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Cablegate: Update of Worst Forms of Child Labor: Croatia


DE RUEHVB #1494/01 3531423
R 191423Z DEC 06





E.O. 12958: N/A

REF STATE 184972

1. Summary: Croatia has a strong institutional and legal framework
for protecting the rights of minors and a good track record of
taking action to prevent child labor. Problems are isolated and
infrequent. Most reported abuses occur in the entertainment,
hospitality, retail, industrial construction and media sectors. The
State Inspectorate has increased and strengthened enforcement of
child labor legislation, which has led to a higher number of
citations being issued in 2006. End Summary.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

2. The Labor Law sets the minimum age for employment at 15 years;
children ages 15 to 18 may work only with written permission from a
legal guardian. Children under 15 may work or participate in
artistic or entertainment functions (such as film productions) with
permission from the parent or guardian and the labor inspectorate,
provided that the work is not harmful to the child's health,
morality, education, or development. The Ministry of Economy,
Labor, and Entrepreneurship (MELE) enforces the minimum age of
employment. According to stipulations in the Labor Law and the
Occupational Safety and Health Act, children under age 18 are
prohibited from working overtime, at night, under dangerous labor
conditions, or in any other job that might be harmful to a child's
health, morality, or development. Minors under age 18 are expressly
prohibited from working in bars, nightclubs, and gambling
establishments. The Family Law contains provisions for the
protection of the rights and welfare of children. The Children's
Ombudsman coordinates government efforts to promote and protect the
interests of children and is obliged to report any findings of
exploitation to the State Attorney's Office. The Constitution
prohibits forced or bonded labor, and the Criminal Code bans
individuals from forcing children to beg. The minimum age for
conscription into the military is 18. Croatia signed and ratified
ILO Convention 182.

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3. The worst forms of child labor may be prosecuted under different
statutes in Croatia. The Criminal Code outlaws international
prostitution, including solicitation of a minor, and prohibits
procurement of minors for sexual purposes. The law also forbids
using children for pornography. Article 178 (1) of the Criminal
Code indicates that international prostitution pertains to
"[w]hoever tempts, recruits or instigates the other person to
provide sexual services for profit in a country other than the one
of whose residence or citizenship that person is," and Article 178
(2) indicates, "[w]ho compels another person by using physical
force, or induces that person using threats, or by deceit to go to a
country other than the country of that person's residence or
citizenship, to provide sexual services for money..." In July 2004,
the Criminal Code was amended, introducing Trafficking of Persons
and Slavery as a separate criminal act with a minimum prison
sentence of five years and a maximum sentence of 15 years, when a
child or a minor is involved (this provision went into force as of
October 1, 2004). In 2006, changes to the same provision provide for
imprisonment of 3 months to 3 years for perpetrators who knowingly
use TIP victims.

Implementation and Enforcement

4. The Labor Inspectorate of Croatia implements and enforces child
labor legislation. The office employs 102 inspectors, who are
responsible for enforcing labor laws and regulations. Special
attention is paid to the employment of minors. In addition to
following up on complaints of possible violations, the Inspectorate
also conducts unannounced site inspections. Such inspections have
intensified since 2004, resulting in an increase in the number of
issued violations. The Labor Inspectorate has ordered the Ministry
of Interior and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to search
for and process violators more stringently and called for better
cooperation between social agencies and police. In a separate
decision, the GoC ordered the Labor Inspectorate to increase
inspections of establishments that employ minors. (See paragraph 18
for data).

