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Cablegate: Japanese Morning Press Highlights 07/06/06

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1) Top headlines

2) Editorials

3) Prime Minister's daily schedule

4) Secretary Rumsfeld, JDA chief Nukuga vow cooperation in dealing
with North Korean missile threat

5) Ambassador Schieffer tells press that various options being
considered toward North Korea after missile launches

6) Japan preparing joint UNSC draft resolution to denounce North
Korea for launching missiles

7) Government considering additional sanctions measures against
North Korea

8) Assistant Secretary Hill to visit Japan, China, South Korea,
Russia to seek coalition of willing in dealing with North Korea

9) North Korea presenting challenge for US-Japan missile defense

10) US, Japan exchange intelligence real time as North Korea
launches missiles

11) Taepodong-2 launch was an apparent failure, indicating a second
attempt likely

12) JDA alarmed about North Korea's rising missile technology

13) Text of Japan's statement about response to North Korea missile

14) South Korea-aligned Mindan pulling plug on reconciliation with
Pyongyang-aligned Chosen Soren in wake of missile launches

15) North Korea missile launches give boost to hard liners in LDP

16) Minshuto head Ozawa takes cautious stance on sanctions toward
North Korea

17) LDP presidential election formally set for Sept. 20, with
security affairs as main campaign issue 11

18) WTO chief Lamy in Tokyo but slim hope that Japan will compromise
on agricultural trade in WTO round

19) ROK survey vessel in Japan's EEZ

20) Japan protests survey ROK survey vessel in its EEZ


Asahi: Mainichi: Yomiuri: Nihon Keizai: Sankei: Tokyo Shimbun:

North Korea launches seven missiles; Japan, US to seed adoption of
resolution censuring it for the missile launches at UNSC; Government
considering strengthening sanctions, including suspension of bank

TOKYO 00003743 002 OF 012

remittance, trade

(1)North Korea launches missiles: We protest this reckless action

(1)North Korea launches missiles: International society must not
allow provocative actions by Pyongyang
(2)Democratic Party of Japan (Minshuto) President Ozawa visits
China: Cool-headed dialogue with China took place took after long

(1)Missile launches by North Korea are a grave challenge to the
international community

Nihon Keizai:
(1)We strongly protest missile launches by North Korea

(1)"Fireworks" displayed by impoverished nation: How should Japan
deal with threats coming from a ridiculous country

Tokyo Shimbun:
(1)North Korea launches missiles; The threat will further isolate
North Korea

3) Prime Minister's Official Residence (Kantei)

NIHON KEIZAI (Page 2) (Full)
July 6, 2006

Arrived at Kantei.
Met Chief Cabinet Secretary Abe and Assistant Deputy Chief Cabinet
Secretary Ando. Later, attended a Security Council meeting.

Met Asahi Shimbun columnist Yoichi Funahashi. Followed by
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Nakagawa, METI Minister
Nikai, and others.
Deputy Foreign Minister Yabunaka, and Disarmament, Non-proliferation
and Science Department Deputy Director General Nakane. Attended a
Security Council meeting.
Met Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Futahashi, Cabinet Affairs Office
Director General Shibata, and others.
Met Afghanistan President Karzai, with Japan International
Cooperation Agency President Sadako Ogata and others present..
Joined the videotaping of the program "Challenged Japan Forum 2006
International Conference." Later met Jiji Press President Hiroshi
Izumi and chief editor Sadafumi Tani.
Met Lower House member Toshikazu Matsuoka. Followed by the Benin
Met Agriculture Minister Nakagawa and others. Followed by Abe.

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Met at his official residence with Health, Labor and Welfare
Minister Kawasaki, the Welfare and Labor Committee chairmen of the
Lower and Upper House, ruling party directors, and others, joined by

4) Nukaga, US secretary of defense pledge continued cooperation

TOKYO SHIMBUN (Page 2) (Full)
July 6, 2006

Defense Agency Director General Fukushiro Nukaga and his US
Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld yesterday evening discussed North

Korea's missile launches for about ten minutes on the phone. The two
defense chiefs agreed that the two countries would continue to
closely cooperate with each other in responding to the issue. During
the conversation Nukaga stressed, "The Japanese government will deal
with North Korea's provocative act in a severe manner." Rumsfeld
responded: "It is good that cooperation between US forces in Japan
and the Pacific Command is going well. It is only natural for us to
act in concert."

