Cablegate: Additional Information On Vip Attendance At
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Additional information on VIP attendance at
the 57th UNGA for Sri Lanka
Refs: (A) Colombo 1671, and previous
- (B) State 170283, and previous
Below is the scheduled arrival and departure information
of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and other VIP
attendees to the 57th UNGA, which we received earlier
today. Additional information on other attendees has
been forwarded to SA/INS and is included in Ref A.
VIP attendees
-- Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe
-- In New York from September 13 to 20
-- Arriving into JFK on flt. BA 179 at 1950hrs
-- Via Doha, flt QR 301 and London (Heathrow) QR 001
-- Departing JFK on flt. VS 004 at 1930 hrs
-- Spouses travel plans are unknown
-- English is excellent
-- Leader of the Opposition Mahinda Rajapakse
-- In New York from September 19 to 28
-- Arriving into JFK on flt. NW 18 at 1445hrs
-- Via Tokyo, flt UL 460
-- Departing JFK on flt. JL 47 at 1010hrs
-- Spouses travel plans are unknown
-- English is excellent
-- Minister of Port Development and Shipping Rauf Hakeem
-- In New York from September 29 to October 13
-- Arriving into JFK on flt. BA 175 at 1345hrs
-- Via London (Heathrow), flt UL 505
-- Departing JFK on flt. AA 116 at 2330hrs
-- Spouses travel plans are unknown
-- English is excellent
-- Minister of Parliamentary Affairs A.H.M. Azwer
-- In New York from September 21 to 28
-- Arriving into JFK on flt. BA 175 at 1345hrs
-- Via London (Heathrow), flt UL 175
-- Departing JFK on flt. BA 176 at 2110hrs
-- Spouses travel plans are unknown
-- English is excellent
-- Minister of Human Resource Development, Education &
Cultural Affairs Karunasena Kodituwakku
-- In New York from September 20 to 30
-- Arriving into JFK on flt. BA 179 at 2230hrs
-- Via London (Heathrow), flt UL 501
-- Departing JFK on flt. AA 116 at 2330hrs
-- Spouses travel plans are unknown
-- English is excellent
-- Minister of Interior John A.E. Amaratunge
-- In New York from September 15 to 22
-- Arriving into JFK on flt. BA 175 at 1345hrs
-- Via London (Heathrow), flt UL 505
-- Departing JFK on flt. AA 116 at 2330hrs
-- Spouses travel plans are unknown
-- English is excellent