Congestion Charging Must Be In Auckland’s Future
“Congestion or Time of Use Charging must be introduced into Auckland if we are to unlock the productivity potential of our largest city,” says Infrastructure New Zealand Policy Director Michelle McCormick.
Responding to the release of the Auckland’s Cost of Congestion white paper that found congestion will cost Auckland $2.6 billion per year by 2026, McCormick says congestion charging is a common feature of well-functioning major urban transport networks overseas.
“Congestion charging can both manage demand on the city’s roading network and help pay for the provision of Auckland’s transport infrastructure into the future.”
“Revenue derived from a congestion charging scheme could and should be ring-fenced for investment directly back into the city’s transport network. This would provide Auckland with an important new tool to help fund both roading and public transport improvements.”
Congestion charging has been endorsed as a demand management tool by parties across the political spectrum and it is Infrastructure New Zealand’s hope that the Government’s Time of Use Charging Bill receives broad support as it progresses through Parliament.
“A congestion charging scheme will require time to implement with physical infrastructure, background processes and customer-facing systems all needed, so it is important that there is long-term political consensus to see it through,” says McCormick.