LinkSmile Changes the Face of Online Advertising
LinkSmile Changes the Face of Online Advertising
Miami, FL -- is the home of a new technology for managing text links –even on HTML pages- and thus overcomes a limitation plaguing webmasters for years. LinkSmile offers the ability to automate the sale, management, and invoicing of standard text links, Javascript-delivered text links, and banner ads. Its address on the Internet:
Webmasters today are plagued with issues that prove to be high barriers of entry for most. Even for the veteran webmaster, daily maintenance issues can place a virtual ceiling on earnings and tend to burn out those managing numerous ad spots.
The CEO of LinkSmile, Wesley Tomas, has launched several successful marketing ventures of late, but he says, "…they pale in comparison to LinkSmile. With the advent of LinkSmile's new technology and powerful real-time inventory, flexible purchasing options, and automated placement of ads, the face of advertising online has changed."
Even in recent history, webmasters have had to resort to using effort-intense “text link auctions” or paying “text link brokers” highway robbery commissions and still maintaining links by hand. For advertisers, this lack of automation was a huge irritation. Waiting days, weeks, or even months -in some cases- for links to be placed is unacceptable.
In fact, the most problematic issue for webmasters was the tedious chore of maintaining search engine friendly text links (or SEO Links) in-house or allowing undesirable access for third-parties to manage them. The heart of the issue is that no one –until now- has been able to automate the management of search engine friendly links on HTML pages –an inherent design limitation of HTML.
However, LinkSmile’s new technology has finally broken down that barrier and opened the doorway to a new era of online marketing. Now, webmasters have the prospect of lowered overhead, increased revenues, and increased sales using a highly scalable, customizable solution that everyone is sure to appreciate.
LinkSmile is an online pioneer whose mission is to provide superior online advertising and marketing services. LinkSmile is a subsidiary of PuraVida Holdings whose other premium holdings include sites such as: and