Media Advisory: Bacteria That Improve Plant Health
Media Advisory
4 June 2004
Bacteria That Improve Plant
Money-Makers Or Brain-Squeezers?
A Swiss microbiology expert whose research challenged widely held beliefs on the commercial exploitation of bacteria in agriculture will be presenting a public lecture at The University of Auckland on June 9.
A distinguished microbiologist from the University of Lausanne, Dr Dieter Haas is in Auckland as a guest of the University's School of Biological Sciences in the Faculty of Science.
The lecture, entitled "Bacteria that improve plant health: money-makers or brain-squeezers?", will provide insights into some of the mechanisms by which root-colonizing bacteria can protect their host plants from root-pathogenic fungi and will consider issues relating to the commercial exploitation of these bacteria in agriculture.
Dr Haas has a special interest in bacteria that interact with plants and animals. He is a past president of the Swiss Society for Microbiology and heads a research team studying gene expression in a human pathogen and in plant growth-promoting bacterium.
Title: Bacteria that improve plant health: money-makers or brain-squeezers?
Time: 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2004
Venue: Lecture Theatre BLT100, The University of Auckland