Local Government Minister Right To Put Wellington Regional Council On The Naughty Step

Published: Fri 21 Jun 2024 10:44 AM
Local Government Minister Simeon Brown has rebuked Wellington Regional Council after discussions were held around purchasing Wellington Airport shares from the City Council.
Commenting in support of the Minister, Taxpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, said:
“Councils shouldn’t be taking on debt and gambling with ratepayers’ money, full stop. If they’ve got the ability to consider buying hundreds of millions of dollars worth of airport shares, they don’t need to be milking ratepayers dry.
“Wellington Regional Council crying poverty and demanding a 20% rates hike this year has been shown up for the nonsense it is.
“Minister Brown’s calls for councils to focus on core priorities hit the nail on the head, especially in a region whose water pipes are leaking like a sieve.

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