Open Letter Re Racism

Published: Mon 9 Oct 2023 02:52 PM
Every election should be a contest of ideas; a fierce debate is a mark of a healthy democracy. But there should be no room - in any part of that debate - for racism.
Yet in this election campaign we are seeing a growing tolerance for racist rhetoric, which is resulting in violent actions, particularly directed towards Māori.
Recently a group of Māori leaders called out this racism in an open letter. Today we lend our voice to the condemnation of racism in New Zealand politics.
Alongside those leaders, we call for politicians of all parties to show no tolerance for racism in their own ranks, and to call out the racism of others.
With less than a week to go before voting ends there is still time for our political leaders to lead the country away from the racial tensions that some are cultivating; and to focus on winning support for their different policies through debate that does not rely on driving division between races to win votes.
We who have signed this letter support an Aotearoa that is working for all of its people, and recognises the status of Māori as indigenous people, and Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a foundational document.
Lucy Lawless, MNZM
Rob Campbell, CNZM
Michèle A'Court, ONZM
Frances Valintine, CNZM
Siouxie Wiles, MNZM
Philip Bell, DJ Sir-Vere, ONZM
Phillip Mills
Dellwyn Stuart
Julia Whaipooti
George Fowler (Hugo Grrrl)
Debbie Harwood
Hugh Evans
Jon Batt
Victoria MacLennan
Damian Christie
Morgan Donoghue
Tim Batt
Andrew Chen
Joshua Drummond
Auckland Women’s Centre/Te Wāhi Wāhine o Tāmaki MakaurauChow:Hill architects
Darryl Carey
Stuart Mackie
Brian Squair
Rajan Hira
Simon Woodall
Anner ChongDraper Cormack Group
Lou Draper
David Cormack
Tasmin Prichard
Kent Duston
Miranda Donovan
Dr Natalie D'Souza
Megan Prentice
Zara Hawthorne

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