5) US Ambassador to Japan Schieffer: US considering all options in

SANKEI (Page 3) (Full)
July 6, 2006

US Ambassador to Japan Thomas Schieffer yesterday held a press
conference about North Korea's missile launches at the US Embassy at
Akasaka, Tokyo. He stated: "The US will discuss sanctions with the
Japanese government and other friendly countries. The US will
consider all options."

Schieffer did not rule out the possibility of using armed force,
saying: "Resolving the matter with diplomatic efforts is desirable,
but the US is responsible for protecting the citizens of a friendly

When asked about responses the Japanese and US governments and
relevant organizations have taken after the missile launches, the
ambassador said, "Both sides are working in unprecedentedly close
cooperation to exchange intelligence. The US and Japan have an
extremely close relationship." He expressed gratitude for Japan's

6) Japan to present a draft UN resolution condemning North Korean
missile launches; Seventh missile lands in Sea of Japan

ASAHI (Top play) (Excerpts)
July 6, 2006

The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on the morning of
July 5 (in the late hours of July 5, Japan time) at Japan's request
to discuss North Korea's missile launches. In the afternoon, Japan
will present a draft UN resolution condemning North Korea. Prior to
this, Foreign Minister Taro Aso had telephone conversations with his
counterparts of the United States, China, South Korea, and Russia to
seek their support for an adoption of the resolution. Meanwhile, the
Defense Agency announced last evening that North Korea had launched
another missile at around 5:20 p.m. and that landed in the Sea of
Japan. A senior Defense Agency official said, "We believe it was
either a Scud or a Rodong." North Korea launched a total of seven

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missiles yesterday. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said
disapprovingly last evening, "For whatever reason, the lunches won't
benefit North Korea." The government is considering additional
economic sanctions following its nine-item sanctions, including a
ban on port calls for six months by the North Korean cargo-passenger
ship Man Gyong Bong-92.

7) Government to consider additional sanctions against North Korea

ASAHI (Page 1) (Excerpts)
July 6, 2006

The government will consider additional economic sanctions related
to finance and trade after carefully monitoring UN Security Council
discussion and North Korea's response. The focus will shift to the
suspension of cash remittances to the North in accordance with the
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law.

The government adopted yesterday a set of nine items, including a
ban on port calls by the Man Gyong Bong-92 ferry, as the first step
against North Korea. Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe announced in
a press conference yesterday, "The government will consider all
sanctions. Suspending cash remittances is one option."

People bringing cash out of Japan are required to report it. But if
the government judged it necessary for the security of Japan, it can
adopt a permission system to apply it to specific countries under
the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law. The government
can also apply a permission system to trade with certain countries.

Once the cabinet adopts economic sanctions under the Foreign
Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law, the Economy, Trade and
Industry Ministry can suspend trade with North Korea. Economy, Trade
and Industry Minister Toshihiro Nikai announced that the ministry
would consider measures, including the suspension of trade with the
North. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Shoichi Nakagawa
also indicated that marine products from North Korea should be
subject to sanctions.

8) US assistant secretary of state to travel to Japan, China, ROK,
Russia for consultations, considering putting pressure by forming a
"coalition of the willing" toward DPRK

NIHON KEIZAI (Page 3) (Excerpts)
July 6, 2006

Hidenori Kato, Washington

The Bush administration will send Assistant Secretary of State Hill
for East Asia and the Pacific, the chief negotiator in the six-party
talks, to Japan, China, South Korea, and Russia to discuss how to
deal with North Korea. Hill will likely depart the United States on
July 5. He will discuss how to resume the now stalled six-party
talks in each country he will visit. In Japan, he is expected to
discuss sanction measures with Japanese officials.

The US intends to step up pressure on North Korea by taking
advantage of such international fora as the United Nations Security
Council (UNSC) and the Group of Eight industrialized nations summit
conference (G-8 Summit at St. Petersburg). Washington wants to
encircle North Korea by involving China, which has a strong
influence over North Korea, and other countries, but depending on

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circumstances, the US may do so under a "coalition of the willing."

The first such diplomatic occasion comes on July 5 at the UNSC. Next
week and after, the G-8 Summit will take place, followed by the
ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) foreign ministerial session. Secretary of
State Rice is considering making a round of visits to Japan, China,
and South Korea. A high-level US government official has revealed
that coordination is underway for the G-8 Summit to release a
statement that will refer to North Korea's missiles.

