Advances in Pollination Earns Scientist Top Award
Advances in Pollination Research Earns Scientist Top
Plant & Food Research Scientist
recognised by arable
AUCKLAND, 14 December 2009 The Foundation for Arable Research (FAR) has named Plant & Food Research scientist, Dr Mark Goodwin, as the 2009 Researcher of the Year, for the pollination research that he and his team have carried out over recent years.
The award was presented to Dr Goodwin at the annual FAR Combinable Crops Field Day, held last week in Chertsey, Canterbury.
Successful pollination is vital to a significant number of fruit, nut, vegetable and arable crops. Bees currently account for 80% of insect pollination activity; however their global decline has placed increased importance in research into artificial and alternative pollination methods.
The pollination research of Dr Goodwin and his team is helping to ensure the long-term viability of the high-value seed production industry in Canterbury, particularly the seed production of several specialist vegetable crops for export to the Northern Hemisphere and the production of white clover seed, essential for New Zealand’s pastoral industries.
The Combinable Crops Field Day event is an open day designed to provide arable farmers the opportunity to view current trials and hear up to date research findings from experts from around New Zealand and overseas. This year’s event drew together 420 attendees from across the industry and featured a number of demonstrations, discussions and hands-on workshops.