Call for applicants for the 2018 Biennial grants programme
21 April 2017
EQC calls for applicants for the 2018 Biennial grants programme
The Earthquake Commission’s Biennial Research Funding Programme is now open for applications.
The work that is carried out by researchers across the country informs greater community preparedness and resilience, the development of techniques and processes to mitigate damage such as advancing building techniques and standards, and the psychosocial effects of natural disasters.
The research is made publicly available once it has been completed and can be used by other researchers, industry experts and practitioners, and to shape public policy.
EQC has provided around $9 million in funding for over 250 projects since the Programme began in 1989. For 2016-17, $1 million in funding was allocated to 15 projects. The Programme plays an important role in developing and improving expertise and knowledge that exists in New Zealand regarding natural hazards.
The application process for the Biennial Research Funding Programme is in two stages. Applicants are first required to submit the preliminary two-page application form by Friday 2 June 2017, stating the objectives of the proposed project, giving an estimate of cost, and setting out the perceived benefits and relevance of the research.
Those who are short-listed will then be invited to submit a detailed proposal with supporting documentation by Friday 18 August 2017.
EQC will determine the successful applicants in late November 2017 and funding will be available to start in January 2018.
To find out more about eligibility and how to apply please visit the Biennial Research Grants page at