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Cablegate: Mozambique - Inl Fy 06/07 Workplan

This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.


E.O. 12958: N/A


1. Embassy Maputo requests continued INL funding for FY
06/07 to build on ongoing projects to further develop the
Attorney General's Anti-Corruption Unit and the Mozambican
Police Sciences Academy, and further requests additional
funds for assistance to Mozambican Immigration and Customs
to improve border security. Per reftel, project
descriptions are provided below.

2. Public statements of senior GRM officials, including
Attorney General Madeira and President Chissano, have
repeatedly addressed the problems of corruption, judicial
sector inefficiency, a perceived increase in violent crimes
coupled with public disillusionment with the police force,
and the inability of the GRM to enforce sufficient border
controls. The Interior Minister, immigration and customs
officials have all emphasized to post their need for USG and
other donor support in the area of border security. To
date, post's law enforcement working group has successfully
coordinated funding from USAID, INL, PD, RSO, and DOD to
build programs supporting GRM efforts in development of the
Anti-Corruption Unit of the Attorney General's Office and
the National Police Academy (ACIPOL). Defense Attach Office
has worked with the Mozambican navy and counterparts from
other embassies to lay the framework for improved security
of the country's long sea border.

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3. Influence peddling, money laundering, and corruption are
serious impediments to economic development a core post MPP
goal. President Chissano and the candidate to succeed him as
President, Armando Guebuza, have continued to publicly
pledge their support for the fight against corruption. The
Attorney General places great emphasis on the continued
development of the Anti-Corruption Unit for successful
prosecutions of corruption.

4. The post 2006 Mission Program Plan includes goals and
strategies to strengthen GRM anti-corruption institutions
and mechanisms and to improve border security. Post seeks
to improve good governance by supporting efforts of central
and local governments and civil society to combat
corruption. Post will pursue strategies to build GRM
capacity to combat terrorism through adoption and
implementation of appropriate legislation and strengthened
law enforcement and border controls. Mission continues to
work with the GRM to overcome structural weaknesses in
financial oversight and control of borders that could allow
Mozambique to be used as a terrorist transit point in
attacks against United States interests.

5. Post requests continuation of support for the Attorney
General's Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) through FY 2007 with a
full-time OPDAT Legal Advisor funded by FY06 and FY07 funds.
Post requests that Department of Justice, through the
Overseas Prosecutor Development, Assistance and Training
(OPDAT) program, identify an Assistant United States
Attorney or other qualified official to serve as a Regional
Legal Advisor (RLA) to work with the management of the unit.
If no appropriate individual is available for a full year,
one or more Intermittent Legal Advisors could spend two
periods of six months working with the ACU. The RLA or
ILA(s) would support the ACU in establishing effective
management procedures, organizational structure and standard
operating procedures.

6. The Legal Advisors would act as consultants for the
upper management of the organization with regard to legal
questions, advice on specific cases, and law enforcement
techniques, such as how to use an undercover operative.

7. The objectives of this program will be to mentor
prosecutors in developing cases, develop case law in
corruption and financial crimes and train judges and
prosecutors in financial crime prosecution techniques.
These objectives can be measured through the numbers of
successfully prosecuted corruption or financial crimes

8. Evaluation of the program's progress is done through
quarterly reports by the OPDAT attorney, interviews with the
Attorney General's Office, the tracking of statistics of
successfully prosecuted corruption and financial crimes

9. This program contributes to USG's goals and objectives
in Mozambique by assisting in creating a viable judicial
sector, essential for a stable democracy. By supporting the
ACU, we will help fight domestic and international crime in

10. In 2004 through 2007 we see this program continuing as
the ACU grows into its position and matures as an
organization. Over the past three years, the mission has
cultivated a highly productive relationship with the
Attorney General and his staff, using resources from all
mission elements to assist the AG in his effort to build
capacity for fighting corruption.
Resource Tables for OPDAT Advisor:
Cost Component FY03 FY04 FY05 FY 06 FY07
Personnel --- 250 250 250 250
Commodities --- 50 50 50 50
(training, technical assistance, short-term advisors)
Law school scholarships
--- 75 75 75 75
Total Project Request
--- 375 375 375 375
Continuation of funding for Law School Scholarships for
five prosecutors is also requested. The AG has specifically
appealed to the donors this past year for funding such
scholarship for direly needed law degrees for his staff,
many of whom never had the opportunity to pursue further
training. Total request for Anti-Corruption Unit related
activities is $275,000 for each year.

11. Resources requested: OPDAT advisor presence to
facilitate training workshops, improved management of the
ACU, implementation of effective case tracking systems, and
the development of curricula for AGO training. Continuation
of five- year law school scholarships initiated in FY 03 for
five prosecutors per year is requested for FY 06 and 07.

