Call for Resignation as MP Dumps Democracy

Published: Wed 22 Oct 2003 10:31 PM
Call for Resignation as MP Dumps Democracy
The New Zealand public are becoming increasingly outraged by the undemocratic nature of the Labour government following revelations by Damien O' Connor MP on radio that he was deleting peoples' emails about the GE issue without even looking at them.
The Life Science Network has also previously commented that mail to the Prime Minister on the subject of GM would likely be refused and ignored. The industry lobby group even offered a bet of $1000 that the Labour government would never back down from their agenda of allowing GE releases.
Like the era of "Rogernomics" unleashed by Labour, this trend within government to compromise democracy and basic human rights will cause irreversible damage to the Labour party's standing for years to come.
It is utterly disgusting for any democratically elected representative to refuse to listen to the messages of the New Zealand people and to have become merely a servant to commercial interests.
"How many more MPs are doing this and literally dumping their constituents' wishes in the rubbish basket?' asks Jon Carapiet from GE Free NZ in food and environment.
Labour politicians may rue the day that they turned against serving the best interests of the people of this country and many within the Labour party are becoming alarmed at this undemocratic stance of government.
At the party's forthcoming national conference members will be voting on at least two proposals to protect the GE-free status of New Zealand.
Mr O'Conner's behaviour marks a sad moment in New Zealand history: once politicians of any hue close off from being willing to listen to the public a country is on a slippery slope to fascism. It is a recipe for social upheaval and even greater loss of faith in the politicians sworn to represent the people.
"This is not the New Zealand way. Any MP like Damien O'Conner who has closed their mind to the process of democracy should resign."

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