Te Tai Tokerau Political Candidacy
Ti hei mauri ora. E mihi ana ahau ki a Ihu Karaiti, Te
Wairua Tapu, Ihowa. Kotahitanga. Homai o aroha, o kaha, o
manaakitanga ki a tatou katoa i tenei wa. Tena koutou i o
tatou tini mate. Nga mate o tera Marae, o tera Marae, o tera
Marae. Arohanui ki a koutou ake ake ake. Ko Mahuhu ki te
Rangi, Mamari, Alice Aleigh nga Waka. Ko Omamari te Moana.
Ko Mohoa te Ngahere. Ko Mohoa te Maunga. Ko Kai Iwi te Awa.
Ko Mohoawhenua te Turangawaewae. Ko Nga Toautu te Iwi. Ko
Whanau Whare te Marae. Ko Sydney toku Rangatira. Ko Raroa
toku Matua. Ko Betty toku Whaea. Ko Tiahowaiwai q
Temple-Patuawa taku Kotiro. Ko Paturiri Toautu taku ingoa.
No reira tena koutou tena koutou tena no tatou
Politician Paturiri Toautu will
be throwing his hat in the ring and once again contest the
Te Tai Tokerau Maori Seat in this year’s upcoming
elections. He first ran in 2020 but was unsuccessful. He
also ran for the Kaipara Mayoralty in 2019, plus the Kaipara
Maori Ward Seat in 2022, but unfortunately was also
unsuccessful in both these campaigns as well. However, he
does not regard any of these losses as defeats, but rather
learning experiences. As such he is confident that with the
knowledge he gained from those three Political Campaigns
this time he will be successful and win the 2023 Te Tai
Tokerau Electoral Seat from the incumbent Kelvin Davis
through his upcoming pro-active Online Political
Also, even though he lost
the Maori Ward Seat, he did have one political success last
year, that being when he organized the Karakia Protest
March, which was very fruitful with an excellent
To see his Policies and read
his Political Party’s Constitution please go to the
following website – www.paturiri.weebly.com