Cablegate: Czech's Solidarity Fund Request Procurement List
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
B. STATE 120737
C. PRAGUE 1009
1. (U) Sensitive But Unclassified - Not for Internet
2. (SBU) In response to the Department's request, Post is
transmitting the text of the original Czech request for items
under their $6 million Coalition Solidarity Fund (CSF)
allocation. Per reftel, Czech MOD Director of Security Policy
Zdenek Borkovec advised us on July 8 that the GOCR did not
wish to modify any part of the request, and asked that this
document be treated as final. The list is in rank order of
priority. The GOCR believes that the entire list of items
totals more than $6 million. They have asked that funds be
allocated to the items in rank order, without exceeding the
total CSF allocation to the Czech Republic.
3. (SBU) Embassy Prague has responded to the Department's
July 13 request for ROM pricing for each item (Ref D) by
OpenNet e-mail.
Ministry Of Defense Of The Czech Republic
Equipment description
Based on the Memorandum of 24 May 2005 for MOD of the Czech
Republic please find the list of required items below.
Required military equipment will further enhance
interoperability of the Czech Armed Forces with its US and
other NATO counterparts. It will be used primarily in ongoing
operations (ISAF, MNF-I, NTM-I and KFOR) and in other
peacekeeping operations in future.
1. Broad Band Radio Frequency Jammer designed for jamming of
different frequencies range from 20-3000 Mhz. a) portable b)
incorporated. Quantity: 2 of each. Justification: Protection
of troops and convoys against RCIED
2. I ROBOT EOD - special self-propelled equipment designed
for search and recce, control and elimination of IED located
in vehicles, buildings, airplanes and other unapproachable
locations. Quantity: 1. Justification: Protection of the EOD
personnel - specialists during RCIED and IED elimination.
3. Portable X-ray system VIDISCO FOX - system designed for
search and control suspicious object such box, forgotten
luggage and etc. Quantity:1. Justification: Protection of the
EOD personnel - specialists during RCIED and IED elimination.
4. Risk management software FRONTLINE application designed to
provide the operator with managing the whole event by
enhancing coordination, aiding decision-making and assisting
with operational tasking. EOD Frontline predicts the hazards
are from blast o fragmentation based on relevant standards.
Quantity: 2. Justification: Saving of the time, which is
necessary for decision-making process. Time saving means life
5. Special Operations Search Kit designed for wide range of
search activities in the most demanding environment under the
hostile tactical conditions.(Search mirrors, metal detector
torches, aealing equipment and etc) Quantity: 6.
Justification: Protection of personnel against the booby
traps during the search operations in unapproachable
6. Radio Firing Device Kit - designed for wireless remote
explosion control. Quantity:3. Justification: Saving time
during the elimination of unexploded ammunition, mines etc.
7. Hardened PC Notebook - to be installed in vehicle -Windows
2000 operating system, BVIS software application for data
messages production and transmitting, monitoring of current
situation, location of friend units, locations of all
co-operating units outside of bases (also during period of
deployment movement) and situations correction at maps.
Quantity: 40 sets. Justification: For data exchange support
(for BVIS combat/battle vehicle information system) within
the mission abroad, it is required acquisition of specified
components, as follows: System allows creating integrated
situation picture in the area of interest, operational
control of all units, groups or patrols and monitor their
current locations. Also, system allows voice and data
communications by means of a radio connection. At the same
time it is possible to monitor current location of the friend
units and neighboring units, too. Location messages are
transmitted by automatic process in accordance with setting
(for example every 50 meters). Current locations are
displayed on the map layers, which are the component part of
software equipment. System is able of two-way transmission of
textual messages, formatted messages (reports and
instructions) and transparent layers for the map situations
updating. It is possible to complete 3 standalone sets for 3
missions from above mentioned number of equipment: KFOR: - 20
x Notebook, 1 x IPRS 17, 2 x SMART Board. IRAK: 10 x PC, 1 x
IPRS, 1x SMART Board. Afghanistan: 10 x PC, 1 x IPRS, 1x
8. SMART Board 560 - it is located at operation centre to
monitor current situation, locations of all co-operating
units outside of bases (also during period of deployment),
maps drawing-in and planning process. Quantity: 4 sets
9. IP radio router 17 (IPRS 17.3) - it is a basic component
for data exchange in radio data network on the base of BVIS
software application. It is directly compatible to RF 13xx
radio station sets. Quantity: 3 sets
10. M1151 up Armored HMMWV (AM General); Complete with full
up armored kit from O%Gara Hess. This should be the armament
carrier, and the up armor kit should include a gunner,s
shield. The up armor kit should be the new Composite Laminate
and Aluminum Alloy designed for the U.S. Army. Quantity: 6
total vehicles. Justification: In order to be interoperable
with Allied Forces and the U.S. Forces in the majority of
Peace Operations we would like to equip our military police
(MP) with the newest up armored HMMWV. Force protection and
the ability to operate in the harshest of environments is key
to the missions of both the MPs
11. M1151 Special Operations HMMWV (AM General); This vehicle
is specifically manufactured for special operations forces
and is in service with the U.S. Special Forces Community.
