Cablegate: Un Presents Syg,S 1701 Report On the First Week
DE RUCNDT #1597/01 2332310
O 212310Z AUG 06
E.O. 12958: N/A
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1. (SBU) Summary. During closed UNSC consultations August 21
on SYG Annan,s report on the first week of implementation of
UNSCR 1701, UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO)
Assistant Secretary-General Hedi Annabi reported on the
"encouraging" deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF)
to the south and the corresponding withdrawal of the Israeli
Defense Forces (IDF), which had led to the immediate and
massive return of some 400,000 displaced Lebanese persons.
But Annabi cautioned that the situation remains fragile, and
characterized Israel,s August 19 raid in the Bekaa Valley --
which occurred after the SYG's report was released ) as a
"serious violation" of the cessation of hostilities. He
reported that the third tripartite meeting held between
representatives of UNIFIL, the LAF, and the IDF on August 20
had made clear that little progress could be made towards
further IDF/LAF redeployments in southern Lebanon until the
details of the expanded UNIFIL force become available.
2. (SBU) Summary cont,d. Annabi argued that the
Secretariat's distribution August 18 of draft Rules of
Engagement (ROE) and a Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for the
expanded UNIFIL force -- plans that incorporate the input of
prospective key contributors -- places the onus on member
states to respond with firm commitments. While acknowledging
that all of the facts about the August 19 IDF raid have not
yet become available, Ambassador Bolton noted that Israel had
said the operation was meant to prevent re-supply of
Hizballah across the Syrian-Lebanese border. If that is the
case, he observed that Israel was carrying out an essential
part of UNSCR 1701 that establishes an embargo on all arms
imported into Lebanon without the consent of the GOL, and
argued that blocking re-supply of arms to Hizballah is
essential to prevent a return to the status quo. Several
delegations, including France and the UK, called on Israel to
lift the air/sea blockade of Lebanon. Finally, Annabi
reported that SYG Annan had asked DPKO to inform the Council
on a daily basis on any future violations of the cessation of
hostilities. End Summary.
Annabi Describes IDF Raid as &Serious Violation8
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3. (SBU) Annabi told the Council that Israel's August 19 raid
in the Bekaa Valley -- which occurred after the SYG's report
on the implementation of UNSCR 1701 was released -- had
constituted a "serious violation" of the cessation of
hostilities, but that only minor violations had been
committed beforehand. Annabi recalled that SYG Annan had
expressed deep concern that the August 19 raid had escalated
tensions in the region, and that continuing Israeli
overflights of Lebanese territory are also problematic. He
reported that LAF representatives, during a third tripartite
UNIFIL-LAF-IDF meeting held on August 20, had argued that a
coordination mechanism should be established to ensure Israel
does not conduct similar raids in the future. As a result,
Annabi said that henceforth the IDF and LAF would use UNIFIL
as an intermediary in order to pass information to the other
side about possible breaches of UNSCR 1701; the objective of
this new arrangement is to obviate the need for unilateral
action. He also mentioned that Annan had asked DPKO to
inform the Council on a daily basis of any future violations
of the cessation of hostilities -- in line with the daily
briefings DPKO offered on violations of the Blue Line
following Israel's withdrawal from south Lebanon in 2000.
Tripartite Meetings Stall on UNIFIL Reinforcement
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4. (SBU) Annabi described the progress achieved during the
first week on LAF deployment and IDF withdrawal. But he
reported that during the tripartite meeting held August 20,
IDF representatives had refused to continue the Israeli
withdrawal from Lebanon until the details of the reinforced
UNIFIL deployment to the south become clear. Moreover,
Annabi said the three sides had not set a date for another
tripartite meeting. Annabi did say, however, that the IDF
agreed to open a corridor along the Lebanese coast to allow
the LAF to reach the Blue Line. The fact that little further
progress can be made in terms of IDF/LAF redeployments until
UNIFIL reinforcements arrive, Annabi argued, suggests that
member state contributions to an expanded UNIFIL are needed
urgently. Although Annan has been on the phone "daily" with
potential contributors, Annabi reported that few commitments
to provide troops had been made so far. Now that the
Secretariat has circulated draft ROE and CONOPS for the
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expanded UNIFIL force to potential contributors, he said it
is up to member states to respond. "We believe the
Secretariat has done its work with regard to potential troop
contributing countries (TCCs)," Annabi concluded, "and it is
now for member states to urgently translate expressions of
interest into firm commitments."
