Cablegate: Consular Agent's 2003 Evaluations and Step
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
CA/EX for Leo Wollemberg and Karin King
EUR/EX/HR for Vivian Harvey
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Consular Agent's 2003 Evaluations and Step
1. Post recently realized that, due to an internal
processing error, our consular agents' evaluations in the
year 2003 were not properly submitted and, consequently,
the employees did not receive the step increase they
should have earned that year.
2. Our files show that in the year 2003 only one consular
agent's evaluation was properly completed while all the
other five were prepared and signed by the Counselor for
Consular Affairs but were never processed. All of the
agents did perform at the satisfactory or better level
that year.
3. We were unaware of the situation until recently
because the Consular Agents do not have access to
Intranet and have difficulty accessing their pay records.
Our consular agents' pay records are also inaccessible
to Madrid HR and CONS.
4. We have now completed all six 2003 evaluations and
will be sending the originals and faxing copies to CA
requesting that concurrence be granted to our
recommendation to give the consular agents the
appropriate retroactive step increases.