Govt Acting With Too Much Haste To Upend Established Flexible Work Practices
The PSA is disappointed the Government is proceeding with new guidelines for flexible work, including working from home, when the issue is now the subject of legal action.
Te Kawa Mataaho today issued new flexible work guidelines just days after the PSA filed action with the Employment Relations Authority challenging the Government’s legal right to do so.
"The PSA questions why the Government is choosing to rush this decision when there is an outstanding legal issue to be sorted. It’s not fair on the thousands of public service workers, including many women, who rely on flexible work," said Fleur Fitzsimons, acting National Secretary of the Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi.
"Flexible work practices have long been established in the public sector and are part of employment agreements. The Government has also signed up to the Gender Pay Principles, which it must also respect. The new guidelines completely disregard these.
"In addition, the Government is also required to respect the ‘employment requirements of women’ under the Public Service Act, which includes flexible work.
"It’s just wrong to inject so much uncertainty into the working arrangements for public service workers, many of whom are women who rely on flexible work to look after family and others.
"The Government is proving again it is out of step with modern workplace practices around the world where flexible work is proven to increase productivity and improve culture.
"We urge the Government to think again. The PSA is determined to keep pursuing our legal action on this - the stakes are too high for so many of our members."