Privatisation of Tertiary Education Continues
"Today's '5 step' announcements are yet another step in the privatisation of tertiary education" said Karen Skinner Co-President of the New Zealand University Students' Association.
"The government clearly indicated its intention to let industry control much of our education system" said Ms Skinner. "We should not be letting big business determine what is researched or what students can study"
"Industry funding of scholarships means that students will be forced to determine what they study based on what is economically profitable for business, not what we need as a society.
"The announcements also indicated the governments intention to continue with the changes to the governance of institutions. This could see representatives of staff, students and the community removed from University councils.
"The governments privatisation agenda has failed
in health yet they are still trying to push through with it
in education. The only hope that we now hold, is a change of
government in the upcoming election" concluded Ms