Ken Ring's Earthquake Warning For 20 March 2011 In NZ
John Cambell coverup!!!
If what Ken Ring says is true, the forecast catch
includes Taupo and Auckland, which will affect the Waikato
River, expecting 14 Dams within this catchment to collapse,
which will flood out lowlands of Hamilton - Ngaruawahia -
Huntly between 17-22 March 2011, and a month following
Read Ken Ring's article copy & pasted below:
The Interview
It seems many
people are interested in the moon theory and as a result of
some 1500 requests to TV3, I was invited on to the Campbell Live show to share my views.
Those who watched saw that I didn’t really get a chance to
tell people what I was invited along for, particularly
relating to the Christchurch earthquakes. That was
disappointing but many expressed how they felt about it and
I thank them all for that support. The next morning I got
an apology and that seemed reasonable but I
thought the apology fell short and it seems many others did
The Methodology
For those that
don’t know, the theory on the forecasting of earthquakes
is a combination of unique factors all occurring at the same
time, they relate to:
- Perigee (closest earth moon
distance for the month)
- Moons Phase (full moon or
new moon)
- King Tide (around the time of the king
tide which varies in duration and strength)
- Moon
Distance from earth (being a bigger impact the closest the
moon is to the earth)
- Other Solar Influences
On the graph below you can see the pattern of earthquake timings. As can be seen, the potential for another is indicated around the 20th March. We suggest to give or take a few days because this doesn’t occur on one single day, rather it is a short period of time where a trend may be occurring.
We may note that stronger earthquakes occur when all unique factors are happening at once, particularly with larger king tides and closer perigees (closest distance from earth to moon for the month). It is worth noting that the moon will be the closest to the earth for the whole year on the 20th March, and the closest since 1993 and won’t be as close again until 2016. This does not mean it is massively closer than at other closest-perigees in recent years, only that it is among the closer dates.
The top 25 earthquakes are listed below where they have occurred in Christchurch. The table does not include the hundreds of smaller quakes that occur between king tides. Smaller events that come within a day or so may be considered aftershocks, as waves may be after a large tide. But larger shakes that happen a month later may be considered as new events.
April may be the last month in this sequence because after that, the moon starts to move further away, in terms of earth - moon distance, and loses gravitational influence. Also solar factors e g the Jupiter / Saturn opposition, which cause increased radiation that affect earth's magnetic field, diminish. There are therefore two main periods to be vigilante around, 19-21 March and 17-18 April, after which perhaps people might consider returning to the area to rebuild. There may still be smaller tremors later, but with less potential for the same scale of destruction.
short visit to Wikipedia, or Google, requesting “moon and
earthquakes”, will reveal that the theory is not made up
by us, but constitutes a large body of respected scientific
research worldwide. e.g.
Other published studies include:
Earth Tides
Can Trigger Shallow Thrust Fault Earthquakes
A recent study of seismicity in Japan, showed
Earthquake-Tidy correlation in sub regions, with the best
correlations found in regions that experienced a large
earthquake. Our study shows a statistically significant
increase in triggering of globally distributed large
tectonic events (M>5.5) with increasing tidal stress
Are Earthquakes Encouraged by High
Solid-earth tides are caused by the pull of the moon and
sun's gravity on the Earth. The Earth's solid mass has
enough elasticity that it behaves similarly to ocean tides
but to a much lesser degree.
China Earthquake
predicted by relationship with lunar-tide cycles and other
unusual activity
“In China on February 4, 1975, the people of Haicheng were
successfully evacuated right before a 7.3 magnitude
earthquake hit the school! The decision to evacuate the city
was taken primarily because of the strange behavior of
animals. Most of the city was destroyed but all of the
people in the city were evacuated before the earthquake.
Almost 90,000 lives were saved. A retired‚ geologist from
California, says that he can predict an earthquake just by
counting missing pet ads in the newspaper and correlating
this relationship to lunar-tide cycles. He claims to have
75% accuracy using this method. James has been saving and
counting missing pet ads for many.
Evidence for
tidal triggering of earthquakes from statistical analysis of
global data
These are what is called "peer review" articles They show the international science community is very actively linking moon positions to earthquakes. To deny this, as Campbell did after being sent these links before the first interview, is to completely fabricate truth. When the request by the TV3 producer was made to me to reappear on the programme for the next night's apology, I asked her for an admission to be made by Campbell that he had lied and that he knew scientific studies at a high level linking moon+earthquakes had indeed been done and that were ongoing. They refused.
It was
inferred by John Campbell that I was instilling fear in the
hearts of the long-suffering people of Christchurch - this
is not the case. I simply offer suggestions of larger-quake
times to forewarn, drawing on over 30 years of observing the
properites of the lunar cycle, and thus far our predictions
of some of the recent larger earthquakes have been useful to
many who say they took extra precautions. On February 14 we
warned of the possibility of a significantly-sized
earthquake in the following 7-10 days in Christchurch
now know it happened within the warned-of time period.
Nearly all our incoming emails seem to have found our
warnings beneficial as it enables better planning around the
dates, and subsequentally relieves stress. It also provides
another point of view to that expressed by GNS, and the more
viewpoints the better. The public can make up their own
minds as to how to cope in this terrible time of uncertainty
if they are given maximum information from a variety of
sources. Lately the geonet sciences have also expressed
the need to take care around 19-21 March, which backs us
I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all those who have made their feelings known by sending TV3 messages and postings on facebook and various other pages about my work.