Cablegate: Exbs; Turkey Advisor Monthly Reporting Cable-
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: STATE 146478
1. Summary: September proved to be a very productive month
for the Non-proliferation programs in Turkey. The EXBS
Advisor was able to make significant advances in the EXBS
Agreement, Second Line of Defense (SLD) prioritization,
Internal Control Program (ICP) coordination and establishment
of baseline of capabilities and areas of improvement in
training, equipment and facilities of the Turkish Customs
Authority. While, minor set backs were experienced in
Turkey's participation in PSI, all other programs seem to be
moving ahead with desired results. The upcoming months should
see continued interaction with the Ministries involved in
non-proliferation and the EXBS advisor as the programs, along
with new initiatives, are introduced.
2. Completed Actions for the Reporting Period
A. Site Assessment and Meetings During Recent Reporting
1) September 3- EXBS advisor met with MFA DDG for Arms
Control and Disarmament Haluk Ilicak. During the meeting,
current projects, including the EXBS MOU, Turkey's current
and future participation in the PSI Experts Working Group,
and proposed visits by teams to discuss ICP and Commodity
Identification Training (CIT) programs in Turkey were
discussed, as was Turkey's support for and activities in the
Missile Technology Control Regime. Finally, EXBS advisor
informed Ilicak that Turkey would not be invited to be a
member of the Core Group of PSI. Ilicak noted his
displeasure with this decision and stated that he could not
predict the GOT's reaction to this information. He was
unsure if Turkey would remain a participant in the upcoming
PSI Experts Working Group exercise.
2) September 9- EXBS advisor met with MFA Head of
Department, Arms Control and Disarmament Bulent Meric.
During the meeting, current projects including the EXBS MOU,
Turkey's current and future participation in the PSI experts
working group, and proposed visits by teams to discuss ICP
and CIT programs in Turkey were discussed. In addition, a
general agenda for the upcoming ICP meetings was agreed on as
well as the location and list of attendees for the meetings.
Proposed dates for the upcoming CIT visit were also discussed.
3) September 15- EXBS advisor met with MFA Head of
Department, Arms Control and Disarmament Bulent Meric.
During the meeting EXBS adviser delivered the newest revised
U.S. proposal for the EXBS MOU. Also discussions were
conducted concerning Turkey's current and future
participation in the PSI experts working group, and the
proposed visits by teams to discuss ICP and CIT programs in
Turkey. The detailed agenda for the upcoming ICP meetings
was agreed on along with final details on the meetings.
4) September 16- EXBS Adviser participated in meeting
with LCDR Michael Bee, USCG, U.S. International Port Security
Liaison to discuss Turkey's compliance with International
Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code and the effects
that these changes could have on port activity. Also,
discussed was the coordinating of Coast Guard, Customs and
Border Protection and Transportation Security Administration
activities to best utilize limited Turkish and Embassy
5) September 20- EXBS adviser was notified by MFA Head
of Department, Arms Control and Disarmament Bulent Meric of
GOT's decision not to participate in the upcoming PSI Experts
Working Group exercise in Newport. According to Meric, this
decision was a result of the GOT's need to focus more on its
area of immediate influence within the region and in response
to being excluded from consideration for membership in the
PSI Core Group.
6) September 21-24- Department of Commerce led
Internal Control Program (ICP) team visited Turkey to conduct
meetings in Ankara and Istanbul. (see Section E)
7) September 28- EXBS advisor met with
Undersecretariat for Customs, Department Head for Customs
Enforcement Mehmet Guzel. EXBS adviser was shown a detailed
presentation of the current state of Customs Enforcement in
Turkey, including new technology being utilized and
technological advances being implemented into the Customs
Border Crossing. EXBS advisor was also provided a list of
areas where the GOT believes the US can assist in improving
the capabilities of Turkish customs, along with Turkey's
prioritized list of border locations for SLD installations.
A future meeting, following EXBS Adviser's trip to US in
October, will be scheduled to review this information and
develop a schedule of visits to Customs Border Posts.
8) September 30 - EXBS advisor met with Head of
Department, Arms Control and Disarmament Bulent Meric.
