Bloomfield Forced By High Court Order To Hand Over Data
Ashley Bloomfield was directed by the High Court to provide unvaccinated Māori data over to the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency within 72 hours of the judgement.
We attach his response, which is expressed in deeply reluctant and as usual resistant language.
In regards to the release of Māori lagging in the second vaccination that is in breach of equality and in breach of equity, Mr Bloomfield will withhold this information until Māori are 8 weeks out of their first vaccination, while the majority of Pakeha are vaccinated well within that time frame.
The release of the information - drip fed by court direction and not good will - has meant our ability to use this data leading up to the Xmas period is deeply impaired.
Mr Bloomfield and his team on all modelling knew that this conduct would sabotage Māori opportunities for equality.
There is nowhere else for Bloomfield to run and hide. Clearly the preference is the white population, in advance to giving quality and equity to Māori.
Maori dying in self-isolation and Māori becoming grievously ill into our next winter will not die and go into the night quietly.
Statement on behalf of Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency CEO John Tamihere.