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Cablegate: Indonesia - 2007 Budget Raises Social Spending


DE RUEHJA #1379/01 2561027
131027Z SEP 06





E.O. 12598: N/A

REF: A) JAKARTA 9526 (2006 Budget Revisions)
B) JAKARTA 9864 (Biofuels)

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1. (SBU) Summary. The Government of Indonesia's (GOI) Rp
746.5 trillion (USD 82.1 billion) draft 2007 budget proposes
double digit percentage increases in spending on health,
education and social welfare programs, with the total amount
of central government spending on these programs reaching Rp
64.1 trillion (USD 7.1 billion). Despite these increases,
subsidies and interest expenses remain the largest spending
line items at Rp 109.7 trillion and Rp 85.1 trillion
respectively (USD 12.1 and 9.4 billion). The draft budget
also proposes a 23 percent increase in personnel spending
for the central Government, as well as Rp 1.3 trillion (USD
143 million) in "equity injections" for troubled state owned
enterprises (SOEs). It predicts higher tax revenues of Rp
505.9 trillion (USD 55.6 billion) or 14.3% of GDP, an
ambitious target that may be difficult to reach. The draft
budget proposes a FY 2007 deficit of Rp 33.1 trillion (USD
3.6 billion), or 0.9% of GDP, which the GOI will cover
through a mix of government bonds and bank financing.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) followed up his
national budget speech with a similar speech to the Council
of Regional Representatives (DPD) on August 23 urging
implementation of national government priorities including
education and disaster preparedness. The Ministry of
Finance (MOF) hopes to finalize the 2007 budget by October
17. The GOI may move to three-year budgets beginning in
2008. End Summary.

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2. (U) Note. This report uses the August 16 Rp 9,090/USD
market exchange rate rather than the GOI's budget assumption
exchange rate of Rp 9,300/USD . The GOI uses a calendar
year fiscal year. End Note.

Macroeconomic Assumptions Realistic

3. (U) SBY presented the draft 2007 budget during his annual
state-of-the-nation address to Parliament on August 16.
Parliament plans to finish the budget by October 17. The
macroeconomic assumptions underlying the budget are
generally realistic, with the possible exception of the 6.3%
projected rate of economic growth for 2007. Real economic
growth during the first half of 2006 was 5.2%, and most
economists project growth in 2007 to reach the 5.7 - 6.0%
range. The budget assumptions are important because they
influence various categories of revenues and expenditures.
For example, if the GOI adjusts the USD /Rp assumption
upward, the value of Indonesia's USD oil exports calculated
in rupiah rises, while the rupiah value of Indonesia's USD
debt service also rises.

Table 1: FY 2007 Budget Assumptions
2006 Draft
Revised Budget 2007 Budget
--------------------------------------------- -----
Real GDP growth (1) 5.8 6.3
CPI inflation 8.0 6.5
USD /IDR (avg) 9,900 9,300
3-month SBI rate (avg) 12.0 8.5
Budget deficit (2) 1.3 0.9
Average oil price (3) 64 65
Oil production (4) 1,000 1,000

(1) Percent.
(2) As a percent of GDP
(3) Indonesia Crude Price (ICP) in US$ per barrel
(4) In million barrels per day

Social Spending and Civil Service Salaries Rise
--------------------------------------------- --

4. (U) In his budget address, SBY strongly emphasized his
commitment to education, noting that education would receive
its highest budget allocation ever at Rp 51.3 trillion (US$
5.7 billion) or 10.3% of the total central government
spending. This is an increase from Rp 43.9 trillion (USD
4.8 billion) in 2006, and includes Rp 12.6 trillion (USD 1.4

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billion) to continue two nationwide education assistance
programs launched in 2005. The President urged the regions,
in his DPD speech on August 23, to give education a top
priority, including the repair of school buildings, many of
which have not been in poor condition for a decade or more.
The allocation for health also increased by 20% from last
year to Rp 15.3 trillion (USD 1.7 billion). This includes
an additional Rp 3.6 trillion (USD 387 million) in spending
for rural health clinics (Puskesmas) and local hospitals.

5. (U) In a significant anti-poverty policy shift, the draft
budget contains Rp 4 trillion (USD 440 million) to pilot a
conditional cash transfer program in six provinces in 2007.
Under this program, participants would have to meet certain
conditions, such as keeping children in the family in
school, in order to receive quarterly cash transfers.
Importantly, the 2007 draft budget also contains an overall
23.3% increase in personnel spending for the civil service.
This included a 15% increase in base salaries for the civil
service, military, and police and pensions; a higher
allowance for teachers; and a 20% increase in official per
diem for the police and Ministry of Defense.

Subsidies, Interest, and Transfers to Regions

6. (U) The draft 2007 budget estimates total subsidy
spending will rise to Rp 109.7 trillion (USD 12.1 billion),
approximately 15% of total spending. Fuel subsidies will
increase by 7% to Rp 68.6 trillion (USD 7.6 billion).
Electricity subsidies paid to state electricity company PLN
fall 17% in nominal terms, but will remain substantial at Rp
25.8 trillion (USD 2.8 billion). SBY's remarks and the
magnitude of the subsidy allocations is a clear sign the GOI
anticipates no further fuel price hikes through 2007. The
GOI also allocated a separate, Rp 1 trillion interest
subsidy for biofuel development, as well as a Rp 5.8
trillion (USD 638.1 million) fertilizer subsidy. The method
for fertilizer subsidy has also changed, from an input (gas)
subsidy to an output (fertilizer price) subsidy.

