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Cablegate: Israel Media Reaction

This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.





E.O. 12958: N/A


1. Mideast

2. NPT Review Conference May 2-27 New York

3. May 5 UK Elections

Key stories in the media:

Israel Radio reported that the PA has informed the
Israeli defense establishment that PA Chairman
[President] Mahmoud Abbas has instructed his forces to
collect weapons held by militants in Tulkarm and
Jericho. The station cited the defense establishment's
uncertainty about whether this is actually being done,
but that it is a positive step. Speaking on Israel
Radio this morning, IDF Intelligence chief Aharon Zeevi-
Farkash was quoted as saying that weapons had been
gathered in Jericho, and that the process was going on
in Tulkarm. The media had quoted Defense Minister
Shaul Mofaz as saying Wednesday that he is freezing the
handover of West Bank towns to Palestinian security
control because the Palestinians have failed to honor
their promise to disarm militants. Yediot led with the
assessment of the defense establishment that despite
prospects of calm after the disengagement, Qassam
rockets will continue to be launched, threatening 44
additional Negev communities. Yediot cited the IDF's
belief that Hamas will win in the July parliamentary
elections in the PA. Zeevi-Farkash told Israel Radio
this morning that Abbas will not directly clash with
Hamas at this time. Maariv reported that the Tanzim
leader in Jenin, Zacharia Zubeidi, is now a member of
the Palestinian security organizations, and is
responsible for preventing terror attacks.

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All media (banner in Jerusalem Post) reported that the
Israel Police has mapped out all the homes in
settlements in the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank
slated for evacuation under the disengagement plan,
collecting intelligence on the settlers and the various
levels of threats they pose to evacuating forces.
Hatzofe quoted a GOI official as saying that the
Disengagement Administration has in effect been
"neutralized" and that Ilan Cohen, the D-G of the Prime
Minister's Office, is now in charge of the
implementation of disengagement. Ha'aretz quoted chief
Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat as saying that the
PA's official position is that Israel demolish
settlement housing in Gaza and clear away the debris.

All media reported that in an 8-2 vote, the Knesset's
Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee demanded on
Wednesday that the GOI not sign any agreement with
Egypt on the deployment of Egyptian forces in the
eastern part of the Sinai peninsula until the matter is
brought to the Knesset for approval.

All media (lead story in Ha'aretz) reported that
Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin was formally charged
Wednesday with passing classified information about
Iraq to two individuals believed to be Steven Rosen and
Keith Weissman, former officials of the pro-Israel
lobby AIPAC. Yediot quoted FM Silvan Shalom as saying:
"Israel has strategic, intimate relations with the
U.S., which include exchanges of classified
information. Israel will not do anything that would
harm those relations. Those who raise the possibility
of our intervention in this affair are wrong." Yediot
also cited an unofficial response from AIPAC denying
any connection to the affair.

Jerusalem Post cited a Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)
report as saying that Israel received much higher marks
in the 2004 State Department's human rights country
report, published in February, than it did in 2003 --
not because of any significant changes in the ground
but apparently a shift in how the Bush administration
views the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. JTA says that
the U.S. appears more willing to accept long-standing
Israeli claims that the blurred distinction between
Palestinian combatants and civilians often makes it
hard to assign blame in incidents that end with
Palestinian deaths. JTA notes that the State
Department replaced the traditional "holding sentence"
-- the department's term for the sentence that reflects
its overall assessment of a country's human rights
record -- with a milder one.

Yediot reported that the Shin Bet has recently been
successful in uncovering subversive efforts by right-
wing Israelis.

All media reported that two 15-year-old Palestinian
boys who demonstrated against the construction of the
security fence near Beit Liqya in the West Bank were
killed by IDF fire Wednesday. IDF Radio reported that
the commander of the unit involved has been suspended
from operational duties

Leading media reported that "amid fears of a Hamas
landslide victory" (according to Jerusalem Post), the
Palestinians will vote today in the second phase of the
municipal elections.

Leading media reported that outgoing Shin Bet chief Avi
Dichter told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense
Committee Wednesday that had the security fence been
built earlier, the number of terror victims would have
been smaller.
Yediot reported that Israel has demanded that Japan
lift the embargo that it has imposed on the Center for
Nuclear Research in Nahal Sorek.
All media continued to highlight events related to
Holocaust Memorial Day. Maariv banners: "60 Years of
Memory." The media quoted PM Sharon as saying
Wednesday: "We have learned the lessons of the
Holocaust. We will never, never again be caught

Maariv published the results of the first in a series
of bi-weekly polls conducted in conjunction with Tzav
Piyus, an organization advocating domestic peace
between secular and religious Israelis:
-The poll found that the level of tolerance between the
various political sides is fairly low (6.4 on a scale
of 0-10, where 0 is completely tolerant).
-"To which extent can you understand the position of
the supporters/opponents of the disengagement plan?"
74 percent of disengagement supporters responded that
they can understand the opponents; 47 percent of
disengagement opponents responded that they can
understand the supporters.

