Students' Futures Depend on Profits
"Auckland University student activists harping on about fee increases destroying students' futures ignore the real culprit," says Libertarianz Tertiary Education Spokesman Andrew Bates. "Lower fees mean more state funding which means more taxes. More taxes and more government intervention means more companies going to the wall, or leaving the country (like Exonet, the latest industrial firm to depart the country for greener pastures in Australia)
"Do these student activists not realise who it is who pays nearly three quarters of their fees?" wonders Bates. "When productive companies refuse to stay in this country who will the activists then demand should fund their lifestyle?"
"Why are these dropouts who condemn profits and the firms that make them taken seriously, when they advocate the state taking yet more of what people freely earn? If any of us are to have a future then private companies must be free and able to retain their earnings for research and for expansion. These self-proclaimed student leaders miss these simple home truths."
"Rather than unquestioningly swallowing the Marxist poison their lecturers feed them'" says Bates, "they would be better to read Adam Smith, Ludwig von Mises or, even Robert Green Ingersoll who reminds us, 'Liberty is the seed and soil of progress!'" Rather than display their own ignorance, Bates suggests AUSA activists instead display the figures revealing just how many students have joined AUSA since it went voluntary. "Let's see how many students actually have confidence in this Marxist rabble."