Wellington Students Prepare For Upcoming Climate Strike - Only Four Days Away

Published: Mon 19 Sep 2022 05:50 PM
The devastating effects of climate change are impossible to ignore, globally and at home. The Arctic is melting at four times the expected rate and 2022 has been another year of extreme weather events: from flooding in Pakistan and here in Aotearoa, to wildfires in Europe and North America.
Students across Aotearoa will once again need to strike for their futures - this time, on September 23rd. The aim of the strike? To demand that the Government takes climate change for the crisis that it is - and starts to make the urgent and immediate change that we need to see if we want a healthy and sustainable future in New Zealand.
SS4C organiser Seren Lewis says: ‘In recent years, the New Zealand Government has become lauded on an international stage - for not only its impressive COVID-19 response, but also its progressive policies. If our leaders start to really take things seriously, then other countries will follow suit.’
However, this year, we have a change in plans, with the march not taking place, and the rally just meeting at Parliament for 12PM. ‘It is definitely different to how we’ve done things in the past, but nevertheless, we’re still really looking forward to it - it’ll be a great show to the Government of what we want around climate change,’ says Izzy Cook, SS4C organiser.
School Strike 4 Climate Wellington has 6 key demands that we’re striking for this year - and our main focus is on the agricultural sector, New Zealand’s biggest carbon emitter. The key demands that we are asking of the Government include: banning the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilisers, and halving the herd of cows in Aotearoa. During this change, we also implore the Government to actively support those in unsustainable industries by investing in a just transition.
‘New Zealand needs to sort out the agricultural issue first. It’s our biggest emitter. The Carbon Trading Act states that we are going to make changes to agriculture beginning in 2025 - but that’s not good enough. We don’t have time to waste three years doing nothing’ says SS4C organiser Frankie Huthnance.
However, agriculture isn’t the only thing we want to see changes in. In the words of one of our organisers, Charlotte Hoffman: ‘We need to start making big changes to transport, too. If the New Zealand Government is really serious about committing to a sustainable future, then they need to completely cut our transport emissions. Compared to other things, these changes are simple to make. Ban unnecessary air travel, invest in better public transport. If the Government wanted to, they would.’
These demands also apply to local council members, too. With the local council elections starting exactly one week before the strike, we want to see those politicians who will be the next leaders of our cities and towns consider our demands, too - especially those around public transport, and investment into better cycle and walkways.
In Wellington, there will be no march, with our protest meeting at 12PM on Parliament Grounds. Our strike will go until 2:00PM, with speeches, performances, and questions of local politicians - as well as the handover of our demands to the Government.
‘Climate change is the biggest threat that we face as a society. If any of us want a future, it needs to be the Government’s biggest priority. It’s time to see some action.’ - Izzy Cook, SS4C Wellington.

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