An Enhanced Research Focus
An Enhanced Research Focus
Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) - New Zealand’s Māori Centre of Research Excellence has announced a comprehensive suite of nine new research platforms, which are contributing to an enhanced research focus for NPM and designed to deliver innovation in areas of significant research challenge for Aotearoa New Zealand.
Working collaboratively across our 21 institutional partners and coordinating with a wide group of researchers, NPM has developed these platforms to further empower and drive Māori communities towards greater economic, cultural, social and environmental well-being.
NPM’s vision of Māori leading New Zealand into the future takes another step forward with the commencement of these new research platforms, and the ongoing success of our work which continues to enrich the research, knowledge and capability of Māori. With these new platforms we expect our strengths to be further enhanced, creating meaningful outcomes and change for future generations.
Each of the new research platforms has emerged from research activities that collectively and cumulatively meet the stated goals of NPM’s research themes - Whai Rawa (Māori Economies), Te Tai Ao (The Natural Environment), and Mauri Ora (Human Flourishing).
NPM is unique in its capability to contribute across a broad and interconnected spectrum of research challenges that are facing the nation, with integrated research platforms grounded in mātauranga Māori, Māori science, kaupapa Māori and tikanga Māori methods. These nine new research platforms have been designed to engage with and include relevant communities and groups, ensuring ongoing research excellence and relevance that delivers positive outcomes and impact.
NPM Co-Director Professor Linda Waimarie Nikora noted that “NPM continues to draw on the excellence of its researchers and collectives, expanding the capacity of Māori research and enhancing a community responsiveness that has been built through many years of transformative outcomes.”
NPM’s new research platforms are:
Future Proofing Māori Development
Opportunities - Drs Shaun Awatere and John
How tikanga Māori and matauranga Māori can
provide strategies for communities to adapt and respond to
climate change and natural events.
(Hosted by Landcare
Research Manaaki Whenua)
Enhancing Culturally
Matched Outcomes - Dr Rawiri Tinirau and Fiona
Investigating how Māori can protect and
reclaim control over traditional Māori food sources and
practices and deliver food sovereignty for iwi and
(Hosted by Te Atawhai o te
Developing a Theory of Māori
Value - Drs Kiri Dell, Jamie Newth and Jason
How can aspects of the traditional and
non-traditional values that drive the Māori economy be
utilised by Māori communities to specifically enhance their
mauri ora – wellbeing.
(Hosted by University of
Digital Solutions to Support
Knowledge and Connections - Drs Acushla Dee
Sciascia and Hauiti Hakopa
Identifying the current
Māori and Indigenous approaches to developing and
establishing digital platforms for knowledge storage,
knowledge transfer and knowledge preservation.
(Hosted by
Massey University)
Community Connections to
Place - Drs Anne-Marie Jackson and Ocean
What role do te tai ao initiatives and
engagement with the natural world play in fostering
community and individual connections to place, and how can
these whānau and hapū connections to their landscapes and
rohe enhance identity and wellbeing?
(Hosted by
University of Otago)
Strengthening Māori
Agency - Dr Maria Bargh and Tame Malcolm
using a specific tribal case study, the research will look
at what contributions Māori can make as tangata whenua to
wider environmental and conservation practices, such as
making Aotearoa predator free by 2050.
(Hosted by
Victoria University of Wellington)
legacies - Drs Farah Palmer, Carwyn Jones, Mohi Rua
and Professor Te Kani Kingi
How are the mana and mauri
ora of taonga tuku iho applied and commodified in rugby and
how can this contribute to understanding how mātauranga and
tikanga Māori could be applied to wider sporting management
and adminstration through policies and practices.
by Massey University)
Practices of
Sustenance (Professor Angus Macfarlane, Associate
Professor Sonja Macfarlane and Dr Tia Neha
How can
tamariki, rangatahi and their whānau attain sustainable
incomes, wellness and success within their modern lived
urban and rural environments.
(Hosted by University of
Promising Futures - Dr
Arama Rata and Dr Adreanne Ormond
How can iwi build
stronger, more connected, effective and engaged communities
and enhance productive links between these governing bodies
and their people.
(Hosted by University of
For further information on the these new research platforms visit