7. (U) Interest spending remains substantial at Rp 85.1
trillion (USD 9.4 billion) or 11% of the total spending. Of
this, domestic interest payments are slated to reach Rp 58.3
trillion (USD 6.4 billion).

8. (SBU) Transfers to regions increase by a nominal 13% in
the draft 2007 budget to Rp 250.5 trillion (USD 27.6
billion), or 7.1% of GDP. The increase includes a 10.4%
increase in the Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH) to Rp 65.8
trillion (USD 7.2 billion), and a 12.4% increase in the
General Allocation Fund (DAU) to Rp 163.7 trillion (USD 18
billion). As in previous years, no region will receive less
than last year, but 2007 will be the last year that the DAU
will increase consistently for all regions. Starting in
2008, the GOI intends to share funds more equitably across
regions. Resource-rich regions will have to "transfer their
surplus" to under-resourced regions.

Other Spending Priorities

9. (U) Other significant spending items in the draft FY 2007
budget include the following:

--In keeping with SBY's anti-corruption campaign, the draft
budget increases spending allocations for key anti-
corruption institutions by 13% in nominal terms.

--The budget proposes increased funds of Rp 150 billion (USD
16.5 million) in 2007 for disaster early warning systems, up
from Rp 60 billion (USD 6.6 million) in 2006.

--The budget sets out Rp 2.7 trillion (USD 297 million) of
rehabilitation and reconstruction funds for earthquake
damage for Yogyakarta and Central Java under an "other
expenditures" line item.

--The budget allocates Rp 2 trillion (USD 220 million) for
emergency reserves or disaster mitigation funds.

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Table 3: FY 2007 Draft Budget
Allocations by Ministry (1)
Ministries/ 2006 % 2007 %
Agencies (1) of GDP (1) %GDP Increase
--------------------------------------------- -----

Social Affairs
Education 39.5 1.26 43.5 1.23 10.1

Health 14.2 0.46 15.1 0.43 6.3

Religious Aff. 10.6 0.34 10.8 0.31 1.9

BRR (3) 11.5 0.37 10.0 0.28 -13.0

Defense 27.0 0.86 31.3 0.89 15.9

National Police 15.9 0.51 18.7 0.53 17.6

Ministry of
Justice 3.4 0.11 3.8 0.11 11.8

Supreme Court 2.2 0.07 2.6 0.07 18.2

Attorney General 1.5 0.05 1.6 0.05 6.7

Supreme Audit
Board 0.6 0.02 0.8 0.02 33.3

Commission (KPK) 0.3 0.01 0.2 0.01 -33.3

Public Works 18.3 0.59 21.4 0.61 16.9

Transportation 8.0 0.26 9.5 0.27 18.8

(1) Figures are based on the first draft dated August 16.
(2) In trillions of rupiah
(3) In %
(4) Aceh Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency

Higher Tax Revenues Expected

10. (SBU) Revenues in the 2007 draft budget are expected to
rise 8% to Rp 713.4 trillion (USD 778.7 billion), leaving a
projected budget deficit of Rp 33.1 trillion (USD 3.7
billion), equivalent to 0.9% of GDP. Tax receipts account
for approximately 70% of government revenue, and the draft
2007 budget projects tax revenue at Rp 505.9 trillion (USD
55.8 billion), or 14.3% of gross domestic product. This
assumes that Parliament will enact revisions to three tax
laws by January 2007, and that improvements in Indonesia's
tax administration will offset any decline in corporate
income tax and value-added tax (VAT) revenues. (Note: The
draft amendments to the tax laws propose lowering corporate
income tax rates from 30 to 28% in 2007.) The GOI also said
it hopes to accelerate VAT refunds to companies next year
and has already returned Rp 7.5 trillion (USD 825 million)
as of August 2006. One MOF official told us that the
Director General for Taxation, Darmin Nasution, found the
2007 tax revenue number too ambitious. The budget
realization as of July 2006 shows that non-oil income tax
increased by 24% and VAT by 26% compared to 2005.

Financing Still Relies on Bonds and Banks

11. (U) With amortizations of foreign loans far exceeding
new drawings, the GOI will rely on domestic sources to
finance a projected Rp 33.1 trillion (USD 3.6 billion)

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deficit. Of Rp 51.3 trillion (USD 5.6 billion) in domestic
financing, the GOI expects 67% will come from the issuance
of government bonds, 31% from the utilization of the
government's reserve funds in Bank Indonesia, 4% from
privatization of state firms, and 2% from the sale of assets
from the banking restructuring programs. This financing
pattern is very similar to the 2006 budget. The government
plans to issue Rp 69.1 trillion (USD 7.6 billion) in
government bonds in 2007, of which Rp 48 trillion (USD 5.3
billion) will be domestic and Rp 18.4 trillion (USD 2
billion) international.