1. Mideast:


Liberal columnist Meron Benvenisti wrote in
independent, left-leaning Ha'aretz: "The Palestinians
will never agree to the humiliating Israeli
interpretations of their aspirations for national
independence, and all the plans laden with goodwill and
positive attitudes turn into bittersweet legends that
come down to wondering what might have been, if only."

Block Quotes:

"A Fable For Adults"

Liberal columnist Meron Benvenisti wrote in
independent, left-leaning Ha'aretz (May 5): "To our
surprise, the [Rand Corporation] has delivered a fable
for adults.... The very assumption that the immediate
establishment of the Palestinian state is a realistic
assumption because President Bush and the road map call
for it -- 'and a critical mass of Israelis and
Palestinians support it, according to the polls' --
requires an exacting examination. Most Palestinians
indeed do support the establishment of a state, as long
as it enjoys all the trappings of sovereignty and is
free of settlers. But the majority of Israelis who
ostensibly support a Palestinian state are vehemently
opposed to the assumptions at the heart of the Rand
vision, and support an entity that will have partial
control over about half the West Bank, with no control
over the border crossings, immigration policies, water
resources, coastal waters, and airspace. Considering
the gap in power between Israelis and Palestinians --
and in the absence of any foreign pressure -- it is
clear that the Israeli version will be the determining
one, and with it the [corporation's] vision of the Arc
fades into the distant horizon. The Palestinians will
never agree to the humiliating Israeli interpretations
of their aspirations for national independence, and all
the plans laden with goodwill and positive attitudes
turn into bittersweet legends that come down to
wondering what might have been, if only."

2. NPT Review Conference May 2-27 New York:


Defense commentator Reuven Pedhazur opined in
independent, left-leaning Ha'aretz: "In light of
[defiant] steps by the United States, it is clear that
the chances of success for the month-long conference
are not great.... However, the aggressive attitude of
the U.S. administration ... is actually very convenient
for Israel."

Block Quotes:

"A Treaty That Has Outlived Its Usefulness"

Defense commentator Reuven Pedhazur opined in
independent, left-leaning Ha'aretz (May 5): "The
nuclear policy of the Bush administration actually
reduces the possibility of promoting the attempt to
achieve a world free of nuclear weapons. The U.S.
President refused to join the treaty to ban nuclear
tests, abandoned the treaty for preventing the
development of anti-missile defense systems, and called
for the development of new and advanced types of
nuclear weapons once again. In light of these steps by
the United States, it is clear that the chances of
success for the month-long conference are not great....
However, the aggressive attitude of the U.S.
administration, which while placing an emphasis on its
own nuclear weapons, is simultaneously trying to put a
stop to the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea,
is actually very convenient for Israel.... Next month,
the fate of the NPT will be decided. Quite a number of
those participating in the conference are convinced
that the treaty in its present form has outlived its
usefulness and that the time has come to formulate new
rules, which will enable the international community to
carry out proper supervision, to impose punishments and
even to prevent additional countries from arming
themselves with nuclear weapons. Israel hopes these
rules will be accepted before Iran crosses the nuclear
threshold. [Israel] is not relying on the fact that it
will be the NPT that prevents Iran from completing the
development of its nuclear weapons."

3. May 5 UK Elections:


Conservative, independent Jerusalem Post editorialized:
"Tony Blair, in supporting Washington on the invasion
of Iraq, did prove that he has ... courage and
foresight.... In the coming years, too, Britain's
prime minister will certainly need to display the same
qualities in dealing with the threat of a potentially
nuclear Iran."

Block Quotes:

"As Britain Votes"

Conservative, independent Jerusalem Post editorialized
(May 5): "Despite the dents in Blair's standing, he is
still expected to triumph over Conservative candidate
Michael Howard.... From the Israeli perspective, no
crucial differences emerged during the campaign between
the Middle East policy perspectives of the Labor and
Tory leaders.... At any rate, perhaps more crucial
right now from Jerusalem's perspective is not 10
Downing Street's view of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict, but its position regarding Iran. Europe has
a crucial role in preventing Teheran from developing a
nuclear arsenal, and the voice of the British prime
minister will be key in balancing other national
viewpoints on the continent less willing to join the
U.S. in taking a firm stance against Iran. Tony Blair,
in supporting Washington on the invasion of Iraq, did
prove that he has the courage and foresight to break
with other European leaders in recognizing the real
dangers in this region. In the coming years, too,
Britain's prime minister will certainly need to display
the same qualities in dealing with the threat of a
potentially nuclear Iran."


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