5. (SBU) Briefing on progress on humanitarian relief
operations in south Lebanon, Annabi welcomed the fact that
more than 400,000 internally-displaced persons had already
returned to south Lebanon. But he argued that the "massive
access problems" facing international relief workers required
an immediate end to the sea and air blockade imposed on
Lebanon by Israel. The war had registered a traumatic impact
on the civilian population, he argued, and the international
community had to do its utmost to ensure the victims receive
relief quickly.
Muslim States in UNIFIL and Border Monitoring
6. (SBU) Responding to questions from delegations about
Israel's announced refusal to support deployments to the
enhanced UNIFIL force from countries with which it does not
have diplomatic relations, Annabi shared the UN's
understanding of the expectations of potential contributors:
it is important to have a "coherent and balanced" force with
participation from European and non-European countries,
including Muslim nations. He said the Secretariat had raised
this issue with Israel and "expects some understanding on
their part." Addressing the issue of UNIFIL's role in
helping to secure the Lebanese-Syrian border, Annabi said
UNIFIL would be prepared to offer assistance subject to a
request by the GOL and the provision of assets by member
states. Thus far, he noted, only one state had offered to
make personnel available for border monitoring, but this
offer was subject to parliamentary approval. Turning to the
need to reinforce the LAF, Annabi said UNIFIL would request a
"generous budget" to help meet the LAF's training and
equipping needs. But he emphasized that member states would
still need to supply the bulk of the LAF's needs through
bilateral assistance.
Several Delegates Call IDF Raid &Violation,8
But Also Underscore Importance of Arms Embargo
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7. (SBU) Most delegations welcomed the report and the
cessation of major hostilities. Several delegations,
however, including Qatar and Argentina, shared the SYG,s
assessment that the August 19 IDF raid in the Bekaa Valley
had constituted a &violation8 of the cessation of
hostilities. Others, like France, China, Japan, the UK, and
Russia, called on the parties to exercise maximum restraint
to ensure that no violations of the cessation of hostilities
occur. The UK, Argentina, and Ghana also underscored the
importance of ensuring respect for the arms embargo.
Argentina specifically called on all states, especially
Lebanon,s neighbors, to comply with OP14 and OP15 of UNSCR
1701 (which establish the arms embargo). A number of
delegations, including France, the UK, Argentina, and Ghana,
called on Israel to lift its sea and air blockade on Lebanon.
8. (SBU) Observing that we should not yet draw conclusions
because we do not yet have all the facts, Ambassador Bolton
noted that Israel had said its August 19 raid was meant to
prevent re-supply of Hizballah across the Syrian-Lebanese
border. If that is the case, he reasoned, Israel was
carrying out an essential part of UNSCR 1701 that establishes
an embargo on all arms imported into Lebanon without the
consent of the GOL. Arguing that preventing Hizballah
re-supply must be a high priority for the UNSC, Ambassador
Bolton asked all delegations to consider whether it was more
important to avoid using force at all costs or to ensure
compliance with the arms embargo. Asserting that the Israeli
raid likely concerned Hizballah re-supply rather than any
conflict between Israel and Lebanon, he argued that the event
underscores the importance of implementing UNSCR 1559.
Welcoming LAF redeployment to the south, the Ambassador also
called on the GOL to deploy its forces to the Syrian border.
He concluded by underscoring the need for the immediate
release of the two abducted Israeli soldiers.
France Defends Its Contribution to UNIFIL
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9. (SBU) Noting that media reports had suggested that the
delay in reinforcing UNIFIL was due to &slowness8 on the
part of some member states in taking decisions, French DPR
Duclos argued that the international community should
maintain &perspective8 on the issue. Member states, he
said, had worked very hard with the Secretariat to define ROE
and CONOPS for the mission, which he said &go far to meet
the concerns of TCCs.8 As far as France,s individual
contribution, Duclos said that the vanguard force of 50
French engineers already deployed to Lebanon would soon be
joined by 200 additional engineers who would focus on
rebuilding Lebanon,s infrastructure. He expressed hope that
work on securing reinforcements for UNIFIL could be completed
by the end of this week in order to begin actual deployments
by the early part of next week.