The US government's basic position is that bilateral talks between
the US and North Korea are likely if North Korea returns to the
six-party talks. This position remains the same.

9) Challenges left behind in missile counteraction

ASAHI (Page 4) (Abridged)
July 6, 2006

North Korea's launch of missiles, including a Taepodong-2 missile,
took place when Japan and the United States were building a missile
defense (MD) system in the wake of North Korea's launch of
Taepodong-1 missiles in 1998. Around May, US reconnaissance
satellites spotted North Korean preparatory moves for launching
missiles. In response, Japan went on the alert. This made it
possible for the Japanese government to take action without delay,
according to an official. However, the missile aftermath has also
left challenges to address, such as how to inform local governments
and communities. Another problem remaining is what to do about
consistency with Japan's constitutional constraints on its use of
the right of collective self-defense.

The first missile was launched into the Sea of Japan from North
Korea's southeastern area at around 3:30 a.m. yesterday. At 3:52
a.m., about 20 minutes later, Prime Minister Koizumi received a
report of the missile launch from a secretary via US Forces Japan
(USFJ). At almost the same time, the government issued an emergency
warning to call up senior officials from various ministries and

At 4 a.m., the government set up an emergency task force at the
prime minister's office. Shortly thereafter, Chief Cabinet Secretary
Abe, Defense Agency Director General Nukaga, and Foreign Minister
Aso arrived there. At 5 a.m., the task force held a meeting to
analyze the missile's type and landing point. North Korea's intent
was also analyzed there. The government announced the missile
launches at 6:15 a.m., 2 hours and 45 minutes after the first
missile was launched. The announcement was made in a press
conference with Abe at the prime minister's office.

When North Korea launched the Taepodong-1 in 1998, the government
had no manual in particular, according to Deputy Assistant Chief
Cabinet Secretary Kyoji Yanagisawa. This time, the government could
readily get in touch with officials to call them up, Yanagisawa

10) US military intelligence in real time

ASAHI (Page 4) (Abridged)
July 6, 2006

The Defense Agency secured intelligence in real time from US

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military early-warning satellites on North Korea's missile launches.
The Maritime Self-Defense Force had an Aegis-equipped destroyer on
stage in the Sea of Japan, where the MSDF destroyer teamed up with a
US Navy Aegis ship and they tracked the paths of the launched

When North Korea launched a Taepodong-1 missile in 1998, the missile
landed at a point off the coast of Sanriku. At the time, only the US
military could grasp the missile's landing, and the Defense Agency
was belatedly informed of the missile launch. This event made Japan
and the United States decide to deepen their MD cooperation.

US Forces Japan (USFJ) plans to deploy the USS Shiloh to the US
Navy's Yokosuka base in Kanagawa Prefecture in August. The Shiloh is
an Aegis ship loaded with Standard Missile 3 (SM-3) missiles against
Rodong and other missiles with a range of 1,000 kilometers. USFJ
will also deploy Patriot Advanced Capability 3 (PAC-3)
surface-to-air guided missiles to the US Air Force's Kadena base in
Okinawa Prefecture within the year. Japan has also decided to
introduce PAC-3s from the United States at the end of the current
fiscal year and SM-3s by the end of next fiscal year.

Japan and the United States will also hurry to lay down a monitoring
system. USFJ has installed a mobile early warning radar system,
called X-band radar, at the Air Self-Defense Force's Shariki
Detachment base in Aomori Prefecture. Its test operation started in
late June earlier than scheduled. Japan and the United States will
share radar-detected intelligence. However, there may be a case
where the United States, based on intelligence from Japan, shoots
down a Taepodong-2 missile launched at the United States, and vice
versa. In this case, however, the question is whether it corresponds
to participation in collective self-defense. There were arguments on
this even before the government decided to introduce an MD system.
This problem has yet to be cleared. However, Japan and the United
States are going to conclude an intelligence sharing agreement this

11) North Korea likely to test-fire another Taepodong-2 missile

YOMIURI (Page 3) (Abridged)
July 6, 2006

The Japanese and South Korean governments announced yesterday that
the launch of a Taepodong-2 missile might have ended in failure.
North Korea has a missile that can reach the US mainland. North
Korea probably wanted to show off that missile. If the Taepodong-2
missile crashed into the Sea of Japan shortly after it was launched,
it means that North Korea's aim has gone wrong. North Korea has
developed the Taepodong-2 as a card to play with the United States.
However, its efficacy has weakened, according to one South Korean
professor. However, this professor also noted that North Korea could
test-fire another Taepodong-2 missile to recover the failure.

