port call by North
Korean cargo ship; Chongryon complains

MAINICHI (Page 2) (Full)
September 8, 2007

The pro-Pyongyang General Federation of Korean Residents in Japan
(Chongryon or Chosen Soren) Vice Chairman Nam Sung U on Sept. 7 held
a press conference in Tokyo. He told reporters that the Japanese
government returned a letter of request that Chongryon submitted to
it on the 6th asking for its approval for a port call by a North
Korean vessel to transport relief goods to flood victims in that
nation. Nam criticized the government's response, saying, "It was an
inhumane and unfriendly act." Following the nuclear test conducted
by North Korea, Japan has placed a blanket ban on port calls by
North Korean vessels.

(13) MSDF oil supplied in Indian Ocean was used in Iraq war

SHUKAN SHINCHO (Page 36) (Full)
September 13, 2007

A new allegation has surfaced regarding the Anti-Terrorism Special
Measures Law, which will be the highest focus of attention of the
extraordinary session of the Diet that opens September 10.
Originally, the Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) was supposed
supply fuel oil at sea on the Indian Ocean for use in Afghan
operations, but reportedly, that fuel has been used by the US forces
in operations in Iraq.

On the late-night talk show, Asa Made Nama Terebi (Live TV until
dawn) on Aug. 31, independent lawmaker Kenji Eda brought up this

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charge. According to Eda, Ministry of Defense documents show that US
warships received a total of 340.000 kiloliters of fuel, but on the
home page of the US armed forces, the figure posted for fuel
supplies provided by the MSDF for use in Iraq operations is
approximately 86.63 million gallons (or approximately 330,000
kiloliters). If this is true, over 85 PERCENT of the entire amount
of fuel supplied by the MSDF has been used for Iraq operations.

Eda later stated: "I only intended to raise the issue; I did not
intend to say on TV that the figure as posted was correct. However,
there is a high probability that within the US forces, both the
Afghan and Iraqi campaigns are a unified whole, and if that is so,
it is clear that there has been a deviation from the purpose of the
Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law. The United States says that it
will disclose information, including classified intelligence, so in
my view, there should be a thorough clearing up of the facts.

In response, Deputy Spokesman Akiyama Kenji Akiyama stated: "Though
there is a campaign in Iraq, it is hard to fathom the US forces
going all the way to the Indian Ocean for refueling. We are now
inquiring about this of the US forces."

However, Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ or Minshuto) lawmaker
Akihisa Nagashima stated: "The US Navy's Fifth Fleet, which is
carrying out operations in Afghanistan and Iraq locates is
headquarters in Bahrain. It is fully conceivable that warships
refueled in the Indian Ocean would continue on to Iraq to carry out
operations there."

He continued: "Strictly speaking, the purpose of the Iraq Special
Measures Law is humanitarian and reconstruction assistance, as well
as support activities to maintain security. Since the latter is said
to be support for the US forces engaged in security public law and
order, there was no immediate breach of the law. However, the
government until now has not fully come out with information, and
there has been no explanation at all about supplying fuel for use in
the Iraq campaign. The government's explanations have been

With this new cause for concern, what will happen now to the
anti-terror law?


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