Cablegate: Disengagement Situation Report, August 24, 2005
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
This is a joint message from Consulate General Jerusalem and
Embassy Tel Aviv.
This message is sensitive but unclassified. Please protect
1. (SBU) Summary: As of 1800 local time August 23, all
settlers were evacuated from Sa Nur and Homesh settlements,
completing evacuation of all residents and protesters from
the Gaza Strip and four northern West Bank settlements.
Israeli forces told Israeli press that they were prepared for
heavy resistance, but that the evacuations were faster and
easier than expected. A total of 42 Israeli police, soldiers
and residents/protesters were lightly injured in the course
of the Sa Nur and Homesh evacuations. In the Gaza Strip, the
situation remained generally calm and quiet, with all
settlements evacuated as of August 22. One mortar was fired
at the Gush Katif block August 23 (currently in the process
of being dismantled and demolished), but no injuries or
damage resulted. End Summary.
Gaza Strip:
-- All residents of Gaza settlements departed or have been
evacuated. Construction personnel and soldiers remain in the
settlements to demolish homes and prepare for the turnover of
assets to the PA. Israeli press reports, citing IDF Chief of
Staff Dan Halutz, said that demolition of settlement
structures continues, concentrating on the Gush Katif area
August 24, and will be completed by September 3.
-- According to the IDF disengagement update (August 23 at
2345 local time), preparations are presently being made for
the relocation of the cemetery in Neveh Dekalim next week
(including 48 graves), the first in a number of very
sensitive actions that are a part of the disengagement plan.
West Bank:
-- Sa Nur and Homesh: The IDF completed evacuation of all
residents and protesters in Sa Nur and Homesh settlements
August 23 by 1800, with Israeli press quoting IDF and police
sources as saying that there was less resistance in these
settlements than expected. According to Israeli media, a
total of 40 plice and protesters were lightly injured during
te operation in addition to two IDF soldiers, one sabbed
with a screwdriver by a teenage, female setler, and one hit
in the eye with a stone. The efense Ministry told Israeli
press that removal f asbestos and other toxic materials
began in Sa ur and Homesh August 24, and that demolitions ofstructures
ere will commence August 25.
-- Al four West Bank settlements evacuated are under hevy
guard August 24, according to Israeli newspaprs, to prevent
settlers or protesters from returnng. All settlement
structures are expected to b demolished by early September,
with the Israelimilitary base near Jenin to be removed not
later than September 20, accordng to Israeli newspapers
citing GOI Ministry of Defense sources.
-- Kadim and Ganim: Soldiers and construction workers are
demolishing structures in Kadim and Ganim August 24,
according to Israeli newspapers, and expect to be finished by
August 25.
West Bank:
-- Northern West Bank: 700 Palestinian Security Forces (PSF)
from various branches are deployed east of Jenin August 24 to
prevent looting of evacuated settlements or interference with
Israeli forces overseeing demolition of structures in Kadim
and Ganim. These forces are not permitted by the IDF to
operate outside Jenin's city limits.
-- Northern West Bank Checkpoints: Jalamah checkpoint is
closed to all movement except for the IDF, using the road
past the checkpoint for evacuation of Kadim and Ganim. Salem
checkpoint north of Jenin is open to all traffic except
trucks from 0800 to 1800, with prior coordination.
Palestinian security sources reported that the IDF closed the
road linking Qalqiliya and Nablus August 23 prior to
evacuation of Sa Nur and Homesh settlements, and that it
remains closed to Palestinian travel August 24. Passage to
Tulkarm from the West Bank remains open.
-- The IDF took over three private Palestinian homes in
Hebron August 23 for use as military observation points,
according to Palestinian sources.
-- Incursions: The IDF entered Qalqiliya August 23 and
arrested a Fatah activist there, according to PA security
-- Closures: IDF closures of all roads leading to the Burqa
village, south of Homesh settlement, and Bizzariya village,
east of Homesh, are still in place for Palestinian traffic
August 24, according to Palestinian sources.
