Stent Stung By Stalinist
Libertarianz Deputy Leader Dr Richard McGrath is amused at the Health and Disability Commissioner threatening to sue Phillida Bunkle over comments related to her job performance.
"Robyn Stent is reportedly shocked to the core that a fellow traveller dared criticise her office for failing to uphold the bogus rights of health care consumers," said Dr McGrath. "What a treat we are being served - the politically correct proponent of a Soviet New Zealand savaging another egregious political appointee, and in public too! With luck the ensuing brawl should keep The Bunkle occupied until well after she loses her job in November."
Dr McGrath has already indicated that a Libertarianz government would direct the Health and Disability Commissioner to clear out her desk and find real work. "Most other state servants would be tipped out of their comfy chairs too, and told to get their flabby butts down to the nearest labour exchange."
Libertarianz would liquidate all government jobs not directly related to protecting the life, liberty and property of New Zealanders. "It's time these blowhards stopped feasting on the taxpayer and started earning an honest living," said Dr McGrath. "Like public television and public education, state sector employment turns healthy minds into mush. We'll put a stop to that."