This should be an armament carrier, with a ring mount on top
of the vehicle. It should also have the ability to shoot from
the passenger seats, and commanders seat with the aid of
universal mounts for the Mk46 Squad Automatic Weapon, and
further specifications to be identified at a later date.
Quantity: 4 of these vehicles. Justification: Our Special
Operations Group requires a vehicle that is tailored for long
missions, and self-defense while behind enemy lines. Further
the interoperability with the U.S. Special Forces community
is desirable for our forces. Further the logistics
interoperability of the HMMWV chassis is of great value, as
the U.S. Forces have large number of these vehicles and many
of our neighbors have selected this vehicle as well (Poland,
Romania, Slovenia, Lithuania, Croatia, Bulgaria).
Radios (Justification): The communication requirement is
significant, and below we will attempt to describe the kinds
of radios, numbers, and capabilities we require. We have a
preference for the specific radios we would like to operate
with and have mentioned our preferred choice of radio. The
communication requirement should be viewed as a complete
system and should be acquired in capability packages for full
functionality. Extras such as carrying bags, mounts,
antennas, rechargeable batteries, battery chargers and data
loaders should be counted into this request for all of the
12. Vehicle Radios: We require a multi frequency, multi
mission radio for the vehicles above and our command post.
This should be a radio that is capable of ground-to-ground,
ground to air and limited satellite communication. Further
data capability and IP Addressing in accordance with current
technology. We are aware the U.S. Special Forces use the
PRC-117F (from Harris) and would like this radio or an
equivalent. Quantity: 14 of these systems.
13. Handbook and database of worldwide used ammunition and
explosives. Quantity: 2. Justification: Saving of the time,
which is necessary for decision-making process. Time saving
means life saving.
14. Manpack Radios: We require interoperable tactical radios
for our forces, while they are on patrol or in the field.
Interoperability and data throughput are important for our
forces. We are aware of the success of the Flacon II family
of radios with the new NATO members and the interoperability
with U.S. Forces. Quantity: 8 of these radios.
15. Handheld Radios: We require small lightweight long range
radios for intr team, squad and company level communications,
We prefer that these radios be of the most current design
offering Mil-STD-1818 and multi band functionality. We prefer
the RF-300M-HH JTRS Inter/Intra team radio (Harris) for our
requirements. Further, we request 25 of the RF-3161-AT001
Broadband Body Worn Diploe Antenna (30 - 108 Mhz) for these
radios, the remainder should be equipped with the normal
antenna. Quantity: 70 of these radios
16. HF Radios: We require long range communications for our
command post and back to our host nation. This should be a
full function HF radio with crypto that is interoperable with
U.S. Forces and 9600 bps data transmition. We prefer the
RF-5080H (Harris) for our requirement. Quantity: 6 of these
17. Tactical Network Access Hub: In order to make this system
a full functioning system capable of connecting our tactical
system to the tactical internet and exchange information with
our U.S. and Allied Forces, a centralize communication hub is
necessary. The system should allow for voice, IP data and
telephony. We prefer the RF-6010 (Harris) for our
requirement. Quantity: 3 of these systems
18.Bunker Defeat Munitions 60 mm (BDM from General Dynamics):
Our SOG require a light weight man portable anti bunker
weapon that can be fired from an enclosed position. The range
of this weapon should be from 20 to 250 meters with a dual
mode fuse for both hard and soft targets. 50 of these systems
19. Soldiervision (from Armor Holdings): Our forces require
through-wall motion detection radar for military operations
in urban terrain. The system should be lightweight, had held,
rugged, and compatible with might vision equipment.
Quantity:3 of these systems complete with any support
equipment, and carrying bags for the system (technical
specifications for IP radio router IPRS 17, Hardened Notebook
PC, and SMART Board - Interactive Whiteboard were appended to
the document)
5. (U) ODC Prague requests guidance on the appropriate
mechanism for CSF procurement and is awaiting instructions.
Visit Prague's Classified Website: cfm