12. Resource justification: The Attorney General's Office
has increased efforts to strengthen the capacity of the ACU.
Public confidence is high that the ACU will have the
capacity and the will to act forcefully against corruption.
The AG is planning the formation of a specialized judicial
police (PJ) unit that will report directly the AGO,
independently of the discredited criminal investigation
police (PIC). The overwhelming public perception that
corruption is a serious problem has provided a conducive
environment for the AG to energetically support development
of an effective ACU, and post has built upon the excellent
working relations established between the AGO and USAID
mission, as well as Embassy Front Office and Public
Affairs.. The principal short-term OPDAT advisor has built
up a comprehensive knowledge of the issues facing the ACU
and has gained the trust of the AG and his staff over the
course of four visits. Continued USG support of the AGO is
critical in that, while other international donors support
courts, law schools, infrastructure, and law reform, USG
support has been focused on the AGO support in this sector.
The goal of the project is to create a more effective ACU
able to carry out complex investigations into all forms of
corruption. This project builds upon the FY 2001-2003 OPDAT
funding that has already been applied to this effort and
post request for FY 2004-2005 additional resources.

13. Performance measurements: Number of arraignments
stemming from cases, number of successful prosecutions,
number of ACU Staff members trained, effectiveness of
improved case management systems and applications, number of
prosecutors completing their law degrees, demonstrated
institutional capacity improvement.

14. Sustainability: The GRM is responsible for recurring
costs of salaries and benefits for Anti-Corruption Unit
personnel. Training activities by OPDAT ILAs are carried
out by the Judicial Training Center, with the overhead costs
of operation of the training center borne by the GRM. The
relationship established between the ACU and the Judicial
Training Center ensures sustainability due to their train-
the-trainer based approach, as opposed to stand-alone
training. Host country commitment has been exemplified by
the Attorney General in public speeches with pledges of the
decisive action, followed up in recent months by moves to
investigate and detain corrupt officials. The AG has
identified training and information technology activities as
critical elements of the AGO's strategic plan for building
the capacity of their institution to successfully combat
corruption. This request is part of a comprehensive program
of support initiated by the USG agencies in FY 2000 and is
critical to augment planned support by USAID through FY 06.

15. Evaluation: Post and AID mission will continue to meet
with the Attorney General regularly and with ACU on a
monthly basis to assess results of assistance. Reports will
be prepared every six months considering information from
the media, NGOs and the AGO. OPDAT advisors will complete
evaluation reports of the program.

16. Post considers the Police Sciences Academy as critical
to improving the performance and professionalism of the
police force and seeks to continue assistance to this
institution. Funding of $250,000 was approved for FY 03 for
development of forensics laboratory capability to take place
parallel to continued ICITAP advisor technical assistance
visits. A forensics training lab assessment visit was
conducted in March 2004. A further $175,000 was requested
for both FY 04 and FY 05. The ICITAP Investigative
Development Training Program will compliment forensics
training capacity at ACIPOL by providing the necessary
skills to protect crime scenes and conduct investigations.
Post is also interested in working with the Mozambican
Police on a Community Policing project to provide material
support and training to an already existing program

17. Resources requested: $175,000 for the forensic
laboratory development project and $200,000 for a Field
Training Officer Program to complement the Basic Skills
Training we will hopefully be providing for FY 06; for FY
07, $175,000 for the forensic laboratory development project
and $200,000 for a community policing program that will
build upon what the Mozambicans are already doing.

18. As part of this project, ICITAP will donate other
equipment including mobile crime scene kits, loop magnifiers
for analyzing fingerprint cards, televisions, VCRs, and
video cameras for the police academy, and ink pads for
taking fingerprints.

19. Resource Table:
Cost Component FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07
Forensics Lab Project 250 175 175 175 175
Basic Skills Training 150 150 150 -- --
Field Training Officer Prog. -- -- -- 200 --
Community Policing -- -- -- -- 200
Total Project Request 400 325 325 375 375

20. Resource justification: The PIC is harshly criticized
for impeding or conducting poor criminal investigations. The
National forensics lab, which is managed by the PIC does not
have sufficient resources to conduct quality investigations.
The PIC has a weak training infrastructure, and detectives
do not receive skills-based instruction with practical
exercises to improve their competence in handling complex
criminal cases. The Policia Judicial (PJ) is still in the
formative stages and will need to quickly train an elite
group of investigators.

