Sue Bradford Green Party Employment Spokesperson
Sue Bradford new Enterprise & Employment Spokesperson for Greens
The Green Party is hosting a press conference this morning to announce Sue Bradford as the party's new Enterprise and Employment spokesperson.
The press conference will be in room 14-11 Bowen House, starting at 11.45am.
Sue Bradford worked at the Auckland Unemployed Workers Rights Centre until it closed earlier this year. She has a BA in history and politics, a MA (Hons) in Chinese and a postgraduate Diploma in journalism.
Ms Bradford is the Green Party candidate forRodney. She has been an outspoken and vigorous campaigner for the rights of the poor and unemployed and for an advocate for politics that create rather than destroy jobs.
Sue Bradford has impecable credentials as a community activist. She is a founder and trustee of the Auckland Region Employment Resource Centre, the chairperson of the Auckland Peoples Centre, a member of the co-ordinating committee of the Association of NGOs of Aotearoa and a member of the Kotare Research And Education For Social Change Trust.
Lately Sue Bradford has been one of New Zealand's strongest anti-APEC campaigners.
Green Co-leader Rod Donald said the Party was extremely fortunate to have somebody with Sue's intelligence and credibility representing the Party.
"People in New Zealand know Sue as an honest person who gives her all to trying to improve the lot for the poor and unemployed. As the Green Party's spokesperson Sue will bring a passion to job creation which is lacking in the other parties," he said.
"Sue has seen up close the impact of government policy on communities and has clear ideas on what needs to be done to revitalise local economies and communities," he said.