Climate Activists In Court Present Their Case To The Charge Of ‘Willful Damage’

Published: Thu 6 Oct 2022 06:24 PM
During COP 26, October last year, 3 Extinction Rebellion activists, Brian Wheeldon, Gillian Austin and Caril Cowan stencilled 'Zero emissions 2025' with the Extinction Rebellion logo on the pavement outside the ANZ bank corner of Victoria & Queen Streets, Auckland. They flour glued posters on the building. Naively they stayed admiring their handiwork never expecting this was an offence. This dallying resulted in an arrest. They are in Auckland District Court Friday pleading not guilty by virtue of Necessity, demonstrating why they are morally obliged to take such actions.
The world, including this country, is experiencing significant effects of the climate crisis, at only 1.2 to 1.4 degrees post-industrial temperature rise. Had the world taken notice of scientists and the IPCC, when a 1.5 C maximum increase in global temperature was first advised, we would be reaching zero emissions by 2025 avoiding the worst of the climate crisis.
Instead, governments and corporations have ignored the warnings repeatedly. Now we are at the beginning of the sixth mass extinction of life on earth. Governments and corporations are increasing greenhouse gas emissions while greenwashing with actions like declaring a climate emergency.
Since Aotearoa/New Zealand declared a climate emergency 2 years ago. emissions have not decreased but increased. There is no coherent plan to reduce emissions, particularly methane, in spite of the amount of money and time spent on a climate commission report. Corporations are greenwashing with operational zero emissions but not stopping their climate crisis activities, knowlingly placing profit ahead of keeping the planet liveable.
The IPCC, puts the world temperature by 2050 well above the 2C and more like 3 to 4 degrees post-industrial temperature rise. The goal declared necessary to keep the planet liveable is 1.5 C. New Zealand local and central governments are talking mitigation not prevention.
Antonio Gueterres (UN Sec Gen) said last year at COP26
“The six years since the Paris Climate Agreement have been the six hottest years on record. Our addiction to fossil fuels is pushing humanity to the brink. “We face a stark choice. Either we stop it - or it stops us”.
Even with all these dire warnings and all the science that is known about this unfolding crisis, corporations and governments don't want to listen. The ANZ bank is one of those climate criminals.
The ANZ bank is the largest investor in fossil fuel enterprises in the southern hemisphere. It continues to fund new projects in coal, oil and gas with no regard for anything but its own profits.
Brian, Gill & Caril state ‘It is our moral duty to take actions of civil disobedience to force the Government to act on the climate emergency, follow the science and leave the planet habitable for future generations.’

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