However, there is also a cautious view. "North Korea might have held
down the missile's range so that Japan and the United States will
not take an extremely strict stance," said a North Korea expert at a
South Korean think tank on national defense. This South Korean
expert recounted that North Korea avoided landing the Taepodong-2
missile at the US mainland for fear or US counterattacks and that
North Korea calculated the missile's flying distance and only
test-fired it in an aim to show off its missile attack capability
while bearing in mind its proposal to hold talks with the United

TOKYO 00003743 007 OF 012

States in the future. Another South Korean professor also supports
that view, saying North Korea must be prepared for war with the
United States if the Taepodong reached Alaska.

This time, North Korea, unlike its previous launch of a Taepodong-1
missile in 1998, launched not only a Taepodong-2 missile but also
many other short-range missiles, including Scud and Rodong missiles,
at the same time. There is no doubt that North Korea intended to
show off its military power to the full.

Another South Korean professor surmises that the launch of those
short- and intermediate-range missiles, which were certain to be
successfully launched, was a kind of "insurance" for the Taepodong-2
missile's potential failure.

12) Defense Agency alarmed at North Korea's improved missile

NIHON KEIZAI (Page 3) (Excerpts)
July 6, 2006

The Defense Agency and the Self-Defense Forces have been monitoring,
in concert with US military forces, North Korea's preparations for
missile launches, after having grasped signs of such at an early
stage. Although the US military speedily notified the Defense Agency
of the North's confirmed missile launches, the agency lacks the
means to intercept them at present. Japan intends to expedite the
deployment of a missile defense system in collaboration with the
United States in order to enhance its air defense system.

The Defense Agency learned of the North's first missile launch from
the US military shortly after 3:30 a.m. yesterday. A US early
warning satellite detected the missile's heat with its infrared
rays. The Maritime Self-Defense Force's Aegis vessel carrying
high-performance anti-antiaircraft radar capable of tracking and
recovering missiles confirmed the North Korean missile's wake. The
MSDF and the Air Self-Defense Force used their electronic
surveillance aircraft to gather intelligence by monitoring North
Korea's signals.

US forces in Japan has also deployed Aegis vessels and the missile
observation vessel Observation Island to the Sea of Japan.
Electronic surveillance aircraft RC-135S (Cobra Ball) is also
believed to have detected the missiles' tracks with infrared rays.

Although the Taepodong-2 is said to be capable of reaching parts of
the continental United States, such as Alaska, the one launched
yesterday landed in the Sea of Japan about 600 to 700 kilometers
from North Korea's test site. Because Japanese and US Aegis radars
did not detect any signs of its first-stage booster falling,
observers believe that the missile failed to separate from its
booster and landed in the sea after flying only a short range.

Nevertheless, the Defense Agency is highly alarmed at North Korea's
steady development of missile technology. An analyst said: "The
Taepodong missile launched by the North might have been able to fly
over Hokkaido if conditions had been right, such as the launching

13) Government's measures against North Korea (full text)

MAINICHI (Page 5) (Full)

TOKYO 00003743 008 OF 012

July 6, 2006

The government yesterday adopted the following set of measures
against North Korea for launching missiles:

1.Japan will continue to express its regret at every level and
protest to North Korea. It will also call on the North not to carry
out another missile firing and to suspend and scrap its missile
development program, as well as to embargo missiles. Japan will urge
Pyongyang to confirm the missile-launch moratorium, act in line with
it, and return to the six-party talks swiftly and unconditionally.
2.The Mangyongbong-92 has been banned from calling at Japanese
3.North Korean officials will not be allowed to enter Japan in
principle. Regarding other entry cases, strict examination will be
carried out. In addition, if North Korean ships call at Japanese
ports, their crewmembers will be not be allowed to make a land in
4.North Korean officials currently in Japan will in principle be
prohibited from re-entering Japan after heading to North Korea
5.Japanese government officials are requested in principle to
suspend any trips to North Korea for the time being, and Japanese
nationals will be requested to refrain from going to that nation.
6.Chartered flights' entry from North Korea into Japan will not be
7.Japan will continue to take strict export-control measures to
prevent a proliferation of missiles and nuclear weapons involving
North Korea.
8.Stern legal measures pertaining to illegal acts by North Korea
will continue to be taken.
9.Japan will look into additional sanction measures while watching
North Korea's future moves, including its response.