21. Resource justification: Improve efficiency,
professionalism, and respect for human rights, by improving
basic police skills and building on these skills with the
ICITAP Field Training Officer Program. Improve facilities
of ACIPOL to enable it to establish itself as a center for
excellence for the future leaders of the PRM. Provide a
quality training forensics lab and an alternate venue for
the PJ to conduct future forensics analyses. The Community
Policing program will complement already existing Minister
of Interior initiatives.

22. Performance measurements: Benchmarks that identify
measurable outcomes will include number of ACIPOL
instructors and students, PRM officers and trainers, and AGO
prosecutors provided training by ICITAP-trained trainers,
comparisons of the number of criminal cases solved before
and after the implementation of the project, and citizen
surveys regarding police conduct and effectiveness.

23. Sustainability: Project will provide training to
police instructors who will then replicate the training
throughout the police force. This training will serve to
incrementally build a quality, self- sustaining training

24. Evaluation: ICITAP will assist the GRM and the U.S.
Embassy in conducting periodic progress reviews to determine
which milestones have been completed and to identify
appropriate remedial actions when delays occur.

25. Mozambique has limited capabilities to prevent its use
as a transit point for terrorist activities. Mozambique has
no capacity to patrol its long shoreline and limited
coverage of its porous land borders. Oversight of the
international movement of money, goods, and people is
extremely limited and subject to corruption. Mozambique is
a significant transit point for the illegal trafficking of
narcotics, weapons, immigrants, and economic contraband.
Post has asked for funds for FY 04 and FY 05 for expansion
of INL programs to deal with this serious problem. We are
still awaiting determination by INL if funding will be
approved. If the program is already in its third year by FY
06, than we will request container scanner equipment and
training for Mozambique's three major sea ports and up to
five key land border crossings.

26. With this project, post would enhance the capability of
POE-based immigration, customs, and law enforcement units to
interdict criminal elements and to quickly and accurately
share information with relevant agencies. Post will identify
key POEs for training and communication/information
technology upgrades to facilitate the sharing of information
in a timely manner. The border security improvements will
begin to make Mozambique a more difficult operating
environment for cross-border crime.

27. INL funds over the course of the three-year project
would support the following activities, dependant on
availability of the training teams:
1) Security Assessments of major points of entry, including,
but not limited to: Mavalane International Airport Maputo,
the land borders at Ressano Garcia, Namaacha, and
Machipanda, Beira International Airport, and the ports of
Maputo, Matola, Beira, and Nacala. These assessments should
focus on ways in which information technology could be used
to improve security.
2) Purchasing communication and IT equipment based on
security assessments and input from post's Law Enforcement
Working Group (LEWG). This would include computers,
scanners, digital cameras, and surveillance equipment.
3) Computer training courses should be provided for IT
professionals working at POEs, in order to build expertise
of units' IT staff.
4) Training course for senior-level managers of POE
installations and law enforcement units deployed at these
POEs. Participants should include managers from Mozambican
police, customs, and immigration.
5) Series of training courses for officials working at POEs
on interdiction. This would follow up previous training on
the same topic, but would be able to build on prior training
or expose newer officers to training in interdiction. A
focus on joint training would expose officers working at
airports and ports to ways they could enhance coordination.
6) Course on document fraud that will focus on immigration
officials, but should include other law enforcement
officials as well.
7) FBI fingerprint classification course will enable
officials to better organize and share data.
8) Surveillance and Criminal Intelligence course. This
course would better equip police to more effectively use
alternative methods to interdict criminal elements.

28. Resources requested: Post requests $250,000 to initiate
a three-year program to improve security at Mozambican
points of entry (POE).

29. Performance Measurements: Increased interdiction of
illegal criminal elements transiting Mozambique. Enhanced
inter-agency cooperation at airports, border posts, and
seaports. Relevant use of upgraded technology in order to
quickly share information on criminal activity

30. Sustainability: Given the projects focus on joint-
training and information technology, the benefits of the
program would continue, even should USG funding end. In
selection of course participants, consideration will be
given to assessing whether or not they are likely to remain
in relevant positions, but the program will focus largely on
training that will benefit individual officers, even if they
move to other units.

31. Evaluation: Post's Law Enforcement Working Group
(LEWG) members will meet with counterparts at POEs on a
regular basis to discuss use of training and commodities.
Additionally, post's INL point of contact will request
written reports on condition of donated equipment from host
government officials in addition to asking for updates on
arrests and seizures at POEs.

(in USD thousands) FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07
Anti-Corruption Unit 275 275 275 250 250
(incl. Judicial Training)
Police Academy 250 250 250 375 375
Border Security - 250 250 275 300
--------------------------------------------- ----------------
Totals 525 775 775 900 925

32. Post appreciates consideration of these requests.

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