Nats Busy In the Sack?
Libertarianz Deputy Leader Richard McGrath says he was tempted to join the National Party after Annette King claimed that government was responsible for a 'sexually transmitted disease time-bomb'.
"If a mere sixty or so MPs are responsible for spreading chlamydia and gonorrhoea nationwide, they must be extremely busy people!" says McGrath. "Here I was thinking the Nats were just a motley collection of hypocrital pragmatists who sold out their free market principles years ago when it seems they're also sexually insatiable!"
"Unless," he says, "Annette King is suggesting that taxpayers be held responsible when sexually active people infect each other. This is preposterous - governments have tried and failed in the past to regulate people's sex lives. Now they want to absolve those who acquire venereal infections from any responsibility for their actions."
"Sexual health clinics should be funded by the people that use them," said Dr McGrath, a general practitioner himself. "Taxpayers are aready forced to fund the DPB, which pays people to breed one-parent families. To also be made to cover the running costs of these careless fornicators is adding insult to injury."