14) Korean Residents Union in Japan to announce decision to retract
reconciliation with General Association of Korean Residents in

YOMIURI (Page 38) (Excerpts)
July 6, 2006

The recent reconciliation between the pro-Seoul Korean Residents
Union in Japan (Mindan) and the pro-Pyongyang General Association of
Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryun) caused many local chapters of
Mindan to react strongly. Mindan has now decided to withdraw the
reconciliation, and it will formally announce its decision as early
as today.

A person affiliated with Mindan told the Yomiuri Shimbun yesterday:
"We made the final decision due to (North Korea's) launch of
missiles." The historical reconciliation after
50-yerar-confrontation between the two groups of Korean Residents in
Japan is to be withdrawn after a month and a half.

In the reconciliation statement revealed on May 17, Mindan and
Chongryun agreed to cooperate for ethnic unity. They also agreed on
six points such as joint participation in the June 15 ethnic
unification ceremony commemorating the 2000 South-North Korea

Meeting opposition by its regional chapters, Mindan gave up on its
participation in the June 15 ceremony. In a special meeting of its
central committee on July 24, Mindan leader Ha Byong Ok said, "The

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reconciliation has now returned to square one."

15) North Korea's missile launches: Tough views dominant in LDP;
Attention being paid to Abe's capability, with eye on presidential

MAINICHI (Page 5) (Excerpts)
July 6, 2006

The news of North Korea's ballistic missile launches has sent shock
waves across the political world. Especially in the Liberal
Democratic Party, hard-line views are dominant. Some members,
though, are calling for caution in invoking sanctions, fearing that
(the international community) might have to launch a military attack
if the North resorts to violence in reaction. Such cautious voices,
however, have been drowned out by others inflamed with anger. In the
LDP presidential election, North Korea issues will inevitably be the
top issue. Attention is being paid to what capabilities Chief
Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe and Foreign Minister Taro Aso will
demonstrate in working out the government's response measures. Their
skillfulness will likely affect the outcome of the presidential

The LDP held a meeting of officials in charge of defense and foreign
policies, as well as from the Cabinet Offices yesterday afternoon.
At the outset, former Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura stated:
"Japan has dealt with that nation based on the "dialogue and
pressure" principle. From now, pressure will prevail." In the
meeting that lasted for about one hour and 20 minutes, views calling
for tough measures erupted, such as: "The North Korean ferry
Mangyongbong-92 should be prohibited from Japanese ports forever,
not just for six months;" and "Serious sanction measures should be

Former Defense Agency Director General Shigeru Ishiba, though,
called for caution, though such views are in the minority. Ishiba

"A tough stance should be taken after arrangements are fully
prepared to prevent anyone from being sacrificed, and on the
assumption of every possible situation. Keeping in mind that a
military attack could occur, satisfactory measures must be worked
out to avoid such a risk; otherwise, a serious outcome could be
brought about."

The LDP and the New Komeito set up the ruling camp's taskforce to
deal with North Korea's missile issue, headed by LDP Secretary
General Tsutomu Takebe, and confirmed that they would support such
measures as economic sanctions by the government and a referral of
the issue to the United Nations Security Council. The House of
Representatives' Security Committee in its directors meeting decided
to carry out a questioning session with the participation of Foreign
Minister Aso and JDA Director General Fukushiro Nukaga on July 6.

16) Minshuto head Ozawa cautious about sanctions against North
Korea; JCP, SDP positive

MAINICHI (Page 5) (Full)
July 6, 2006

Tatsuo Eto, Tienchin

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Asked by reporters about economic sanctions against North Korea,
which launched a set of missiles, Ichiro Ozawa, president of the
main opposition party Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan), who is
now visiting China, took a cautious stance, saying, "It's not that
simple to impose sanctions," stressing a stance of giving priority
to dialogue rather than pressure.

Ozawa pointed out: "Economic sanctions would lead to coercion and
the use of military force. The public should consider such in a calm
manner." He commented on the government's sanction policy: "I want
to ask the government whether it is serious. I think at present that
the issue should be resolved through discussion by taking advantage
of the six-party talks."

Ozawa met yesterday in haste with Li Chun, head of the International
Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party. He requested that China tell
North Korea to stop provocative actions in East Asia that threaten
peace and to resolve the issue at the six-party talks. He is
expected to meet again today with Wang Jiarui, head of the
International Department of the Chinese Communist Party's Central
Committee, to tell him the importance of dialogue.

