Hon Dame Tariana Turia On The Passing Of Georgina Beyer
06 March
Dame Tariana Turia has spoken this afternoon of her sadness in losing a dear friend, Georgina Beyer.
“When I think of Georgie, I think of passion; of principle and of integrity”.
“I remember her coming to me after the foreshore and seabed debacle, telling me it signalled the end of her political career. She told me then “I vowed from that day on that I would never never allow that to happen again: nothing was worth that kind of compromise”.
“Georgina felt deeply conflicted over her role as an electorate MP and the party’s stance on confiscating Māori land rights. When she later left the House (fittingly on Valentine’s Day) she told us all “my electorate wanted me to support the Government, but I was listening to my tupuna and I was listening to my whānau who were not in support”.
“That is why Georgie and I were so close – we had endured the political maelstrom and I knew just how much that period hurt her. She was the only one from Labour who turned up at Ratana Pa to tautoko me at that time; despite her electorate – and her party. She sacrificed her own political aspirations that day – and I will never forget it.
“Georgie was bold; she was brave; and she always lived her life in a way that demonstrated her ability to stand up for what was right. I remember when I returned to the House in July 2004, that it was only natural that Georgina, along with Metiria Turei and Donna Awatere-Huata; would walk with me back into the chamber. I loved her for that – for her loyalty and her belief.
“There were many many areas of her life that Georgina spoke out; stood up for her beliefs; and paved the way ahead. She was a trailblazer whether in Dancing with the Stars; in the Debating Chamber or as the first transgender mayor. She was influential, inspirational and flamboyant. But today, I mourn a good friend; an ardent activist; a woman of courage; a politician with integrity. Rest in peace taku hoa.
Hon Dame Tariana Turia