Gaza Strip:
-- The situation is Gaza is generally calm and quiet. All
settlements there have been evacuated.
-- The IDF reported one mortar fired at southern Gaza
settlements August 23, but no injuries or damage resulted.
-- According to Palestinian media sources, PA President
Mahmud Abbas (Abu Mazen) (with PA Deputy PM Nabil Sha'ath,
PLO Negotiations Chief Sa'eb Erekat and presidential advisor
Nabil Abu Rudaynah) met with Egyptian PM Ahmad Nathif August
23 and President Husni Mubarak August 24 in Cairo to discuss
the Egyptian-Israeli border guards agreement and Gaza/Egypt
border arrangements, and with Arab League Secretary General
Amr Musa about Palestinian post-disengagement political
-- PA PM Ahmad Quraya' and Minister of State (with
responsibility for Jerusalem) Hind Khury expressed concern to
Palestinian television and print journalists August 24 about
announced Israeli plans to build the separation barrier
around the Adumim settlement block, enclosing East Jerusalem,
Ma'ale Adumim (and the planned E-1 expansion), and other
Adumim settlements, extending up to 16 kilometers east of
Jerusalem, but leaving out several Palestinian towns, such as
Abu Dis and al-Azariyah (Bethany). Khury said that the next
PA Cabinet meeting will be held in Abu Dis to bring attention
to the Jerusalem-area barrier, and that she will be
organizing tours for the diplomatic corps around lands being
expropriated to build the barrier. (Septel).
-- Hamas held large rallies in Gaza City and Khan Yunis
August 23 to celebrate Israel's disengagement from Gaza.
-- A group of prominent Gazan businessmen told Ambassador
Kurtzer at an August 24 roundtable that their primary concern
post-disengagement is freedom of movement. They said that
they also seek to maintain the existing customs envelope "as
is." Post-disengagement, they do not object to the Israeli
proposal for goods passage at Kerem Shalom, but insisted that
passengers be permitted to cross at Rafah. Ambassador
Kurtzer urged the businessmen to seek ways to address Israeli
security concerns. Businessmen applauded the recent USG
decision to move ahead with the water carrier project for
Gaza, and emphasized the need for donor countries to begin
projects now, and not to wait until the day after
-- The Israeli High Court of Justice ruled August 23 that as
much as possible should be done to maintain the memory of the
synagogues in the Gaza Strip, but those that could not be
moved would be destroyed after their sanctity was withdrawn
according to halachic procedures.
-- In an August 24 interview on IDF radio, MK Netanyahu
criticized PM Sharon for going farther (on Gaza
disengagement) than ex-Labor party chairman Amram Mitzna.
Netanyahu accused MOD Shaul Mofaz of firing former IDF chief
of staff Ya'alon "because he told the truth" (i.e., that
disengagement could lend a "tailwind to terrorism").
-- Gaza Coastal Road: The coastal road is now open with free
movement of traffic in both directions, according to
Palestinian sources.
-- Erez Crossing and Industrial Zone: According to Gaza
private sector contacts, Erez remains officially closed to
Palestinians, but the IDF continues to allow a small number
of people to pass based on humanitarian/medical grounds with
prior coordination. Some factory workers were also permitted
into the Erez industrial zone, according to Palestinian
-- Rafah Terminal: According to UNRWA, Rafah remains open
August 24 for passenger movement in and out of Gaza, although
coordination is still required for Palestinian males aged 16
to 35 years.
-- Abu Khuli Junction: Opened at 2255 hours August 23 and
closed at 0530 hours August 24.
-- Karni Terminal: Karni remains open on August 24. It had
been closed temporarily on August 22 as settlers were
evacuated from Netzarim.
-- Kissufim: The main crossing used to enter Gush Katif and
Kfar Darom settlements, Kissufim is closed except for
traffic/persons leaving Gaza.