New Zealand businesses working for New Zealanders
Media Statement - Embargoed Monday 9th October 2000 - 3.30pm
New Zealand businesses working for New Zealanders
New Zealand businesses are achieving world-class technological advancement, in fields as diverse as drug testing and measuring the power output from car engines. Today some of these achievements were formerly recognised.
The Minister for Research, Science and Technology, the Hon Pete Hodgson, was in Lower Hutt today to present two of five Technology Commendations launched earlier this year by the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology.
Technology Commendations recognise and applaud those businesses that are coming up with innovative ideas and turning them into commercial successes. "The people we are honouring today are transforming our economy. By improving their own technological capability these firms have not only increased their profitability, but have added value to the New Zealand economy," said Mr Hodgson.
"Providing leadership and positive examples like these organisations is a crucial step in creating a culture in this country where science and technology are recognised, encouraged and cherished." B Dent Global Ltd was awarded a commendation for its recent use of organic chemicals in the drug testing industry. International Dynometers NZ Ltd received a commendation for its innovative chassis dynamometer which measures the power output from car engines.
Industrial Research Ltd received a special chairman's award for the support they have given to companies in developing technology for commercial use.
"More New Zealand businesses must follow the example set by these organisations. We need to turn more innovative ideas into tangible business opportunities. The rewards for us all are great," said Mr Hodgson.
For further information:
Madeleine Setchell, Foundation for Research,
Science and Technology Tel 04 498 7806, Mobile 025 40 60 40,