Accelerating Mäori Development
Accelerating Mäori Development - Interactive
Interactive Breakfast Seminars
SUBJECT : Accelerating Mäori Development
Te Puni Kökiri in the 21st century faces many exciting challenges. To meet these challenges TPK needs to do things differently. It must be flexible, responsive and innovative if inequalities are to be reduced and opportunities created, for Maori.
As a ministry Te Puni Kökiri is influenced by its ministers who cover an extremely wide range of sectors. Thus, a clear strategic focus is required if Te Puni Kökiri is to meet Government expectations and accelerate Mäori development.
Local level solutions at the regional level are crucial to building up Mäori capacity and confidence. Linking into global networks will create international opportunities for Mäori individuals and organisations. Accelerating Mäori development will strengthen New Zealand as a whole.
As a nation we need to think not 'what is' but 'what can be'. It is a vision for the future.
Leith Comer - CEO Te Puni Kökiri Ministry of Maori Development
DATE : Tuesday 23rd October
TIME : 7.30am to 9am
VENUE : (e)-vision, 2 Blair Street
COST : $45