'Growing the Pie' Difficult With Half-Baked Reform
Unsurprised that so-called 'radical reforms' have made little or no impact on beneficiary levels, Libertarianz Welfare Deregulation Spokesman Sally O'Brien, says this is because the measures introduced were neither radical, nor reforms.
"There is nothing radical about recycling failed policies that take money from working taxpayers and spend it organising and supporting the unemployed," says O'Brien. "Consider that every taxpayer is himself a potential employer, but is seeing his investment capital being plundered to fund participation in unproductive time-wasting; consider the hurdles that businesses face in order to make a dollar - the myriad of government regulations, levies, taxes and penalties - and who would be more likely to employ more people were these hurdles removed.
Mr McCardle suggests it is finance ministers who 'grow the pie'; Steve Maharey - demonstrating his desperate grasp of basic economics - says efforts to grow the pie were 'just not enough'; Libertarianz recognises that it is private productive activity - people growing their own pies - that creates wealth and jobs, and that it's bloody difficult to grow any sort of pie when large chunks of it are being plundered by Mahareys and McCardles. The no-doubt well meaning Mr McCardle would be better employed removing hurdles for businesses baking pies, than in recycling tired and expensive make-work schemes.
The sad truth is that as long as businesses large and small continue to have their lifeblood drained by Government spending on bloated and failed welfare policies, there will be no significant reversal in beneficiary levels, but politicians will blame everything but themselves, for sadly, the one thing that politicians will never do is GET OUT OF THE WAY