Privatization and SOE "Equity Injections"

12. (SBU) The GOI anticipates that privatization of SOEs
will contribute Rp 3.3 trillion (USD 360 million) towards
financing the FY 2007 budget, slightly up from Rp 3 trillion
(USD 360 million) in 2006. The GOI has not announced which
SOEs it will privatize. Like the 2006 budget, the FY 2007
draft budget also includes a specific, Rp 1.3 trillion (USD
143 million) line item in the financing section of the
budget entitled "SOE equity injections." Table 3 shows the
amounts of GOI bailout funds by SOE.

--------------------------------------------- ---
TABLE 3: Equity Injections in Indonesian
State-owned Enterprises FY 2006-07
--------------------------------------------- ---

COMPANY 2006(1) 2007(2)
--------------------------------------------- ---
(airline): 500/55 500/55

(airline): 450/50 -/-

Kertas Leces
(paper): 300/33 175/19

Pupuk Iskandar Muda
(fertilizer): 150/16 200/22

Sarana Pengembangan Usaha
(credit guarantees): -/- 50/5.5

Boma Bisma Indra
(industry): -/- 75/8.2

Perkebunan Nusantara XIV
(plantation): -/- 100/11

Industri Kereta Api
(rolling stock): -/- 100/11

Kereta Api Indonesia
(railways): -/- 100/11

PT Dirgantara Indonesia
(aircraft): 40/4.4 -/-

Perum PPD
(bus company): 40/4.4 -/-

(1) Figures in Rp billions/USD millions. From Media
(2) Figures in Rp billions/USD millions. From GOI FY 2007
draft budget.

Three-Year Budgets?

13. (U) As outlined in State Finance Law No. 17/2003, the
GOI hopes to move to a three-year rolling budget program
from the current annual budget exercise. Although the MOF
and National Planning Ministry (BAPPENAS) have urged
ministries to plan programs for the medium-term (2-5 years),
the GOI hopes to begin actual implementation of multi-year

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budgets starting in 2008. Some ministries have already
begun planning along these lines. This should allow more
flexibility to carry over unused spending from one year to
the next without requiring parliamentary approval.

--------------------------------------------- ------
Table 4: FY 2006 Budget and FY 2007 Budget
--------------------------------------------- ------
FY 2006 FY 2007
Items (1) Rp % of Rp % of
Trill GDP Trill GDP
--------------------------------------------- ------
A. Total revenue 659.1 21.1 713.4 20.2
I. Domestic revenues 654.8 21.0 710.8 20.1
Tax revenues 425.0 13.6 505.9 14.3
Domestic taxes 410.2 13.2 490.2 13.9
Income tax 213.7 6.9 257.3 7.3
1. Oil and gas 38.7 1.2 39.2 1.1
2. Non oil/gas 175.0 5.6 218.2 6.2
Value added tax 132.9 4.3 161.0 4.6
Land/bldg tax 18.1 0.6 21.3 0.6
Duties on land/
building transfer 4.4 0.1 5.4 0.2
Excise tax 38.5 1.2 42.0 1.2
Other taxes 2.6 0.1 3.2 0.1

Int. trade tax 14.8 0.5 15.6 0.4

Non-tax revenues 229.8 7.4 204.9 5.8
Natural resources 165.7 5.3 151.6 4.3
SOE profits 22.3 0.7 16.2 0.5
Other 41.8 1.3 37.1 1.1

II. Grants 4.2 0.1 2.7 0.1

B. Expenditures 699.1 22.4 746.5 21.1
Central govt. exp. 478.2 15.3 496.0 14.0
Routine 135.3 4.3 171.0 4.9
-Personnel 79.2 2.5 98.5 2.8
-Material exp. 56.1 1.8 72.5 2.1
Capital exp. 69.5 2.2 66.1 1.9
Interest payments 82.5 2.6 85.1 2.4
Subsidies 107.6 3.5 109.7 3.1
Social assistance 41.0 1.3 49.0 1.4
Other current exp. 42.3 1.4 15.1 0.4

Transfer to regions 220.8 7.1 250.5 7.1

--------------------------------------------- ------
Primary balance 42.5 1.4 52.0 1.5
--------------------------------------------- ------
Overall balance (40.0) (1.3) (33.1) (0.9)
--------------------------------------------- ------
Financing 40.0 1.3 33.1 0.9
Domestic financing 55.3 1.8 51.3 1.5
Domestic banks 17.9 0.6 16.1 0.5
Privatization 1.0 0.1 3.3 0.1
Assets restructuring 2.6 0.1 1.0 0.0
Govt debt 35.7 1.1 34.2 1.0
Foreign financing (net) (15.3) (0.5) (18.2) (0.5)
Gross drawing 37.5 1.2 35.9 1.0
Program loan 12.1 0.4 14.4 0.4
Project loan 25.5 0.8 21.5 0.6
Amortization of
foreign debt (net) (52.8) (1.7) (54.1) (1.5)

(1) Column totals may not add perfectly due to rounding.


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