Naturefarm launches Dry Microbial Inoculant
Naturefarm launches Dry Microbial Inoculant
is pleased to announce that it has developed a Dry Inoculant
designed to be added to dry or solid fertiliser
programmes/blends and enhance fertiliser efficacy in the
soil. This dry inoculant is a Soil Enhancing mixture of
quality natural materials which have been carefully
fermented using our liquid microbial inoculant.
These natural materials provide a ‘home’ for the microbes allowing prolonged activity. Mike Daly, Managing Director of Naturefarm, said “It is a milestone moment for our company and with both our liquid and now dry (solid) microbial products we can offer liquid and solid options to get a more efficient use of fertilisers on all New Zealand Farms. We have spent a lot of time getting this product ready and we are excited at its potential“.
How does it work?
The function of the microbes creates a more efficient use of added nutrients, generating a better growth response from fertiliser inputs. They do this by solubilising nutrient compounds to make them available for uptake by the plants root system; this also includes compounds previously unavailable to plants. In addition microbial activity is stimulated in the soil to contribute towards improved plant growth.
Research has shown that our dry inoculant combined with fertiliser can assist in:
• Stimulating nutrient transfer in the soil
• Increasing the soil organic matter content and available nutrients
• Providing nutrients and stimulatory compounds to growing plants
• Improving the soil porosity and permeability
• Increasing the micro-biomass of the soil Benefits of Using our Inoculant
Using our dry inoculant will:
• Release nutrients from the soil
• Reduce fertiliser wastage
• Reduce Leaching
• Increase soil microbial activity
• Improve soil structure and water holding capacity
• Increase photosynthetic capacity of plants
• Suppress soil borne pathogens and pests
• Improve plant growth
Recent research conducted by Naturefarm showed a significant increase in yield can be gained when
adding NF Dry Inoculant to both fertiliser a PKS and a NPKS fertiliser blend. For more information visit