5. Legal remedies available to government agencies for enforcing
child labor laws are regulated by the following:
-Labor law;
-Regulation on work for which minors may be employed and types of
employment allowed only after confirmation of physical ability
(published in National gazette 59/02);
-Law on Work Safety;
-Criminal Law;
-Law on Children's Ombudsmen;
-Law on Legal Defense;
-Law on Elementary Education
-Law on Juvenile Courts;
-National Program for the Protection of the Best Interests of
Children 2006-2012;
-National Plan for the Suppression of Trafficking of

6. Fines for violating child labor laws range from 1,000 HRK ($150)
to 100,000 ($18,000), depending upon the gravity of the violation.
According to the Office of the Ombudsman for Children, the
regulations are, for the most part, adequate and effective, but work
continues on new regulations to increase the effectiveness of
protecting children's rights. In 2006, amendments to the Criminal
Law included increased minimum fines for violations as well as
increased jail sentences for crimes in connection with sexual abuse
of minors. The amendments were intended to send a stronger message
to the public, particularly since the courts have frequently been
lenient towards offenders.

7. Croatia has reached general global standards in regard to
addressing and investigating violations. The National Program for
the Protection of the Best Interests of Children (2006 -2012)
includes proposals for developing legislation that regulates the
types of work and employment of children to further protect children
from economic exploitation and employment that could be harmful to
their development and health.

8. Increasing education and awareness of the problems of child labor
and other children's issues is done in accordance with the laws and
national plans. In 2006, judges were educated about the changes in
the courts' authority in application of the Family Law.

9. The National Plan for Suppressing Trafficking of Children
includes a protocol for the exchange of information between
authorities in cases of trafficking, publication of a handbook for
police officers and social service workers for recognizing
threatening situations and for the creation of databases that would
include child victims and current court cases. The Children's
Council of the State Institute for the Protection of the Family
monitors and promotes the application of the Convention on the
Rights of the Child.

Social programs and government initiatives
10. The Ministry of Science, Education and Sport offers high
schools a choice of 15 prevention programs, one of which covers the
economic exploitation of children. Each school picks the programs
that address problems faced by children in their communities. A
Ministry of Education official stated that, because exploitation of
children for economic purposes is not statistically high in Croatia
and is not currently seen as a threat, the topic is covered, but the
schools do not usually include the program that covers that issue.
According to representatives of UNICEF and Djeca Prva (a
coordinating NGO for 30 child related issues NGOs), there are no
programs currently offered for preventing the worst forms of child
labor outside of the scope of the activities provided for under the
National Action Plan for Children and the National Plan of
Suppressing Trafficking (See paragraph 14). Representatives from
both organizations said this is not a problem they directly cover,
nor is it a prominently reported problem; however, both stated that
statistics are lacking.

11. Based on the Convention on Children's rights and the
Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, every child living in
Croatia is guaranteed and obligated to receive education. According
to official statistics from the Ministry of Science, Education and
Sport, in 2004 enrollment was 96.5 percent. The Ministry's goal is
to have 98 percent enrollment by 2010. The Elementary Education Law
(1990) requires eight years mandatory education for children,
beginning at age six. Children generally complete compulsory
education at age 14; however, most Croatian children remain in
school until age 18. Enrollment statistics are based on the number
of students formally registered in primary school and therefore do
not necessarily reflect actual school attendance. Recent primary
school attendance statistics are not available.

12. Currently, the education system provides special schooling for
children with special needs in order to prepare them for work in the
trades sector. The education system also provides vocational
education at the high school level for all students interested in
learning a trade.

13. Some ethnic Roma children face obstacles to continuing their
schooling, such as discrimination in schools and lack of family
income. The Office for National Minorities has a special program
for the inclusion of Roma children in the education system in
Croatia. According to the 2003 National Program for Roma, the
primary obstacle to primary school is poor Croatian language skills.
In response, the government has committed funding to support
additional Croatian language teachers and pre-school instruction for
Roma children, as well as a meal program in the schools. Croatia
also initiated the program, "Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005-2015," to
better document and aid the Roma minority community.

Government Initiatives

14. The Ministry of Family, Veterans' Affairs and Intergenerational
Solidarity developed the National Program for the Protection of the
Best Interests of Children for 2006-2012, which provides preventive
and protective measures for children with regard to all types of
sexual abuse, including commercial sexual exploitation. In 2004,
the government adopted a National Strategy for the Suppression of
Trafficking in Persons from 2005 to 2008 and Operational Plans for
the Suppression of Trafficking in Persons for 2005, 2006 and 2007.