Ozawa appears to be concerned about a possibility that Pyongyang may
pose a danger for Japan as retaliation against Tokyo's economic

In the largest opposition party, however, many other lawmakers favor
economic sanctions. The dominant view in a meeting yesterday of the
party's task force was that the government should take more tough

Japanese Communist Party Chairman Kazuo Shii said, "It is possible
to take appropriate measures, including economic sanctions."

Social Democratic Party Chairperson Mizuho Fukushima made this
comment, "It is inevitable that sanctions be taken."

17) Security issue to become major campaign issue in LDP
presidential race; Election set on Sept. 20

NIHON KEIZAI (Page 2) (Full)
July 6, 2006

North Korea's firing of missiles will likely effect the Liberal
Democratic Party (LDP) presidential election in September. It is
certain that frosty relations between Japan and China and between
Japan and South Korea and security issues will become main campaign
issues. Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe and Foreign Minister Taro
Aso have top responsibility now for handling the North Korea issue.
The possibility is that if they make any mistake in judgment, they
will come under fire from the public.

The LDP formally decided yesterday that the official campaign for
the presidential election would begin on Aug. 30 with the election
scheduled for Sept. 20. However, the North Korean missile issue is
gradually affecting moves by candidates.

In the wake of the North Korea's launch of missiles, the Niwa-Koga,
Tanigaki and Kono factions in the LDP have put off a planned meeting
today of their senior members. Aso and Finance Minister Sadakazu
Tanigaki were expected to attend the meeting.

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In the ruling camp, there are two separate views: one is that Abe is
now being exposed on spotlight and the missile issue would give a
positive impact on Aso, and the other is that if Abe and Aso fail,
they will suffer the effects.

18) WTO director general visits Japan for first time; Japan unlikely
to make concessions on agricultural tariff cuts

ASAHI (Page 12) (Excerpts)
July 6, 2006

Pascal Lamy, director general of the World Trade Organization (WTO),
yesterday came to Japan. He is expected to meet with Prime Minister
Koizumi and Chief Cabinet Secretary Abe and urge them to make a
concession on the call for cutting tariffs on agricultural products
in order to bring progress to the stalemated multilateral trade
liberalization talks (Doha Round). However, the Minister of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and other concerned
ministries are determined to take a wait-and-see stance with a
senior MAFF official noting, "We will not show our hand until other
member nations make concessions." This is Lamy's first visit to
Japan since he came into office, but there is a slim chance of his
visit producing results.

The WTO ministerial meeting ended in failure on July 1. US Trade
Representative Schwab expressed her dissatisfaction: "There are too
many exceptions. There is a long way to go before agricultural talks
make progress." She criticized farm produce importers for "asking
for exceptional treatment on too many products, blocking
negotiations from making progress." She called on them to make
substantial concessions.

19) ROK survey boat leaves Japan's EEZ

MAINICHI (Page 2) (Excerpts)
July 6, 2006

Akiko Horiyama, Seoul

A South Korean government official yesterday revealed that a South
Korean survey boat, which had continued exploring the waters near
the Takeshima/Dokdo islets, completed its research, which was
conducted by dropping a device to the seabed, and left Japan's
territory near Takeshima at around 2:10 p.m., according to Yonhap
news agency.

20) Japan notifies ROK of protest survey plan

MAINICHI (Page 2) (Full)
July 6, 2006

By Tomoko Onuki

The government yesterday protested to South Korea against its survey
of the marine current and waters near the Takeshima/Dokdo islets and
conveyed to South Korea that as a counteraction, Japan plans to
explore waters around Takeshima. The measures Japan took this time
against the South Korean survey ship were, for instance, a Japan
Coast Guard patrol boat calling on the South Korean ship to stop its
survey by radio, instead of taking such tough measures as seizing
the South Korean survey ship.

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Later in the day, Foreign Minister Taro Aso discussed the matter
with South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ban Ki Moon
on the phone and protested against South Korea: "It's regrettable
that South Korea implemented the survey in spite of Japan's repeated
call for the cancellation of the survey." Administrative Vice
Foreign Minister Shotaro Yachi summoned South Korean Ambassador to
Japan Ra Jong Yil to his ministry and told the ambassador: "Japan,
too, will conduct a survey."

South Korea refused to halt the survey. But on North Korea's missile
launches, both leaders confirmed that the two countries would work
in close cooperation to deal with the matter.


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