During the meeting EXBS adviser discussed the latest proposed
EXBS Agreement which appears ready for inter-ministerial
review, Turkey's future participation in the PSI experts
working group, and proposed visits by team CIT programs in
Turkey. EXBS Advisor also reviewed the previous meetings by
the ICP team, and gained GOT agreement that the ICP project
is on track.
B. Training Conducted During Reporting Period: None.
C. Equipment Delivered During Reporting Period: None
D. Imminent Training or Equipment Status Update: None
E. Significant Developments in Export Controls,
Nonproliferation, or Related Border Security
1) Turkey participated in the Southeast European
Defense Ministers conference, which will took place in Bled,
Slovenia. This conference allowed the Turkish
representatives to share experiences with other delegations
concerning terrorism and other threats within the region.
2) Turkey withdrew from participation in the PSI
maritime exercise, which took place in Newport, Rhode Island.
While GOT had identified a highly qualified team, the GOT
determined in a reevaluation of PSI participation that Turkey
would focus its active participation on activities occurring
within its immediate region. Both MFA and TGS contacts
confirm that the GOT still supports participation in PSI.
Turkey's Military Attach in Japan will represent Turkey at
the upcoming Japanese-led exercise in October. The GOT is
still awaiting invitation to the planned Spanish led exercise
scheduled for early 2005, and is evaluating the possibility
of hosting an exercise in 2006.
3) DOC ICP team visited Turkey from September 20-24 to
conduct final coordination meetings. These meetings allowed
GOT to conduct one final review of the proposed product,
while also establishing criteria for the selection of a
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that will assist in
customization of the program for Turkey. A presentation was
also conducted for major Turkish exporters to review the
program and provide feedback on usefulness in Turkey.
Industry representatives were enthusiastic about the product
and expressed their belief that it will be useful in the
control of inventories and determination of exporting
licensing requirements. GOT is currently in the process of
selecting the appropriate NGO to work with ICP Team to begin
customization process.
4) Turkey participated in the EXBS sponsored-Black Sea
and Caspian Sea Maritime Conference conducted in Kiev,
Ukraine. This conference allowed all countries with coasts
on either the Black Sea or Caspian Sea to share current and
future programs. It also allowed each maritime organization
to meet the leaders of other maritime organizations in the
5) The United States, verbally received the Turkish
reply to the US's latest draft of the umbrella EXBS
agreement. The newest draft appears to meet the necessary
requirement for GOT approval. An inter-ministerial meeting
is being scheduled for early October to discuss the proposed
agreement, in hopes of achieving the necessary governmental
approval for signature and submission to parliament for final
3. Future Activities
a. Oct 4-17 - EXBS adviser will travel to Washington,
DC for program consultations and leave.
b. Oct 18-20- EXBS adviser will participate in EUCOM
Black Sea Conference being held in Garmish, Germany.
c. Oct 25-26- DOE INCEP team will visit Ankara and
hold coordination meetings with the Turkish government as the
preliminary steps in introducing the Commodity Identification
Training Program to Turkey.
d. Nov/Dec- EXBS Advisor will begin on-site review of
Custom Border posts, including actual site visits. A
schedule of visits is being developed with the
Undersecretariat for Customs Enforcement and will include
visits to major seaports, airports and land border crossings.
e. Jan 2005 - DOC Product Identification Tool
coordination meeting to be held. (tentatively)
4. Red Flag Issues
a. Final approval of the U.S./Turkey EXBS agreement
appears to be closer than it has been for quite some time.
The approval of this agreement will have an impact on the
EXBS program here in Turkey. The GOT is very interested in
beginning both the SLD and ICP Programs. While the start of
the ICP program does not require approval of the EXBS
agreement, this agreement is a source of discussion during
every meeting with MFA, Customs, Foreign Trade or other GOT
organizations involved in the EXBS program. Once approved,
the SLD program can move ahead coordinating its
implementation agreement and schedule visits to start the
design and installation phase of the program. Also, other
activities and support can begin without concern over the
status of this project.
5. Contact Information for EXBS Adviser: Kevin Lyon, phone
(90)(312) 455-5555 ext 2525, fax (90)(312) 468-4775, email