15. The trafficking operational plans for 2006 and 2007 call for the
implementation of all goals and objectives that are listed in the
National Program for the Suppression of Trafficking from 2005 to
2008, as follows: legislative framework, identification of the
victims, prosecution and penalization of perpetrators, prevention,
education and help and assistance to the victims, inter-ministerial
and inter-sectoral cooperation and international cooperation.
Police screen all illegal migrants for TIP evidence. Local social
welfare centers provide assistance to all minor TIP victims.
Croatia has legislation in place that establishes special procedures
for cases where victims or perpetrators are minors. In 2004 the
government established a shelter for victims of trafficking; IOM
provides assistance and support to victims. The government also
conducted in-service police training on trafficking-recognition,
funded a national hotline for victims of trafficking and
anti-trafficking awareness campaigns, and co-sponsored with several
NGOs a number of prevention programs on the trafficking of persons.

16. In June 2004, a working group on child trafficking was
established. The GoC adopted the National Plan for the Suppression
of Trafficking in Children from 2005 - 2007, which also covers areas
already mentioned in the GOC National Programs and Operational
Plans. The National Plan for Children takes into consideration
special needs of children and is based on principles from the UN
Convention on the Rights of Children. In 2006 the GoC organized and
funded training in cooperation with local NGOs that targeted social
workers in reception centers responsible for assistance and
protection of illegal minor migrants. The Child Trafficking
Prevention Program is implemented by the Center for Social Policy
Initiatives, a national NGO, in partnership with the Ministry of
Labor and Social Welfare, the Ministry of the Interior, and IOM.
Modules have been developed on child trafficking, child
exploitation, sexual exploitation of children, child pornography,
and the worst forms of child labor. Teachers have been trained to
use the program, and a pilot project is underway in five elementary
schools in Zagreb. The government also works with international
organizations to assist trafficking victims and cooperates with
other governments in the region. According to the Ministry of
Justice, through 2007 Croatia will be participating in a regional
program implemented by ILO-IPEC on combating child labor in the
Stability Pact Countries, with a special focus on the worst forms of
child labor.

Recent Data

17. Statistics on the number of working children under age 15 in
Croatia are unavailable. Children are employed in the hospitality,
retail, industrial, construction, and media (film and reality
television) sectors. Roma children reportedly are being forced to
beg and are also vulnerable in the agricultural sector. Reports
indicate that Croatia is primarily a transit country and, to a
limited extent, is also a source and destination country for
trafficking of children for commercial sexual exploitation.

18. The most recent data available for the worst forms of child
labor are for 2005 and include seven persons reported for exploiting
children for pornography, seven persons charged and 16 sentenced
(this includes cases from previous years) of which five were
sentenced to jail and 11 received a suspended sentence. For the
period between January 1 and September 30, 2006, the Labor
Inspectorate reported 38 inspections, during which a total of 103
violations of legislation that covers child labor were discovered.
Employers in the fields of hospitality, tourism, retail, industry
(bakeries), construction and trades services were inspected. Minors
(between the ages of 15-17) were found working as waiters and
assistant waiters (30 minors, 6 male and 24 female), a hairdresser
(female), cooks (two males), a kitchen assistant (female), bakers
(three males), salespeople (three males), assistant construction
workers (two males), and a baggage carrier, pastry maker, and server
(male). The violations include the employers withholding work
contracts, not being in possession of individual permission for
employing minors, not granting proper break times (daily and
weekly), endangering the health of a minor, employing a minor under
the age of 15, keeping minors over-time, scheduling minors to work
during night hours and not properly registering minors for health
and pension benefits.

19. According to analysis of violations during this and previous
years, the Labor Inspectorate has determined that violation of
children's rights in employment is not a common occurrence. Embassy
Zagreb's conversations with government officials and NGOs support
the conclusion that the worst forms of child labor are infrequent in
Croatia and that the state mechanisms to address them are


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